My Girlfriend From Turquoise Pond Requests My Help After My Millennium Seclusion

Chapter 103: I'm afraid you will be alone on the road

   Jianglan's appearance made Qiaoqin stunned.

   She remembers that those people are not weak at all.

   Even if Jiang Lan sneaked and killed one at first.

   But other people shouldn't take it lightly. There is nothing wrong with suppressing a golden core to achieve Consummation.

   It's one thing to repair the base and stabilize the voltage stabilization system. Those people can also spell spells.

   will not have any suspense in the fight.

   And how long has it been, why did the other party catch up?

   is the escape technique very powerful?

   Qiaoqin couldn't be sure for a while.

   "Master, why are brothers here?" Qiaoqin was a little scared.

   She secretly used her strength to make the bear under her speed up.

   But, even if the speed increases, Jiang Lan's figure is still level with her.

   "Those people asked me to come over and talk to Junior Sister." Jiang Lan looked at Qiaoqin and said softly.

   "Say, say what?" Qiaoqin began to accumulate energy.

   She doesn't think she can leave without incident.

   "They said the journey was far away, and they were worried that the younger sister would be lonely on the road, so they waited for the younger sister on the road." Jiang Lan's voice sounded.

   Qiaoqin's pupils shrank upon hearing these words, and immediately wanted to escape.

   just left when she grabbed her with one hand.

   "No, you can't kill me. You kill them and kill them. If you kill me, the predecessors will not let you go.

   And you can't kill me with a golden pill, you might as well run away now. "

   The voice fell.

   Jiang Lan's hand was caught on Qiaoqin's arm.

   At this time, a light flashed, but it did not stop Jiang Lan's hand. Not only that, the light was still shattered under Jiang Lan's hand.


   The arm was squeezed directly.


   Unparalleled pain passed through Qiaoqin's body, she screamed and fell to the ground.

   At this time, she looked at Jiang Lan in horror:

   "You, you are not a golden core?"

   She has defenses on her body that can definitely withstand the blow of the golden core.

   The defense just took effect, but it didn't block it.

   was crushed by the opponent in an instant, and shattered along with her arm.

   "Well, it's not Jindan." Jiang Lan stood beside Qiaoqin and continued to ask:

   "Well, how many seniors are there?"

   "Two, two.

  Master, brother, don’t kill me, I’m just obsessed with them for a while, that’s why I listened to them. "Qiaoqin tried to beg for mercy.

   is just the arm behind, starting to shine.

   seems to be calling something.

   Jiang Lan saw it.

   then stepped on a foot.


   The blood mist scattered everywhere.

   Qiaoqin was unwilling and lost consciousness forever.

   Jiang Lan didn't care, just looked inside.


   is not as expected, but there is no turning back.


   Suddenly the spirit beast on the side went crazy and began to attack Jiang Lan.

   Jiang Lan didn't care, he just went inside, but there was a lot of blood fog on the road.

   The roar of the fierce beast also disappeared completely.



   Inside the forest, two people stood beside some big trees covered in frost.

   A white-haired old man, a middle-aged man.

   Two people are standing here, it is difficult to be found.

   Something seems to cover them.

   "Fellow Fengji Dao made a big fight for that golden pill." The white-haired old man Cheng San said curiously:

  " Fellow Daoist asked me about the Gu Heart Spell before, and now he plans to use the spell to defeat his consciousness and seize control of his body.

What is    for?

   After thirty years, the fellow Taoist could not let him go. "

   Fengji shook his head slightly, there was some indifference in his eyes:

   "It's not that I don't want to let him go, but that the Celestials don't want him to live.

   A few times I wanted to kill him directly, but it was too dangerous, and the ninth peak was not so easy to provoke.

   can only use spells, first grab his mind and control his body.

   Then let him kill himself in the Kunlun Hall.

   No matter how you think about it, I won’t doubt it.

   By the way, teach those people in Kunlun some lessons.

   Heaven and human race are not easy to provoke.

   Ninth Peak wanted to get angry, but couldn't find the target. "

   "You can tell that it is the Celestial Race without a clear eye?" Cheng San asked curiously.

