But, it's just a theory.

   Jiang Lan has no choice. For him, not choosing is a better choice.

   It didn't take long before he returned to the Nether Cave.

   He already knew about the situation.

   These centuries have actually not affected him.

   Engagement is indeed an engagement, but the marriage must be completed after Ao Longyu becomes a fairy, that is, after he reaches adulthood.

   Of course, he also wants to become a fairy.

   If he fails to become a fairy in the end, then the marriage contract is invalid.

  The marriage was proposed by Kunlun, and the dragons had to agree, and the standard for marriage between the two parties was proposed by the dragons.

   Kunlun also had to accept it.

   After all, they don't want to really fight.

Two dogs fight, play off.

  Everyone is for a win-win situation.

   Kunlun has a goddess because of Ao Longyu, the benefits are lasting, and the dragons have also benefited a lot from it.

   As for Ao Longyu's own wishes, in front of the two major forces, they are extremely weak.

   Of course, no one dared to force it too tight.

   Goddess is not immortal.

   "Cheng Xian."

   Jianglan stood in front of the plant eggs and muttered to herself.

  After becoming a fairy, he will marry Ao Longyu.

   Judging from his superficial cultivation base, it actually took a long time.

   Under normal circumstances, 600 years is the fastest rate for a normal person to become immortal.

   Ao Longyu, as the goddess of Yaochi, should be between 400 and 500 years old.

  The essence of all things in the Yaochi can provide her with enough resources, plus her talent of the dragon race, four to five hundred years of adulthood, not too much.

   And he, who has been an immortal in seven or eight hundred years, is quite normal, even with his master's help.

   is the same.

   So, in theory, he still has five hundred years.

   When the time comes, he may be able to take the initiative, and he should be able to decide whether or not to finish the marriage.

   Unless it is not invincible to Kunlun.

   But this person Ao Longyu...

   Jiang Lan doesn't know much, but it's not annoying.

After   , he didn't think much about it, and poured the spirit liquid on You Yehua and plant eggs with peace of mind.

   This is something he will inevitably do all these years.

   can feed plant eggs and You Yehua, he is also very happy.

   After doing this, Jiang Lan began to practice, and today he has sentiment, and the practice is very smooth.

   is much better than before.

   And the auxiliary treasure of Goddess Atlas was naturally opened by him.


   Early in the morning, the sky is not yet light.

   Jianglan got up and walked out of the nether cave holding the plant egg.

   Take it out for some sun.

   You Ye Hua and Plant Egg have been in the Nether Cave for a long time, and they should also like the sun outside.

   Although it looks decadent, but it hasn't changed for so many years, perhaps You Yehua is happy.

   He is not You Yehua, how do you know the joy of You Yehua?

   The decadent appearance may also be an expression of joy.

   After putting the flowerpot in the yard, Jiang Lan had another fight with Jingzhong himself.

After    failed, he left the Ninth Peak and went to the Old Wine Inn.

   I should not be late this time.

   He has no habit of being late. He didn't know that there was a time limit before.

   And I have to solve the wind trails, which only delayed the time.

   When Jiang Lan came to the inn, he found that the door of the inn had not been opened yet.

   The sun is not too big at this time.

   "The door hasn't been opened yet."

   Jiang Lan was a little surprised, but didn't think much, but stood quietly at the door, waiting for the inn to open.



   But after waiting for a moment, footsteps came from behind.

very light.

   Out of vigilance, Jiang Lan turned his head and looked around, and found that it was a little girl who came over.

   is wearing blue and white clothing, tied with a high pony tail, bright eyes and white teeth, extra good-looking.

   It's just that the eye sockets are slightly red, as if they have been crying for a long time.

   Jiang Lan remembered that he should have seen this little girl.

   But he didn't think much, he didn't know him after all.

   Observation is because of vigilance and safety.

   Then he continued to stand at the door and wait.

   It’s just that he just turned around not long, and saw that little girl also came to the door, right across from him.

"Give you."

   Xiao Yu red eyes, took out a note bead, plus a book.

   Jiang Lan glanced at it and said that he was puzzled.

   should be his, he never refuses.

   But he doesn't like being innocent to benefit from others.

   Unless it is his master, he can accept it because of his master's.

   In the future, he will also fulfill his duties and respond to Master’s expectations.

   took over the Ninth Peak and guarded the Netherworld entrance.

   Finally, find another descendant.

   From then on, he can walk through the wilderness, in the sky and on the ground, unfettered.

   If not married.

   "Thirty years ago." Xiao Yu looked up at Jiang Lan and explained:

   "The younger brother gave me a recording magic weapon. In return, these are for the younger brother.

   It’s just that I’ve never seen my brother go down the mountain in the past 30 years.

   waited till now. "

   When the other party said so, Jiang Lan remembered it clearly.

   At that time, he was thinking about wind trails, so he didn't care.

   But this elder sister is a little bit hard-hearted.

   "Thank you, Sister."

   Jiang Lan reached out and took the beads and the book.

   After a brief look, the bead is an empty recording magic weapon, and the book is a technique called Thousand Lei Jue, with a magic technique called Lei Ting Tian Luo in it.

   Gongfa is written in normal characters, and Lei Ting Tian Luo is written in two characters.

   One is ordinary characters, the other is dragon language.

   He signed this technique, and it seems that it can be used with integrity in the future.

   But Kunlun also has it, but he didn't notice it.

   Ninth Peak has so many books and so many spells, it is impossible for him to read them all.

   And the Ninth Peak is not equal to Kunlun painting.

   Xiaoyu watched Jiang Lan accept the things, so he didn't say much.

   The two stood quietly at the door waiting for the door to be opened.

   is very quiet.

   Jiang Lan was a little surprised. He thought that this senior sister would leave after delivering the things.

   "What the boss said about you yesterday, another one refers not to one of the eight people, but to Senior Sister Xiaoyu?" Jiang Lan had a guess in his mind.

   With guesses, there is no need to think too much.

   Jiang Lan came here because the surface cultivation base wanted to break through the soul, and his master asked him to come.

   And he himself, hopes to get something helpful with Chengxian.

   He in the middle of returning to the void ~ www.readwn.com ~ becoming a fairy is very close.


   The door opened.

   "Are you here?" The innkeeper saw Jiang Lan and Xiao Yu for the first time.

   "Excuse me, senior."

   Jiang Lan said in unison with Xiao Yu.

   "It's a tacit understanding." The boss casually said:

   "The price of the wine is at the counter. Look for yourself, tea and peanuts don't count as money, see if you want to give it." The boss walked out of the inn carrying the basket and said by the way:

   "You barely dealt with it in the morning. By the way, remember to clean up.

   I'll talk about what needs to be done when I come back this afternoon. "

   After speaking, the boss left the inn, Jiang Lan and Xiao Yu watched him leave.

After   , they walked into the inn, but the inn was a bit messy at this time. There were many wine bottles and peanuts on the ground, as if someone had been drinking here all night.

   Xiaoyu looked at this situation and didn't know how to start.

   Jiang Lan took a look and knew that this senior sister had never experienced such things.

   "I'm here to clean up, the senior sister can first check the price of the wine, so as to meet the customers who will buy wine later." Jiang Lan whispered.



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