Jiang Lan walked all the way down the mountain.

   His master is right, the worst disciple of Ninth Peak is him.

   It was the best a few times before, but now it is the worst.

   Jiang Lan didn't care about this false name.

   "Master asked me to apply for a job at the inn, but it shouldn't be for me to go out for shopping.

   The high probability is related to my promotion to the soul. "

   Jiang Lan doesn't know what the relationship is.

   Now his true cultivation base is the mid-stage of returning to Void, it is hard to say whether he will gain anything.

   But the owner of the old wine inn is really unusual.

   Of course, this is all afterwards.

   He needs to address the person thirty years ago first.

   After so many years, I hope the other party has not forgotten him.

   The days of crossing the robbery are not far away, and this kind of secret enemy can't stay.

   Just out of the ninth peak, Jiang Lan didn't feel any gaze.

   30 years, the other party should only pay attention to it occasionally.

   After coming out this time, Jiang Lan didn't leave Kunlun directly, but strolled around Kunlun's crowded places.

   By the way, have there been any major events in these years?

   "I heard that the dragon clan has fought with the monster clan recently, and the contradiction is getting bigger."

  "Central Plains has also been in chaos recently. The Celestial Race heard that someone comprehended the Celestial Heart Sutra, and recently went to war everywhere.

   seems to be for the purpose of accomplishing ecstasy. "

   "We are also not very stable here. I heard that the Dragon Clan will send someone over, but I don't know why."

  "It shouldn't be the one who came to war. Although the dragon clan is strong, the monster clan is not weak.

   Come to fight Kunlun again, they can't bear it. "

   "Maybe I will find out after a while."

   Jiang Lan listened to these people and walked to other places step by step.

  Dragons matter, he doesn't care much.

   Isn't that big? He said it doesn't count.

   really want to fight, he can't help it.

   can only improve his cultivation as much as possible.

   will be sent to the front at that time, there is a lot of self-protection.

   Of course, this possibility is relatively low. Will a golden pill go and stuff their teeth?

   Adult dragons, but they are basically human beings.

   So he can continue to stay on the Ninth Peak and practice with peace of mind.

   Heaven and human race need to be concerned.

   After all, the other party doesn't want to see him.

   But the other party knew that he was hit by the previous spell, so maybe they didn't pay much attention to him.

   At least no eyes have appeared yet.

   Just not long after leaving, Jiang Lan noticed it, and that look reappeared.

   This time Jiang Lan didn't even stroll around, and walked directly outside Kunlun.

   The other party suddenly found him, there should be no preparation.

   The first meeting in thirty years, he should be caught off guard.

   Then Jiang Lan stepped out of Kunlun.

   It took some time.

  The road has changed.

   After only thirty years, the road has changed a lot.

   There is a high probability that someone will fight at the door again.

   As for who it is, Jiang Lan doesn't know.

   Years have changed, and the Great Wild World may not have so obvious changes.

   But there will always be some traces of time.

   Trees, jungles, and roads where people come and go are even more so.

   Kunlun geniuses gather, and there are not a few people who become immortals, and occasionally fighting can always break the road.

   Over the years, I don’t know how many roads and squares have been repaired.

   Jiang Lan made it up by himself.

   has a deep understanding.

   Not to mention the house.

   Fortunately, the main hall is not the same, and the material is so special that it won’t be too worn away.

   Jiang Lan left Kunlun. When he came out, he felt the eyes behind him disappeared.

   He came out of Kunlun once in decades. If he didn't do anything at this time, he would have missed the best opportunity in decades.

   The other party should not be able to afford it.

   probably have no plans.

   Jiang Lan was not in a hurry, and walked at a normal speed.

   There are some ways to reach the old wine inn.

   Especially the road outside is also changing, he can only try to find the way.

   It just didn't take long. He suddenly felt that someone was flying in front of him with a sword.

   is a fairy in the foundation period.

   looks a little embarrassed, but there is no slightest injury.

