The wind trail frowned when Jiang Lan appeared suddenly.

   The punch that the opponent had just made his heart palpitations.

   If he didn't retreat quickly, he wouldn't be so calm.

   The opponent's cultivation base is one thing.

   is mainly because of the outrageous strength.

  And more importantly, the other party actually knew that he was staring at him all the time.

   If I haven't gone down the mountain for 30 years, I'm in retreat.

   And when you descend from the mountain, you will leave Kunlun.

   is to get rid of him.

   Wind trail frowned.

   He regrets a bit.

   missed the best opportunity.

   actually waited thirty years.

   Cheng San looked at Jiang Lan, his eyes flashed, and his mind was frantically looking for countermeasures.

   Judging from the current situation, it is necessary to understand how far the two people are from each other.

   He knows what he should not know, this Kunlun person will not let him go.

   You need to know that Fengji doesn't even know that the other party has hidden the cultivation base.

   This is the opponent's hole card and will never be known to the living.

   Therefore, if both lose and lose, he has the initiative.

   Otherwise, either Kunlun disciple died, or he died following the wind.

   "Where are the others?" Fengji looked at Jiang Lan.

   The corpse of the spirit beast is here, which means that other people did not stop the opponent.

   Is the spell invalid?

   As for the other people's end...Facing a mid-phase of rebirth, there should be no good end.

   Jiang Lan actually answered his question:

   "Waiting for you on the road."

Before the voice of    fell, Jiang Lan disappeared in place.

   He is not sure whether this person has the Celestial Secret Art.

   But once he was asked to perform the secret technique, it would be a little troublesome to kill the opponent.

   must kill it now.

   When Jiang Lan appeared again, he was impressively behind Fengji.

   The fist has arrived.

   The wind trail was shocked and didn't dare to hold on.


   The storm of strength rolled up, and the defensive wind flew out backwards.

   The blood dripped.

   There was a serious injury on his arm, but it was not broken. At this time, the breath on his body began to explode.

   was covered with runes.

   When he landed, everything was done.

   The next moment he started to fight back.

   "Naive, thinking you can fight me with a little brute force?"

   The sound of wind trails fell, and fire-like power began to appear around.

  His hands are printed.

   Strength tends to the hand.

   "You simply don't understand what power is, you only know the newcomer who uses his fist."

   just in the blink of an eye, wind traces were printed, and a palm pressed towards Jiang Lan.

   Faced with this palm, Jiang Lan didn't stay at all.

  In his senses, he seemed to see an extremely huge dharma body standing behind the wind trail, and this palm was like a hand from the dharma body.

   is overwhelming, giving people a lot of oppression.

   Jianglan naturally would not stand still waiting to be beaten by the opponent.

   At the moment when the wind traces out of his palm, he has already arrived in front of the wind traces.

   raised his fist in response to this terrible palm.

   Seeing Jiang Lan hit his face with a palm, the wind trails were a bit surprised.

   Are you crazy?

   Don't try to evade, forget it, but don't do any defense, just go head-to-head?

   "Since you want to die, then fulfill you."

   In the next instant, Jiang Lan's fist and Fengji's Faxiang Chapter met.

  The power is intertwined and collided.

   The invisible storm began to spread.

   Boom! ! !

   A powerful force swept in all directions.

   At this time, there was a vague cow cry.


   The sound of the cow seems to come from an endless void.

   can penetrate everything and crush the earth.


   Another explosion sounded.

   It was unbelievable that the wind trails with Jiang Lan could be evenly matched.

  His face was blocked with a palm, not only that his invisible face was shattering.

   together with the broken pieces, and his hands.

   The next moment, he felt Jiang Lan's fist touch his hand.

   He saw his palm disintegrate and shatter at a speed visible to the naked eye.

   "This, is this possible?"


   punched past.

   The wind trail was hit hard and fled.

   The blood mist drifted away, leaving Jiang Lan standing in place.

   But in the next moment, the wind trail saw Jiang Lan's figure disappear.

   "Behind you." Jiang Lan's voice sounded behind Fengji.

   Like death came to claim his life.

   Fengji felt frightened, how could this person be so terrible?

   He never thought that he would be so vulnerable in front of this person.

   He was a little scared.

   "Cheng San, what are you waiting for?"

   Some horrified voices came out instantly.

   seems to be trying to catch the straw.

   At this time, Jiang Lan's fist had already arrived in front of Fengji.

   The powerful impact shocked the wind.

   As if about to face death.

   He wanted to retreat, but his speed was not as fast as Jiang Lan's fist.

   Boom! !

   Jiang Lan blasted out with a punch. He thought he could smash the wind trail half of his body.

   But to his surprise, a wolf's head blocked his fist.

   is a magic weapon.

boom! Langtou was defeated by Jiang Lan.

   At this time, the wind trails away.

   There is an old man beside him.

   At this time, the old man has a small wolf head in his palm.

   just broken.

   And the corners of the old man's mouth also overflowed with blood.

   Jiang Lan's punch hurt him in the air.

   "Friends of Fengji, think of a solution quickly." Cheng San said immediately.

   They couldn't be the opponent of this person at all.

   The opponent is simply an irresistible monster.

   I have never seen the middle stage of Void Return, and can solve everything with my fist.

  Using the wind trail of the secret method, the strength is close to the late stage of returning to the void, and the Sirius magic weapon, without the power of the late stage of returning to the virtual, can never be broken.

   The strength of this person is already comparable to that of the late stage of Returning Void.

   The wind trails are also shocking.

   The disciple of Ninth Peak was different from what he thought.

   is his short-sightedness, and it is him who really knows nothing about power.

   "Friends of Taoism, we can discuss." Fengji immediately said:

   "The Celestial Tribe wants to kill you, I'm just a spy for the Celestial Tribe, not a Celestial Tribe.

   Fellow Daoist killed me, they would only change one person to attack Fellow Daoist.

   As long as I am alive, there will be no second person to attack fellow Taoists.

   And I can send a message to let them know that I have abolished your foundation.

   In this way, the Celestial Clan will never show affection to fellow Taoists. "

   Jianglan looked at the wind trails and curiously said:

   "Why can't the Celestial Clan kill me?"

   Jianglan didn't think he would be known by the Celestial Clan about killing Miu Xiu.

   "Because you walked up the ladder." Fengji immediately said:

   "Being stared by the Celestial Race is a very troublesome Even if I am killed by you now, they will still let someone come over to check the situation.

   So staying with me is useful to you. "

   Jiang Lan nodded:

   "What you said makes sense, but it's not the only way.

   is not the best way either. "

   Jiang Lan didn't say anything any more, he took his steps again.

   Fengji and Cheng San were both shocked.

   At this time, they couldn't retreat, and the other party didn't listen to anything at all.

  The power began to approach, and then the fist came to the wind trail.

   "It's extremely stupid, you forced me."

   There were countless cracks in Fengji's body. Even if he died, he would drag Jiang Lan to die together.

   However, no matter how fast he is, he can't get past Jiang Lan's fist.

   He couldn't understand why this person didn't listen to his opinion.

  Why does this person make a punch so hard?

   Fengji felt that this fist had become all of his world.

boom! !



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