"It's normal. The Dragons know that Ao Longyu has become a goddess.

  The goddess is extremely important to Kunlun.

   did not come at the beginning, because we are not used to this kind of benefit yet.

   When I get used to it, I will come back again.

   is an impact on Kunlun. "Second Peak Peak Master, Liu Jing said.

   He is a very young looking man, very handsome in white.

   But everyone knows that he is one of the oldest among them.

   "It is impossible for us to give Long Yu to the Dragon Clan, but Long Yu is a Dragon Clan. They want to take back to the Dragon Palace and exchange for a Dragon Clan. We can't refuse." Third Feng Zhuqing Fairy said.

   She frowned.

  The requirements of the dragons are not excessive in normal terms.

   But it is not normal now.

   "Things seem to be like this, but the dragons don't really do it yet." First Fengfeng smiled and looked at the others:

   "It's impossible for us to have a goddess.

  Long clan also give me an explanation. "


   What do you think they want? "Eighth Peak Jiu Zhongtian asked.

  "The dragon clan is at war with the demon clan, and they just want some benefits. They will not force Ao Longyu to go back, saying that a dragon clan will come over is just an excuse.

   They sent the dragons to Kunlun, but they didn't come for further study.

   Take away the Kunlun goddess, what kind of dragon clan member is useful to send?

   They don’t want to go to war with us.

   So this thing is actually very simple. "Fifth Peak Miaoyue Fairy said.

   Miaoyue Fairy Fifth Peak Peak Master, the clear gauze covered her face, and her waist was long and her hair fell to her waist.

   looks like a young woman.

   Pure and tranquil.

   The third peak is all fairies, because Fairy Zhuqing doesn't like to accept men.

   The fifth peak is the peak with the most balanced male to female ratio.

   In sharp contrast with the third peak is the ninth peak.

   There are only male disciples on the Ninth Peak.

   And the center of their discussion now is that the dragon clan wants to take back Ao Longyu.

   As the goddess of Kunlun, Ao Longyu could not be picked up.

   So they need countermeasures to solve the "unreasonable trouble" of the dragon clan.

   "The goddess is a dragon. After all, we are limited and people. This is really troublesome." Jiu Zhongtian said.

   Although Ao Longyu is a disciple of Kunlun, he is also a member of the dragon clan.

  Identity is not simple.

   So the dragons can use this to make a fuss.

   "But this is the only goddess in so many years." Fairy Zhuqing said.

   No matter what, Kunlun is such a goddess.

   No one can refute this fact.

   "The identity of the goddess is not important for the time being, what is important is how to deal with the dragon clan." Second Peak Liu Jing said.

   "Dragons are very easy to send. Just give them something they want, but it's the most troublesome one." Feng Yi smiled and looked at the others:

  "We are not sure whether the dragons will often make trouble with this matter.

   So, what needs to be discussed now is how to completely tie the goddess to Kunlun.

   left the dragons speechless. "

   "It is not a problem for Kunlun to pay some price, after all, the goddess is indeed brought by the dragon.

   Kunlun is the biggest beneficiary.

   But how can the dragon princess be tied to Kunlun?

   This is difficult.

   Or impossible. "The second peak Liu Jingdao.

  "It's really difficult, but the relationship between the dragons and us is not that good.

   They don’t want to fight with us either.

   The demon clan wants to provoke a conflict between us and the dragon clan several times.

   Ao Longyu faced a lot of dangers, and the Dragons didn't say a word.

  The bottom line of the dragons is lower than we thought.

   So as long as the method is right, it may be possible. "Fairy Miaoyue said.

   "If it is a matter that directly hurt Long Yu, I don't agree.

   It used to be a fight between disciples. We never entered the arena, but now you directly enter the arena and hurt too much.

   The state of the goddess is directly related to Yaochi.

  You understand this. "Fairy Zhuqing said.

   "It won't hurt." Feng Yi smiled at everyone and said:

   "Have you ever thought of a very simple way.

   As long as it succeeds, Ao Longyu can be tied to Kunlun forever.

  In other words, as long as we succeed, we will no longer restrict the dragon clan. "

   Everyone looked at Feng and smiled.

   They didn't know what Feng Yixiao said.

   "The gentle way?" Jiu Zhongtian asked.

   "It's very gentle and doesn't need a bit of fighting." Feng Yi smiled.

   "What is it?" Fairy Zhuqing asked.

   Such a gentle method is impossible to look at.

   "Have you ever thought about...marriage?" Feng Yixiao said calmly:

   "After getting married, no matter which family the goddess is from, she is already married.

  Dragons have no right to intervene.

   Even if we have the right to intervene, we have the right to answer. "

  "Marriage?" Fairy Zhuqing was a little surprised:

   "Who will you marry?"

   "The peak owners are the most suitable." Feng Yixiao replied.


   Fairy Zhuqing clapped her hands and said:


   You guys of an older age actually hit the idea of ​​a child. "

   "It seems that Junior Sister has no objection." Second Peak Liu Jing said.

   Fairy Zhuqing: "..."

   "It is indeed a good idea, so that we Kunlun will have a reason to participate and no longer be passive." Fairy Fifth Peak Miaoyue agreed with this plan.

   "Senior Sister." Fairy Zhuqing looked at Fairy Miaoyue and called.

   This kind of thing is ridiculous.

   "Junior sister, don't worry, don't say you disagree with this kind of thing, the dragon clan will not agree.

   These old bones of them have no success rate.

   Need to change candidates. Fairy Miaoyue comforted softly.

   The other people did not speak, and acquiesced to Miao Yue's words.

   Yes, they have no face to do this kind of thing either.

   Especially Ao Longyu is really too young.

   "So who should I find?" Jiu Zhongtian asked.

   He is asking Miao Yue.

   Although Feng Yixiao proposed this plan, it does not mean that there is a good choice.

  "It can only be an important person in Kunlun, and the best choice is not the peak owner.

   is the heir of each peak.

  The future peak master, marrying the dragon princess, the dragon cannot refuse. Fairy Miaoyue looked at other people with a slight killing intent in her eyes:

   "If you dare to refuse, just call ~www.readwn.com~ It seems that getting the dragons to agree is also costly." Jiu Zhongtian said.

   "It is better to pay in one lump sum than to come every time." Feng Yi smiled.

   "It is indeed feasible, but not enough candidates?

   It is impossible to have an accurate candidate for each peak now. "The Second Peak Liu Jing asked.

   Yes, no matter which peak, they have many choices.

  The most important thing is that they can live a long time.

   abdicated retreat, it also takes a long time.

   "Actually, there are no suitable candidates." Fairy Zhuqing remembered something, and then looked to the corner.

   At this time everyone remembered, and then they all looked at the peak master of the Ninth Peak, Mo Zhengdong, who had never said a word in the corner.

  Mo Zhengdong met the gazes of these people, feeling helpless for a while.

   "Jiang Lan, he is still young.

   And as a dragon, the goddess is still a child, right? "Mo Zhengdong said.

  "Senior brother, just say, do you plan to let the only disciple of the Ninth Peak inherit the Ninth Peak?

   Others can be dealt with. "Fifth Peak Miaoyue asked.



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