The Celestial Race has a secret technique, which can strengthen the cultivation.

   He has the power of nine oxen, although he feels that he can touch the middle stage of returning to the Void, but in fact he has not tried it.

   No need, Jiang Lan didn't want to take risks.

   Although the other person seems to be dark, he is actually dark.

  The initiative is here.

   All must be sufficiently certain.

   The opponent's return to the Void's cultivation base was the highest among all the enemies Jiang Lan encountered.

   Jianglan has a hole card, but he can't kill it with one punch. It feels not safe enough.

   Tolerate again.

   I have waited for three years, and it’s okay to wait another three years.

  Wait until the middle of the promotion and return to the virtual stage, and then go down the mountain.

   No news of his death was heard from Ninth Peak, so the other party shouldn't give up.

   hiding for a few years, you can also let the other party know that he is really weak.

   still afraid of things.

   Then Jiang Lan stepped back to his residence and saw that You Yehua was as sluggish as ever, so he took the potted plant to the Nether Cave.

   began to retreat.

   This time it will not reach the mid-stage of refining the gods and returning to the Void, and will not reach the ninth peak.


  In the beginning, Jiang Lan was walking on the road.

   A little girl looked around and then found some places.

   But she didn't find the person she was looking for.

   "I didn't find it, it looks like I have to wait for the next time."

   Xiaoyu lowered his head and muttered to himself.

   She doesn't like to owe people something.

   But it should be back soon. After a few days, Junior Apprentice Brother Ninth Peak may come out of Ninth Peak.

   She has to go back quickly too.


   Lin Siya, who was still trying to explain to her senior sister, suddenly received news from her senior sister.

   said that there is no need to find the record beads, she doesn't care anymore.

   This makes her a little puzzled.

   Sister, has she grown up again?

   The psychological change of the dragon clan is really amazing.

   But he was relieved.



   early morning.

   A magnificent sunrise appeared in the east, and there was light shining in front of the Nether Cave.

   Jianglan's figure appeared from the cave.

   He watched the sunrise without a word.

   Instead, they started cleaning the ninth peak.

   At noon, he returned to the Nether Cave and continued to practice.

   Spring goes to autumn.


   spring flowers, autumn moon, summer, winter snow.

  The four seasons alternate.

   in a flash for thirty years.

   There have been some changes in the road of the Ninth Peak. I don’t know how many flowers and trees have been replaced.

   The yard belonging to Jiang Lan was also rebuilt this year.

   A house that has been repaired many times for more than a hundred years will not last any longer.

   Jianglan did not force it, and ended this hundred years of persistence for it.

   The new yard was built, and Jiang Lan himself built it.

   In the next 100 years or so, the wind and rain will be what the new house needs to face.

   And Jiang Lan will also lean on it to shelter from the wind and rain.

   The scorching sun rises and Jiang Lan stands in front of the new courtyard.

   He didn't change the yard too much.

   is very little different from the past.

   Maybe, it's nostalgia.


   Jianglan put the plant eggs and You Yehua in the yard.

   In thirty years, the plant eggs have not changed, and You Yehua is as decadent as ever.

   But they are still alive and very strong.

   After pouring the plant eggs with spiritual liquid, Jiang Lan turned his head and looked beyond the ninth peak.

   "Thirty years, it's time to leave Kunlun."

   In the past thirty years, he has been practicing.

   Three years ago, I successfully entered the middle stage of returning to the virtual world.

   These three years have only been consolidating the cultivation base and proficient in spells.

   The power of nine oxen, only one thread can fully learn.

   It's a pity that my body can't bear it, so I haven't learned it for a long time.

  Tian Xing Nine Steps I have already learned the ninth step, but I always feel that I can't fully perform it.

   Jiang Lan was not in a hurry, he slowly improved his cultivation level, and he should be able to figure it out.

   This time Jiang Lan prepared a lot of lethal and defensive magic weapons, runes.

   Now he has enough confidence to fight the previous one.

   Of course, it does not rule out that the opponent will also be promoted to the mid-stage of returning to the virtual.

   But Jiang Lan has a strong vajra pill.

   After eating him, he may be able to temporarily break through to the power of nine cows.

   He possesses the power of eight oxen, and he feels that he can touch the middle stage of Void Return.

   Once you break through to the power of nine cows, it should be no weaker than the secret technique of the Celestial Race.

Worth a try.

   It seems unnecessary to wait any longer.

   Now it's up to that person is still not paying attention to him.

   If he doesn’t pay attention, he will walk around twice in crowded places.

   led him out of Kunlun.

   At that time, you can kill it head-on.

   Thinking of Jiang Lan like this, he walked away from the Ninth Peak.

   just took a step, suddenly a news flew in.

   is his master.

   Jiang Lan was a little confused, and then took a look.

   At a glance, he understood what was going on.

   His surface cultivation has entered Jindan Consummation.

   These thirty years of retreat have already brought him to the extreme of Jin Dan.

   His master prepared a breakthrough experience for him again.

   "Master has messed up my determination again."

   Stop thinking, Jiang Lan went to the top of the Ninth Peak for the first time.

   He was also curious about where his master would let him go this time.

   In fact, he gets a clear benefit every time.

   So I also look forward to it.

   "Master." Jiang Lan, standing behind Mo Zhengdong, whispered.

   "Want to go out for a stroll recently?" Mo Zhengdong was looking at the mountain, and when he heard Jiang Lan coming, he turned his head and looked at Jiang Lan and asked.

  Experience going to travel far? This was Jiang Lan's first reaction.

   He didn't hesitate much, but directly refused:

   "Master, wait a few more years."

   is indeed waiting for a few more years.

   In a few decades, it's time to go out and take the trouble.

   If all goes well, he feels that within a hundred years, he will be immortal.

   The biggest problem is not to be promoted and return to the virtual perfection, but to face the threshold of immortality.

  The more talented people are, the easier it is to cross this threshold.

   He is more talented than the average person, but he is average in Kunlun.

   has a lot of difficulty.

   I hope that there will be corresponding treasures.

   If there is another heaven and earth creation, then it will be easy.

   It doesn't matter if it's Dao Zang or good fortune pill, it can be.

   "It's not a trip." Mo Zhengdong corrected it.

   He wanted to test his disciple.

   My apprentice is good at everything, but a little withdrawn.

   I often visited Kunlun a few decades ago.

   He thought his disciple was beginning to try to contact the outside.

   But he was wrong, and it didn't take long for his apprentice to stop going out.

   Thirty years, another thirty years without going out.

   Apart from retreating, his disciple is taking care of the Ninth Peak.

   Fortunately, there is Ninth Peak to take care of him.

   Otherwise, it may not be out of the Nether Cave for 30 But he can feel that Jiang Lan has been working hard, it must be for becoming a fairy.

   "Where is that going?" Jiang Lan was a little curious.

   Actually, he didn't want to go after half a day.

   "The golden core is complete, right?" Mo Zhengdong asked.

   "Well, I am planning to break through recently." Jiang Lan nodded.

   He has completed 30 years in Jindan, and he really should break through.

  "Do you know the old wine inn outside Kunlun?"

   "I know, I have been there a few times."

   Jiujiu Inn is where Jiang Lan often buys wine.

   He naturally remembered.

   "They are a bit busy recently and want to hire a temporary worker, just use the worst disciple of each peak.

   You take a trip to see which one you choose. "Mo Zhengdong said softly.

   "Master, the worst disciple of each peak..." Jiang Lan felt that his cultivation speed was not slow.

   "Does Ninth Peak have any disciple worse than you?" Mo Zhengdong asked when he looked at Jiang Lan.

   Jianglan: "..."



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