The innkeeper looked at the person in front of him, suddenly surprised.

   This is really beyond his expectation.

   He became a man in the dust in no time?

   Everyone watched this scene nervously for a while.

   Actually, they don't know if the innkeeper will be angry, but this scene is indeed a bit ridiculous.

   But no one dared to show it.

   After just a few breaths, the man recovered.

   He naturally knows what he did.

  At this moment, he was a little at a loss.

   "Senior, me, me, I have no other meaning." He explained immediately.

   I'm afraid that it's too late to explain, and everyone is gone.

   "Next one." The old voice of the innkeeper came.

   But he glared at the man.

   The scared one lowered his head.

   then stepped aside.

   It seems that Senior is not really angry, so it's okay.

   Jiang Lan stepped to the table, and he sat down.

   Everyone else looked at Jiang Lan, wondering if Senior Brother Ninth Peak would succeed.

   The cultivation base is so high, it should be able to succeed, right?

   However, this seems to have nothing to do with the cultivation base.

   They don’t understand either.

   After Jiang Lan sat down, the cup returned to its original shape, and the tea on it had naturally disappeared.


  The teacup was poured over half a cup of tea again.

   "Drink." The innkeeper said while looking at Jiang Lan.

   He was also curious if Jiang Lan could drink it.

   Jianglan's excellence, he can feel it.

   That's really amazing. If it were his disciple, he would be able to sleep peacefully every day.

  Mo Zhengdong, really lucky.

   Jiang Lan responded and looked at the teacup on the tabletop.

   He didn't think too much, let alone perceive anything.

   just reached out and picked up the tea cup.

   This is something everyone will do.

   Just the moment Jiang Lan picked up the teacup, he felt countless fragments flashing in his mind.

   are those days of retreat, the days of living in Ninth Peak.

   It seems that something worthy of pleasure or something scary will be particularly obvious.

  For example, when facing the enemy's crisis.

   But no matter how obvious, he watched calmly.

   Kill the wind trails, fight against Miaoxiu, watch the ceremony in Yaochi.

   appeared scene after scene.

   What surprised Jiang Lan was that when Yaochi was watching the ceremony, Ao Longyu was also very obvious, like a light, trying to influence him.

   probably because of beauty.

   Or the most beautiful among those he knows.

   Well, I've seen more than two senior sisters and younger sisters, so there are only three in total.

   Ao Longyu is the most beautiful, and the probability is not low.

   Then Jiang Lan kept seeing things from decades ago, and seeing things from a hundred years ago.

   is very pale, either retreating or taking care of the ninth peak, and occasionally solve the trouble.

   The picture went backwards until the tenth year of the entry, and the master asked him to kneel down and accepted him as a personal disciple.

   Jiang Lan was very happy at this moment.

   is not to become a personal disciple, but that kind of inexplicable feeling.

   It was as if the master asked him to buy wine, and then asked him to kneel down and honor him.

   That kind of feeling is not annoying at all.

   is now more enlarged, but he is still very calm.

   At this time, the innkeeper looked at Jiang Lan, and the tea cup in Jiang Lan's hand did not change at all.

  The memories continue to move forward, returning to the time when his system was activated. This is a happy thing, but now he will calm down when he encounters the system.

   So this happiness did not affect him at all.

   The picture is still moving forward, and his ordinary life has almost been recalled.

   even moved to the previous life.

   Time goes by, as if he heard a familiar voice in his ears:

   "Jiang Lan, school will start tomorrow."

   Hearing this voice, Jiang Lan was very moved, but his heart was as calm as ever, as if he had returned to that time.

   As if going to class tomorrow.

   It’s a long holiday, and the start of school is something worth looking forward to.

   Soon the familiar voice came out again:

   "Have you done your summer homework?"

   At this moment, Jiang Lan's hand shook.

   The half cup of tea was almost shaken out.

   Everyone's hearts trembled, they thought Jiang Lan was about to fail.

   The innkeeper looked at Jiang Lan, but he was a little surprised, and he shook.

   Once affected by memories, it is difficult to suppress it.

   People who are not good at nature have more or less immunity to tea.

   But if success is affected, the state of mind and nature is useless.

   "What did he encounter that caused him to shake his hands?" The innkeeper was a little curious.

   Jiang Lan now recalled his whole life.

He saw the last game that he didn’t win, saw what he wanted to eat was bought by the person in front of him for the last one, saw that important exam failed, and saw that he didn’t talk to his classmates when he graduated. Goodbye.

   even saw the watch drawn on her hand when she was a child. She never walked around, but took away their best time.

   After reading everything, Jiang Lan came to his senses, and finally looked at the teacup without overflowing tea in his hand.

   somewhat emotional.

   He didn't have any big regrets in his last life, although it was a bit bumpy.

   There should be no regrets in this life, but it may be more bumpy.

   But, I can face it.

   Then Jiang Lan raised his hand and drank the tea in the cup.

   The tea entrance is a bit bitter, and then a bit sweet.

   At this moment, his soul is blessed and everything is renewed.

   A trace of enlightenment appeared in his mind.

   In a flash of light, it is a thousand years of history.

   Small things are fleeting, but the vicissitudes of life will last forever.

   Everyone else saw Jiang Lan drinking tea. They didn't know what Jiang Lan had experienced, but they were a little surprised to be able to drink this tea.

   But soon something more unexpected happened.

   They suddenly felt that their surroundings became quiet.

   Then they were affected by the silence around them.

   Everyone sees the past.

  The feeling of Mingwu comes from the bottom of my heart.

  Blessed soul, epiphany in the same place.


   Xiaoyu walked all the way to the old wine inn, he wanted to see if Jiang Lan was in the inn.

   Just halfway through, the sound of dragon chants suddenly sounded in Kunlun.

   Xiaoyu looked at Kunlun in surprise.

"What happened?"

   Just now she understood the dragon's chant, as if she was saying "you are simple and bold."

   After the dragon chant sounded, a sword light came out from Kunlun.

   The powerful force shakes the earth. UU reading www.uukanshu. com

   "A fight?"

   Xiaoyu was shocked, she didn't expect that she would fight directly.

   Then another dragon chant sounded, as if saying, "Dare you kill me?".

   looked very angry.

After    there was no sound.

   Xiaoyu looked at Kunlun's direction, and she didn't understand.

   She was a little worried, but she definitely couldn't get close.

   In the end, she decided to return the things first, and then ask to see if she could ask anything.

   Xiaoyu walked all the way to the old wine inn.

   Soon she came to the old wine inn, but she was a little surprised as soon as she entered.

   there is a breath of epiphany.

   is nine people.

   Standing in the middle is a man drinking tea.

   He kept his tea drinking, like a statue.

   is exactly the Jiang Lan Xiaoyu is looking for.

   "Little fairy want to try?"

   The innkeeper came to the outermost table and looked at Xiao Yu and asked.



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