   "The third peak Qiaoqin, I've seen my senior brother." Qiaoqin fell in front of Jiang Lan, with a playful voice.

  It seems that it is a very happy thing to come over to chat with Jiang Lan.

   She raised the fairy skirt to make herself look less embarrassed.

   "The Ninth Peak, Jiang Lan." Jiang Lan answered politely.

   The other party indeed seems to be the third peak disciple.

   is a new generation of clan costumes.

   is slightly different from him.

   This is a woman with scattered hair. She looks very young, with a probability of not exceeding thirty.

   looks stuck in the teens and twenties.

  "Brother is free?

   Several of our brothers found a rare spirit beast nearby, but some of them couldn't beat it.

   I planned to move the rescuers around, but I didn't expect to meet my seniors.

   Brother, would you like to take a look? "Qiaoqin tilted her head and looked at Jiang Lan expectantly.

   Jiang Lan looked at the other party really anxiously, nodded and said:

   "Okay, let me lead the way.

   But my cultivation level is not very high. If you can't help, you should still find other seniors as soon as possible. "

   "The brother is overly modest, and it seems that the brother has the cultivation base of the Jindan late stage, and the spirit beast will build the foundation to perfection at most.

When Brother    goes, he will definitely be able to catch him. "Qiaoqin said with a look of excitement.

   and then lead the way.

   looked very anxious and excited.

   Jiang Lan just nodded slightly, and then followed the other party to catch the spirit beast.

   The location is a bit remote.

   "Senior brother belongs to the Ninth Peak?" Lu Qiaoqin asked.

   "Yeah." Jiang Lan nodded.

   did not say anything else.

   "Then you were the brother who defeated the Celestial Race thirty years ago?" Qiaoqin looked at Jiang Lan with a look of admiration.

   "Thirty years ago, did Junior Sister get started?" Jiang Lan asked while looking at the other party.

   "No." Qiaoqin said casually:

  "I heard some senior brothers and sisters say that Kunlun Jiufeng fell into despair at that time. When everyone thought that no one could defeat the Celestial Race, the seniors of Ninth Peak appeared.

   shines on Kunlun like a ray of light.

   So I have always admired my brother. "

   "That's right." Talking about Qiaoqin, she continued:

   "I heard that the Celestial Race is very powerful, and the brother has offended the Celestial Race. Are you afraid of the Celestial Race's revenge?

Oh yes.

   Kunlun is so strong, we don’t worry at all.

   Brother, right? "

   "Yeah." Jiang Lan nodded.

   After a short while, they came to a forest.


   There are indeed fighting sounds inside.

   At this time, Qiaoqin hid aside and said vigilantly:

   "Brother, be careful, I'm coming here."

   Jiang Lan stood there and just nodded ~www.readwn.com~ and looked forward.

   Soon he saw that there were six people in total, working with a bear-like spirit.


   A loud noise knocked out five people directly.

   Everyone falls in a different position.

   Only the one in the middle is struggling to support it.

   "Set up an array, I'll hold him."

   "Brother, come here, I have found Senior Brother Ninth Peak, it must be no problem." Qiaoqin called immediately.

   At this time, the struggling person retreated to Jiang Lan's side.


   When he backed away, the bear attacked again.

   The man was knocked into the air directly, and came to Jiang Lan's side.

   And just as he flew over, Jiang Lan looked over and felt that the seven people were connected to a certain symbol in front of him.

   At this moment, Jiang Lan felt that something was plundering his mind, and the soul seemed to be about to die.

   Zhenshen vigorously surged, and an invisible roar sounded in Jiang Lan's body.

   Everything is invaded, everything is invalid.

   At this time, the person flew up to Jiang Lan.

   Without hesitation, Jiang Lan stretched out his hand.


   The fist penetrated behind the man.

   The man looked at Jiang Lan in disbelief.


   He vomited blood and said with difficulty:

   "Master, brother, you, what are you doing?"

   "Kill you." Jiang Lan's voice was unusually calm.

   Please remember the domain name of the book’s first publication:. Apex novel mobile version reading URL:

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