Seeing Xiao Yu go to the counter, Jiang Lan looked down at some peanuts and wine bottles on the ground, always feeling that there was another business here at night.

   Of course, it has nothing to do with him. He shouldn't use it here at night.

   After all, I have to practice.

After   , Jiang Lan began to pack the wine bottles, and then clean up.

  He often does this kind of thing on Ninth Peak.


   And doing this can make him feel calm.

   When he was promoted and returned to the void, he had done such things for ten years.

   does not feel boring.

   After a short while, the ground and table top were cleaned up.

   Jiang Lan took the garbage to the backyard.

   Usually things like trash cans are in the backyard.

   In this way, he is a little curious, will the trash pile up into a mountain in the inn for so many years?

   came to the backyard.

   He wants to see if there is a mountain of rubbish.

   It's just that he just came to the backyard and suddenly felt a gust of wind blowing.

   is the impact of power.

   This sudden change made Jiang Lan a little surprised.

   Without hesitation, he used the power of Jindan Consummation to try to retreat.

   However, the sudden impact came very quickly, and it didn't give people much time to react.

   In desperation, he could only block the front with his hands, trying to defend.


   There was a loud noise.

   The impact directly collided with Jiang Lan, and Jiang Lan was knocked back some distance in an instant.

   The trash in his hands was also knocked to the side.

   Only then did Jiang Lan have time to react. He took two steps back and looked in the direction of the attack. He saw that it was a spirit beast that had attacked him before.

   Looks ferocious and mighty spirit beast.

   Its body is like a tiger and leopard, its head and tail resemble a dragon, its color is also golden and jade, and its first horn is born and leaned back.

   With the appearance, Jiang Lan can know that the opponent is not weak.

   There was no intention to kill just now.

   Otherwise, Jiang Lan would definitely use the strength of Returning Void directly.

   There is even only an escape.

   is so strong.

   "What kind of beast is this?"

   But this spirit beast has a metal ring on its neck, I don't know what it is for.


   A low growl came out, and then the beast moved.

   Jiang Lan was surprised and wanted to try to leave.

   But it didn't move soon, because the spirit beast went to the garbage.

   Only two or two, the garbage will be swallowed by it.

   Jianglan: "......"

   was a little unexpected.

   actually raised a spirit beast that eats garbage.

   Then Jiang Lan turned and left.

   just moved, the spirit beast stood in front of him and snarled at him.

   Is this treating him as rubbish?

  Think about it, it doesn’t seem to be impossible.

   but it doesn’t look like it at all.

   "Something?" Jiang Lan asked.

  Communication can solve a lot of unnecessary troubles.


   The spirit beast roared and stared at Jiang Lan as if he wanted something.

   It seems that I can’t communicate.

   Then how do you escape from here?

  Nine steps in the sky, you may not be able to escape, this spirit beast may have the strength above immortal.

   I don’t know if I’m not good at speed.

   Jiang Lan followed the spirit beast into a stalemate. When he wanted to try to escape from here, Senior Sister Xiao Yu suddenly came to the backyard.

   She watched the spirit beast confronting Jiang Lan, and she understood for a while.

"Give you."

   Xiaoyu threw out a spiritual stone.

   is for spirit beasts.


  The spirit beast immediately bit the spirit stone, and then gestured to Jiang Lan, as if saying, remember to give it next time.

   Originally charged.

   Jiang Lan got it.

   "Thank you, elder sister, for your help."

   Jiang Lan came to Xiao Yu and thanked her.

  "This is Pixiu, you have to pay for it to eat.

   Junior brother doesn’t understand this kind of things? Xiao Yu explained, somewhat puzzled.

   "I haven't read this kind of book, it seems I need to make up for it." Jiang Lan replied.

   then followed Xiaoyu to the inn counter.

   About this kind of spirit beast science popularization, he really sees little.

   Most of the time, I have been watching the formations of the exercises, as well as the experience and readings related to cultivation.

   There will be some understanding about the general situation of the Great Wilderness, but the spirit beast is popular science.

   There is really no time.

   Time is limited, he can't watch everything.

   "Junior brother has been practicing?" Xiao Yu asked curiously.

   They have arrived at the counter. The counter is not small enough to accommodate two people, and it is not crowded.

   Xiao Yu stepped on a chair under her feet, not too short, and guests could see her.

   "Well, most of them are practicing." Jiang Lan answered by the way, looking at the price of the wine.

   The price of ordinary liquor is very cheap.

   The price of a good wine is a bit strange, depending on how much the other party gives, you can be satisfied.

   Jiang Lan thought about it, he should have given it a lot.

   He always gave the amount his master gave for the first time.

   As for whether there will be more than others, he didn't care, there was no need to clarify this kind of thing.

   It’s okay to feel good.

   "How far do you think you are from the immortal?" Xiao Yu asked curiously, and she subconsciously took a wine glass and wiped it.

   "I didn't think about Chengxian very much, this time it was because I wanted to be promoted to Yuanshen, Master let me come." Jiang Lan said truthfully.

   As for the immortal, he is really far away from the immortal.

   At least there are still decades away.

   Normally, it is possible to try in 50 or 60 years, but whether it will become a fairy in the end is two things.

  "Senior sisters should be easier to become immortals, right?" Jiang Lan asked.

   He is still looking at the price to see if there is anything that needs special attention.

   There are some details, but if you don’t pay attention to it, you are easily disgusted.

   "It will be faster than Junior Brother." Xiao Yu said.

   Jiang Lan responded, and the two stopped talking.

   are all busy with their own affairs.

   After waiting for a while, someone came in suddenly.

   One man and one woman.

   Men and women look.

  The cultivation base is not high, he is a new disciple of Kunlun.

  Because he came out to help, Jiang Lan didn't wear Kunlun clothes.

   So others may not know that he is Kunlun.

   especially newcomers.

   He has not been out of the Ninth Peak in 30 years, but he was in the same period, and no one may remember him.

   Although the immortal cultivator has a good memory, some things will always be thrown into the corner.

   There is no special reminder, I may not remember it.

   "I heard that you have good wine here? I want to buy two pots." The male disciple said.

   I am very confident, but a bit young.

   There may be some background at home.

   The other party asked Xiao Yu, so Jiang Lan didn't care, but reached out and put the wine bottle that was about to fall not far from the side.

   This inn is very interesting to him.

   There is a feeling of being and he can answer.

   "Did you inform in advance?"

   "Want to inform in advance when buying wine?"

   "The good wine hasn't been notified in advance, so you need to wait for the boss to come back before you can sell it." Xiao Yu's gentle voice came.

   There is no emotion.

   looked a little cold.

When    Xiao Yu said, the two of them frowned.

   "Little girl, we have doubled the price, and now we are in a hurry to use good wine." Zhou Shu looked at Xiao Yu and tried to say something nice.

   However, Xiao Yu did not speak again.

   She said very clearly.

   "The inn is always open for business, right? The rules are dead, double the price is a lot, why not sell it?" Lu Qian looked at Xiao Yu and asked.

   Xiaoyu ignored it.

   "Why don't you know what is good or bad, you little girl?" Zhou Shu took out a piece of spiritual stone and said:

   "This is for you, can I sell it?"

   Xiaoyu didn't lift her eyelids.

   She said very clearly.

   Jiang Lan looked at Xiao Yu, a little helpless, did this senior sister come to help or make enemies?



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