There was a boom.

   The wind-stricken body flew to the side.

   At the last minute, he escaped a little bit.

   But after all, he couldn't escape the fatal blow.

   The current wind trail fell to the ground, dying, he looked at Jiang Lan, somewhat unacceptable.

  Obviously he is a hunter, why did he suddenly become a prey?

   is too confident?

   Jiang Lan came to Fengji, even if Fengji was dying, he had to make up for it.

   Make sure that the opponent is completely dead.

   Otherwise, he is the last to face the crisis.

The old man on the side of    has already run away.

   The speed is very fast.

   Jiang Lan did not allow the other party to flee, but went out of the immortal rope (pseudo).

   After just a few breaths, Jiang Lan felt that the other party had been restrained and imprisoned.

   "You, aren't you worried?" Feng Ji looked at Jiang Lan, full of dissatisfaction.

   "If the Celestial Race really can't tolerate me alive, then the best way is not to cooperate with you." Jiang Lan said calmly.

   "Then what do you want to do?" asked the wind trail that was about to die.

   He really wanted to know what Jiang Lan would do.

   Of course, also to delay time.

   Let Cheng San escape further.

   Cheng San successfully escaped, which is definitely a huge trouble for Jiang Lan.

   Even on the way to death, there may be a companion.

   However, the words behind Jiang Lan made stormy waves in his mind.

   Jianglan’s voice was very flat and indifferent:

   "The road below is too cold and dark.

   It's too lonely to walk alone.

   I will send them down to accompany you.

  You... wait a little longer. "

   Fengji looked at Jiang Lan, opened his eyes wide, and felt the speaker's crazy thoughts.

   is really crazy.


   Jianglan didn't give Fengji any more chance to speak.

   He needs to deal with the person who has escaped some distance.


   His memory is not bad.

   did kill a wolf before.

   seems to have provoked a lot of powerful enemies invisibly.

   But... he has a blind spot and doesn't care about it.

   It’s really dangerous outside, so I’d better hide in the Ninth Peak and sign in to practice. It’s safer to come.

   When he becomes immortal, facing these people, he is much calmer.

   You can save your life even when you go out.

   Jianglan disappeared in place, and the nine steps of the sky traveled to the extreme.

   soon appeared on the edge of the forest.

   This is also the edge of a closed space.

There is a gap at the edge of   , and Taoist Cheng San walked out for himself.

   As long as he gets out of this door, he is much safer.

   It's a pity that he, who was about to leave, was trapped by an immortal rope.

   The whole person lost his balance and fell to the ground.

   Bundled fairy rope (pseudo), even if it is not a genuine product, for a person who is not a fairy, it is not much different from the genuine product.

   It's just that there is a certain possibility of failure in the front.

   It is easy to succeed in the face of escape.

   The fairy won’t be sleepy for long.

   Jiang Lan looked at this person without speaking.

   The other party did not beg for mercy either.

   "The old man just wants to ask a question." Cheng San said.

   He knew he was bound to die, no matter what he said, the other party would not let him go.

   This is his cognition that he has lived for so many years.

   Because, if he is the other party.

   will definitely not stay alive.

   "What's the problem?" Jiang Lan said, standing beside Cheng San.

   "You get closer, worrying that the wall has ears." Cheng San said to Jiang Lan.

   Jiang Lan squatted down.

   There is still some distance.

   Cheng San originally planned to keep Jiang Lan closer, just a little closer.

   is just what he didn't expect.

   Jiang Lan's hand has grabbed his mouth.

   "Since I'm worried about the ears on the wall, don't talk about it."

   Jiang Lan's voice is a bit low, and there is no emotion mixed in it.

   Cheng San struggled a few times, trying to speak.

   A little closer, he will be able to survive.

   not reconciled.


   In despair, Cheng San was crushed to pieces by Jiang Lan.

   Waiting for the blood mist to float up, Jiang Lan got up and left.

   walked out along the gap.

   After he left, the woods were closed again.

   Jiang Lan didn't care, Yiye Biaomu was always open in a passive manner, and even if things were discovered here, no one would know it was him.

   can't count.

   And there is still a lot of distance from Kunlun.

  , after all, approached the ice cicada forest.

   It takes some time to go back.

  "This matter is over, but the Celestial Race is still there.

   After going back from the inn this time, I won’t be out for a short time. "

   is still the safest at the ninth peak.

   But the exercises that reduce the sense of presence can also be used.

   Even if the Celestial Race really got into the spy again, he might not be found.

   "The Celestial Clan can't tolerate me, it seems that I have to plan early."

   In the future, he must go out to cross the robbery.

   has been thinking about it all the time, but it is not the case.

   just don't know when he can hide in order to be invincible in the wilderness.

   Invincible is still too far away, what needs to be done now is to become a fairy.

   If you can't become a fairy, everything is a fantasy.

   His sign-in income so far, nothing is helpful to Chengxian.

   If it doesn't show up at the end, you have to go to other famous places in Kunlun.

   such as other secret realms in Kunlun, and above Yaochi.


   Jiang Lan is walking on the road, he is going to the inn to apply for a job.

   Regarding the previous battle, he sorted it out, and felt that he should be more cautious in the future.

   Don't be curious about something.

   For example, at the end, if he can't help being curious, he doesn't know what he will face afterwards.

   As for what the wind said.

   is reasonable, but it is impossible for him to believe someone who wants to kill him.

   That would be life-threatening at any time.

  The Celestial Race is troublesome, but as long as he is strong enough and his fists are hard enough.

   At that time, it is not to see whether the Celestial Race can tolerate him, but whether he can tolerate the Celestial Race.

   But one thing can be confirmed. The Celestial Clan knew that Miu Xiu was also dead, but no one thought it was him.

After   , Jiang Lan didn't think about this anymore, and he should work hard to improve his cultivation level, and then find a way to become a fairy.

  The most troublesome thing during this period is still applying for temporary workers.

   Failure is a good thing, you can go back to retreat directly, if it succeeds, I don’t know how much time will be delayed.

   But there must be a lot of benefits.

  Always, let the flow go.

   No matter what, it’s not bad.


   Jiang Lan, who was walking on the road, was suddenly startled.

   A dragon screaming to the sky is uploaded from the sky.


   Jiang Lan looked at the sky and found a cyan dragon heading for Kunlun.

   Just watching, he noticed the terrifying coercion.

   This dragon is very strong.

  The power of the dragon is difficult to underestimate.

   "It's really here, but it's just one dragon, it shouldn't be here to fight."

   When I came out, I heard someone talking about the dragon clan.

   Unexpectedly, the dragons would come directly before this day.

   Jiang Lan didn't care too much about the arrival of the dragon clan.

   This is a high-level business.

   If he came to challenge, it would not be his turn to shoot.

   Even if it's his turn, he just surrendered directly. The Dragon Clan is simply not what he can match.

   Unless it is a young dragon like Ao Longyu.

   Only thirty years have passed, and Ao Longyu in the Goddess Atlas has grown a lot.

   High probability is the late stage of the soul.



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