My Girlfriend From Turquoise Pond Requests My Help After My Millennium Seclusion

Chapter 108: How do you tell Jiang Lan that he has an extra fiancee?

   Facing the question, Mo Zhengdong sighed.

   This matter is very troublesome and very big.

   If it is not necessary, he does not intend to involve his apprentice in it.

   This is not a small pressure for Jiang Lan.

   "I really cultivated Jiang Lan as the heir to the Ninth Peak, or that he is the most suitable person I have ever met.

   For so many years, no one has ever been like him. "

  Mo Zhengdong watched other people continue to speak:

   "However, without sufficient strength, it is difficult for the dragon clan to agree.

   Especially the goddess is still young. "

   "Yes, Long Yu is too young, don't look at her looking eighteen or nine years old, according to the age of the dragon clan, she has some days before adulthood." Fairy Zhuqing said.

  , no one knows Ao Longyu better than her.

   After all, she grew up watching.

   "Marriage does not mean marriage." Feng Yi smiled and said:

   "What we want is a sufficient reason.

   to intervene in the whereabouts of the goddess. "

   "But the binding force is not enough if you don't get married," said the second peak Liu Jing.

   "It's really not enough, but it's much better than no binding force." Fairy Fifth Peak Miaoyue said:

  "Make a marriage contract first.

   is set in the form of an engagement.

   The goddess is still young and waits for the goddess to become an adult after getting married.

   As for the successor of the Ninth Peak, it is not in a hurry to become immortal.

  No matter how talented the person is, it is impossible for a goddess to advance quickly.

   So there is not enough strength, it is not a problem.

   If the dragons have to wait for the successor of the Ninth Peak to become immortal, then wait to become immortal.

   In the past few hundred years, there have been opportunities to deal with. "

   "One thing must be made clear, whether the marriage partner is the successor of the Ninth Peak or Jianglan, the Ninth Peak." Jiu Zhongtian asked.

   Yes, this is a very serious problem.

   "Dragons are not stupid, they definitely want to tie them to people, not to the ninth peak." Fairy Zhuqing said.

   For this, they can't fight for it.

   But it is enough for them.

   "So sure?" Feng Yixiao looked at everyone and said:

  "The ninth peak Jianglan, the heir of the peak owner, and the goddess of Yaochi, the dragon princess Ao Longyu.

   Make a marriage contract. "

   "Does anyone object?" Second Peak Liu Jing looked at the others.

   No one speaks at this time.

   Fairy Zhuqing could not say anything.

   It is impossible for the parties involved in this decision to have their own ideas.

   After all, this is related to the future of Kunlun as a whole.

   As a Kunlun disciple, he has no choice.

   "Then make a reservation, I will negotiate with Junior Sister Miaoyue." Feng Yi said with a smile.

   "Let Jiu Zhongtian follow." Second Peak Liu Jing said.

   Jiu Zhongtian is naturally no problem, he also knows what he is doing.

   The others did not speak either.

   This matter is very big, it is related to Kunlun, and it is also related to the relationship between Kunlun and the dragon clan.

   If they don’t agree, they will fight, and if they agree, there must be disputes.

   In short, the mention of this incident is the occurrence of contradictions.

   Before the conclusion of the discussion, Fairy Fifth Peak Miaoyue looked at Mo Zhengdong:

   "Senior brother, there is no problem, right?"

   Jiang Lan asked.

   "There is no problem." Mo Zhengdong said directly.

   He knows who Jiang Lan is.

   Even if Jiang Lan didn't want to agree, he would still agree.

   But the pressure is definitely not small.

   What he worries about is whether he will be more withdrawn.

   But how to tell Jiang Lan, he really doesn't have any clues, so he can only watch it later.

   "Where is the younger sister?" Miaoyue now looks at Fairy Zhuqing.

   "I told Long Yu according to the situation, she is very strong in her heart, but very obedient." Fairy Zhuqing said.

  Long Yu is really obedient, but his personality is not very pleasing to others.

   I feel like rejecting others thousands of miles away.

   The marriage contract should make her very sad, but she will bear it silently.

   "Then we will be responsible for discussing this matter." Fairy Fifth Peak Miaoyue said.



  On Kunlun Road, a young girl looked at the position of the ninth peak, in disbelief.

   Thirty years.

   I haven't seen the people above come down for thirty years.

   "Can a person really live on a mountain alone for thirty years?"

   There are so many people under the mountain, don’t you come down and have a look? "

   Xiao Yu is a little unbelievable.

   She waited for Jiang Lan for thirty years.

   I always wanted to return what I owed to the other party.

   However, Jiang Lan has never seen the Ninth Peak in the past 30 years.

   It's not suitable to go up and visit.

   So she often comes down to wait, and this wait is thirty years.

   She originally planned to give the other party a recording magic weapon, a practice technique, and a magic technique.

   Unfortunately, I have not been able to send it out.

   "I heard that there is a shortage of people in the inn outside, so will the inn also lack people?" A sudden voice reached Xiao Yu's ears.

   She has no interest in listening.

   It's not far away but it can't stand.

   is two people, a man and a woman talking while walking.

   "Well, the inn is still very powerful. It is said that the lack of people this time alarmed Kunlun Jiufeng.

   Each peak sent almost the worst disciple to let the innkeeper choose. "

   "The worst? This is really hard work. The original cultivation level is poor, so I have to delay the cultivation time."

   "You can't let the best go, right?"

   The two talked and laughed and left this road.

   Xiaoyu looked at the direction where the two men left.

   Then walked outside Kunlun.

   All the Jiufeng disciples have gone, which means that it is possible that the Ninth Peak will also go.

   After all, Ninth Peak has only one disciple.

   Stop thinking, Xiao Yu walked out of Kunlun.



   Jianglan was still watching other people drinking tea at this time.

   Or to see other people interview.

   He saw the eighth one.

   All the first seven failed. At first they thought they would encounter something terrible.

   After all, Zheng Xi on the Fifth Peak was panicked.

   So there should be something terrifying.

   But soon they realized that it was not.

   cried because of the second one.

   The third laughed.

   The fourth fainted.

   The fifth one slapped the table angrily.

   In short, everyone is different.

   But one after another, they didn't mention what they encountered.

   just bowed his head to apologize, and then stayed quietly by the side, waiting for the people behind to try.

   They all failed, so I am curious about who will succeed.

   The first seven were unsuccessful, now the eighth.

   If the eighth is not then there should be unsatisfied people here.

   After all, there is the last one left.

   Jiang Lan is actually very surprised, it doesn't seem to be a test of xinxing here.

   Each of these people made some actions.

   They were embarrassed, but they didn't feel abnormal.

   This is a bit weird. If it is a hallucination, it should not be this kind of reaction.

   They have no doubt about what they see.

  Like the person who laughs, just feels embarrassed.

   But the smile was not completely restrained.

   So he really encountered something funny.

   At this time, the disciple who had picked up the teacup suddenly stood up.

   Everyone is a little unsure, then they saw the eighth person, slowly poured the tea, and then made a sound:

   "This wine, to seniors."

   Jianglan: "..."

   Everyone was in an uproar, this sudden movement was a bit shocking.

   is the innkeeper himself, all stunned.



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