The dragons went to Kunlun, but it didn't cause much reaction.

   At least Jiang Lan, who was walking on the road, didn't feel it.

   He saw the dragon enter Kunlun.

   No sound came out.

   The last time the Celestial Clan came to Kunlun, he heard a voice.

   "The momentum is greater than the Celestial Race, and there are not as many words as the other party."

   This situation is obviously more difficult than that of the Celestial Clan.

   But this is all of his master's level, not to mention that he is perfect with a golden core, even if he shows his true cultivation level, it will not have any effect.

   Not to mention that his master is worried.

   After all, he is only the first disciple of Ninth Peak.

   is at best the most powerful candidate to compete for the leader of the Ninth Peak.

   Jiang Lan lowered his eyebrows, watching the road walking.

   If you can walk, there is no need to fly.

   If he just used to fly, he might face the dragon at close range, which should be quite uncomfortable.

   If it makes the other party displeased by any chance, it will be troublesome.

   After spending some time, Jiang Lan came to the Old Wine Inn.

   It's not so deserted inside this time.

When    entered, there were eight people standing there.

   Five men and three women.

   is not very old, and his cultivation level is not high.

   Around the early stage of foundation construction.

   Halfway through Qi training.

   For Jiang Lan's arrival, the eight people naturally looked at it for the first time.

   At a glance, they knew that Jiang Lan's cultivation base was very high, at least much higher than them.

   I also know that this is the brother from the clothes.

   But they don't know what this brother is here for.

   Jiang Lan naturally had some guesses when he saw these people, but he didn't say anything, but went to the boss.

   The eight people were given aside.

   "Oh?" At this time some old boss walked out, he looked at Jiang Lan and said:

   "It looks like everyone is there, it's not late."

   Jianglan immediately bowed his head and bowed to apologize.

   He didn’t know if he was late.

  The master didn't say, probably the boss didn't.

   When the boss said that, the other eight people knew that this was the senior brother of Ninth Peak.

   The Ninth Peak is very mysterious to them.

   It is said that no disciples are accepted all year round.

   I couldn’t keep it because I took it.

   And if an ordinary disciple reaches the Ninth Peak, a demons may appear.

   Whether the Ninth Peak has any disciples, it is uncertain to them.

   I heard that there is, but I have never seen it before, maybe not.

   I saw a real person today.

   "Come here, it's just time to test together." The boss said to Jiang Lan.

   Jiang Lan responded and walked over.

   The boss sits at the table, holding a pot of tea and a cup in his hand.

   He put the cup on the opposite side.

   "First come first, then come, in order of arrival time.

  Who was the first? "The boss looked at the nine people.

   Although a little old, but the spirit is very good.

   Jianglan was the last one, so it is impossible for him to know who was the first.

   Other people, look at me and I look at you, and then a fairy said:

   "When I came there was no one else, it should be me."

   She doesn't know whether the first one is good or bad.

   came here to help with the chores, but they didn't think it was okay.

   As for the bad, it probably isn't too bad, after all, it's just a temporary help, and there is time for cultivation.

   Of course, some people don’t want to come.

   After all, those who came are relatively weak.

   Can a good thing take their turn?

   "Sit down." The boss looked at the little fairy and said softly.

  "Junior, the fifth peak, Zheng Xi, I'm bothering senior." After saluting, Zheng Xi sat down.

   She is a little restrained because she doesn't know what to face.

   Jiang Lan just stood behind and watched, feeling a bit like an interview.

   The innkeeper is choosing people.

  "Explain in advance that sitting down means agreeing to come to the inn to help.

   Of course, I have to be selected.

   There are only two people in the inn, and don’t need it when it is full.

Understand? "The boss looked at everyone and said.

   Jiang Lan and others nodded.

   This means that the people behind are basically impossible.

   "Two? I am the last one, it seems that I may not stay." Jiang Lan thought to himself.

   He doesn't care, no matter what the situation is, for him, the difference will not be too big.

   "Now that I understand, let's talk about the qualifications." At this time, the boss moved the teapot, and then poured half a cup of tea in the front cup.

   Everyone is listening, but they all focus on the tea.

   I don’t know if this will be the point.

   Then they saw the boss moved his hand and pushed the tea cup in front of the Fifth Peak fairy Zheng Xi.

   "If you can drink this cup of tea, you will be considered qualified." The boss looked at Fifth Peak and said softly.

   Hearing this qualification, everyone was taken aback.

what is this?


   Isn’t that the first two can work directly at the inn if they want?

   If you don’t want to, you will be eliminated normally.

   I won’t be said anything when I go back like this.

   Jiang Lan looked at the tea on the table, a little curious.

   He didn't see what was wrong with this tea.

  "It's just a simple choice? It shouldn't be. Just pick two.

   There should be something else. "Jiang Lan guessed in his heart.

   He stood behind and watched.

   I want to see what happens to the fifth peak junior sister drinking tea.

   Zheng Xi looked at the tea cup in front of him, but actually didn't understand.

   But all came, even if it was just an ordinary choice, she would choose to stay.

   "You're welcome, that junior." Zheng Xi said humbly.

   After seeing the innkeeper nodding, she reached for the tea cup.

   Everyone looked at it, as if to see if something would happen.

   They watched Zheng Xi pick up the cup, but suddenly stopped on the way.

   This makes many people feel a little curious.

   Jiang Lan frowned as he watched.

   Sure enough, drinking tea is not that simple.

   He felt the other person's mind changed, as if he was encountering something.


   The tea cup fell directly from Zheng Xi's hand.

   Then she covered her chest, breathing a little hard, and there was a hint of panic in her eyes.

   The sudden scene surprised everyone.

   They have no idea what happened.

   I just felt that Zheng Xi couldn't hold it firmly, and then the tea cup fell.

   Then people started to feel uncomfortable.

   Jiang Lan could feel something, but he was not sure what happened to the other party.

   has something to do with xinxing?

  If this is the case, then this kind of test should be of no use to him.

   is too common.

   However, the boss seems to be very good in this aspect. He has been drawn into the inn several times.

   can't resist at all.

   "It seems that it was a The boss said to Zheng Xi.

   "Excuse me, senior." Zheng Xi stood up and whispered.

   She seems to have not recovered yet.

   She was eliminated, but did not leave, she wanted to see if others would succeed.

"Next person."

   At this time a man sat down.

   He was a little nervous, but he also wanted to try it out, what is different about this tea.



   Kunlun Hall.

   Seven people gathered in the hall, none of them looked very good.

   These seven people can almost represent the entire Kunlun.

   Every one is a peak owner.

   is in charge.

   Without the head teacher, even some elders cannot influence their decision.

   "Dragons, it's really too much. In a few words, they plan to let the goddess go back with them?

   is really strong. "

   Someone spoke first, with a low tone.



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