   "There must be evidence, too." Fengji looked at Kunlun and said coldly:

  "Four members of the Celestial Race, all died in Kunlun.

   Everyone knows that it was the work of Kunlun people.

   But the Celestial Race has not moved, because there is no evidence.

   can't make a move.

   If you don't have a brain to shoot, it would be irrational, and it would hurt both sides instead.

   Those four are not worthy of the Celestial Race.

   But the person at the Ninth Peak, the Celestial Race must kill. "

   "But it just happens that you are here, otherwise I really need to arrange it." Fengji sighed with emotion:

  "It's really hard to imagine that the other party will not go down the mountain for 30 years.

   I have guarded him for thirty years, and I can hardly imagine that if he hadn't left Kunlun suddenly this time.

   I plan to do it directly.

   There is too much pressure. "

   "So that's the case, but with the strength of a fellow Taoist, should he become a personal disciple of Kunlun?" Cheng San asked curiously.

   As for the person at Ninth Peak, he has no interest.

  I came here this time mainly to investigate the Sirius tribe.

   A Sirius tribe was killed by someone, and the location should be nearby.

   They searched for many years before they found this side.

   To be honest, it doesn’t matter whether you can find it or not.

   But you must have an explanation when you go back.

   "Personal disciple?" Feng Ji shook his head and said:

  "Impossible, unless the talent is amazing enough.

   Otherwise, it is impossible to become a direct disciple.

  It is not difficult to become an ordinary disciple in Kunlun, and the disciple's life experience must be innocent.

   Except for the Ninth Peak, the disciples of other peaks have to ask their minds if they want to become direct disciples.

   And the ninth peak, throughout the ages, no one with a weak cultivation base can stay on it.

   Only that one. "

   "That's it." Cheng San understood, then he looked at the back and said:

   "It's been so long, I don't know if those people have encountered any accidents."

  "Not that, several disciples of Fellow Daoists did not say that Qiaoqin not only has magical treasures to protect her body, but also spirit beasts to follow, so she will not encounter any danger.

   A golden pill is complete.

   can't make any storm yet. "The wind trace opens.

   was just the moment his voice fell.

   Something flies towards them again.

   The two were surprised.

   then used the wind technique to take over.

   At this look, Feng Ji's face became darkened.

   There is a cloud of anger in his eyes.

   The corpse of the spirit beast was thrown over.

   Just after he finished speaking, the other party threw the body over.

Is    provoking him?

   "Who dares to be so bold?"

When   's words fell, he felt a powerful attack behind him.

   The wind trails were noticed at the same time as Cheng San.

   then joined forces to attack the attacker.

   "The reaction is quite fast."

   Jiang Lan's voice fell, and his fist hit the strength of the two directly.

   Boom! ! !

   Terrible power, and spell fluctuations belonging to wind trails, instantly swept all around.

  The trees collapsed and the land collapsed.

   Both sides retreated some distance in the first time.

   "It's you." The wind trail saw the person coming.

   is actually Jiang Lan, the disciple of the Ninth Peak who mistakenly thought that Jin Dan was perfect.

   "In the middle of returning to Void, you actually conceal the cultivation base." The wind trail was a little shocked.

   "Well, it's me.

  I have been staring at you for so many years, I can only continuously improve my cultivation. "Jiang Lan landed safely on the ground, watching the wind trails of the two.

   It took him a lot of time to find I knew I would leave one to lead the way.

   These two people are very hard to find.

   As if someone was staring at him.

   can't perceive the specific location at all.

  Think about what magic weapons or exercises caused it.

   Fortunately, one day, I walked nine steps and walked around and found these two people.

  Because there is a leaf blind, the two people did not find him.

   Under curiosity, he hid in the dark and listened for a while.

   I understand why this person has never done anything to him in Kunlun.

   But the cultivation of these two people still surprised him a bit.

   A mid-stage rebirth and an early period of rebirth.

  The one who returned to the middle stage was the young one.

   is the one who wants to kill him.

   When he talked about spirit beasts, Jiang Lan knew it was time to make a move.

   It's a pity that both of them reacted surprisingly fast.

   didn't hurt them with a punch.

   It's not very easy to deal with the return of the virtual.



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