
   Zhou Shu slapped his palm on the counter.

   He was a little angry:

   "Little girl, isn't your attitude wrong?"

   This sudden palm shakes the counter.

   Jiang Lan reached out and caught the falling tea cup, and then placed it in its original position.

   "I'm not clear enough?" Xiao Yu looked at the two people and asked calmly.

   She really didn't mean anything extra, just want to ask, did she make it clear just now.

   If not, she will say it again.

   If it's clear, she won't say it.

   Jiang Lan has a feeling that this senior sister is mocking each other.

   But I can't hear that kind of emotion.

   But those two people are a little angry.

   "These two newcomers, don't you inquire about this shop before you come?"

   Jiang Lan was a little curious.

   But soon he remembered, and he didn't inquire about it when he came.

   It's just that he won't cause trouble for no reason, just wait quietly.

   He knows that he is weak, so he can put himself in the right position.

   These two don't seem to know each other well.

   "Senior Sister Xiaoyu didn't intentionally hide her cultivation base. These two are not afraid at all. It should be the hands and feet of the innkeeper.

   Jiang Lan had a guess in his heart.

   Otherwise, give these two leopards the courage, and dare not speak loudly in front of them.

   Xiaoyu also understood this, but she didn't care.

   Seeing that these two people are about to do something, Jiang Lan can only reach out and move the spirit stone over:

   "Two guests, you can tell me."

   Xiaoyu glanced at Jiang Lan, but did not speak, she looked down at the account book she needed to understand.

   Just when she was reading the account book, she suddenly heard Jiang Lan's voice:

   "Sister Xiaoyu, the second cup on the right hand side is about to fall, please help me."

   Xiao Yu was a little surprised. She immediately looked at the cup in her right hand, and she saw that there was a tea cup about to fall.

   She didn't see it just now.

   Have you missed it?

   Xiaoyu didn't think too much, and continued to do her thing after she helped her.

   At this time, the two of Zhou Shu saw the Lingshi being moved by Jiang Lan, and they knew they had met someone who was acquainted.

   "This little brother, how do you sell good wine? The price is open." Zhou Shu asked.

   Luqian looked at Jiang Lan and finally found a sense of superiority.

   Jiang Lan shook his head, and politely pushed the Lingshi back, saying:

   "The two guests may not know something."

   "What?" Zhou Shu frowned, and he felt that the other party wanted the lion to open his mouth.

  "The good wine was prepared by the boss himself. The boss was out and only prepared the one he ordered yesterday.

   If you want to buy good wine today, you have to wait for the boss to come back and prepare it yourself.

   Except for the boss, no one else has the ability to prepare alcohol.

   This is not the rule of the store, it is someone who can give good wine, not in the store.

   Hope the two guests will forgive me. "Jiang Lan's voice was somewhat polite.

   neither humble nor overbearing.

   Regarding Jiang Lan's words, Zhou Shu two people understood very well.

   In other words, no matter how much they give, they can't buy good wine?

   At this time, Lu Qian said:

   "Then someone told me in advance, right? Is his good wine in?"

   "There is one." Jiang Lan said after looking at a good bottle of wine on the side.

   "Double the price, give us first, and let him wait for the boss to return the rest." Zhou Shu said immediately.

   Then there is no problem.

   "Are you sure?" Jiang Lan asked.

   "What's unsure? Take wine." Fairy Lu Qian said immediately.

   They are really in a hurry.

   Jiang Lan took out the small bottle of good wine and put it on the counter.

   When the two people were about to reach out, he reminded:

   "This is a good wine ordered in advance between the Eighth Peak Road."

   The voice fell, Zhou Shu's hand stretched out, instantly staying in place.

  He, dare not touch this wine.

   Now he finally understands why this person would confirm to him.

   Because between him and the road, there is one heaven and one earth.

  Who is in the road?

   The proud disciple of the eighth peak peak master, once challenged the Celestial Clan immortals alone.

   has a remarkable record.

  Lujian is a legendary figure to many disciples in Kunlun.

  Who dares to touch his wine?

   gave him ten courage, but he did not dare.

   At this moment, he finally figured out the reality. Those disciples who have become immortals must abide by the rules here.

   He, a Zhuji disciple, actually clamored here.

   I don’t know how to live or die.

   At this time, Zhou Shu took back the Lingshi, then bowed his head and said:

   "Excuse me, we will leave now."

   "Leave?" Lu Qian was a little puzzled:

   "Who is in that road?"

   "Let's go, don't be ashamed." Zhou Shu took his junior sister and left directly.

   Jiang Lan watched the two leave, and put the wine away.

   "Why do you have to say so much?" Xiao Yu asked.

   She is simply curious.

   "They don't know who we are, we don't know who they are.

   This way everyone may be someone who can't afford to offend.

   can avoid contradictions, naturally there is no need to forge beams.

  Senior sister is easy to make enemies like this. Jiang Lan explained.

  He doesn't plan to have any conflicts with others, just resolve it if he can.

  If the contradiction in the end cannot be resolved.

   just think of a way to solve the person who caused the conflict.

   For example, the Celestial Race.

   This kind of thing is relatively rare.

   "Junior Brother seems to be very careful." Xiao Yu looked at Jiang Lan and said:

   "I remember that Ninth Peak is a disciple of the junior high school. He is not only a direct disciple, but also a strong competitor for the leader of Ninth Peak.

  The status and status should be very high. "

   "This idea is a bit dangerous for me." Jiang Lan looked at Xiao Yudao on the side.

   He didn't go to explain more, the senior sister should be different from him, can't understand it.

   There is nothing wrong with having a high status, but the most important thing in the sect should be talent. He, who is not high in talent, is destined to be criticized.

   Ruuo clamored everywhere just like the two people just now.

   Maybe he died in Kunlun many years ago.

   He doesn't want to have too many intersections with people, nor does he need to have any intersections.

   This will reduce a lot of trouble.

  Hiding in the ninth peak is the safest. This is the experience of many years.

  Every time I leave the Ninth Peak, something happens.

   Xiao Yu turned her head, continued to read her account books, and then whispered:

   "I didn't make enemies for no reason."

   Jiang Lan was a little surprised.

   Is this explaining to him?

   could only respond in the end.

After   , the two did not speak any more.

   Waited for some Jiang Lan walked out of the counter, and there was a teapot about to drop outside.

   After putting the teapot in place, he planned to return to the counter and close his eyes to practice.

  , as always, deserted here.

   He just turned around and suddenly heard a dragon chant.

   is huge.

   Jiang Lan looked outside.

   "The dragon is going away?"

   He has no affection for this dragon clan, because the other party made him an unreasonable fetter that he couldn't abandon.

   I don’t know what effect it will have on him in the future.

   It’s just that the opponent is too strong.

   He will not say even if he is dissatisfied.

   It’s okay to leave.


   A sudden roar of power came in.

   Someone fell in front of the inn.

   is the dragon clan.

   Jiang Lan was a little nervous, because his dissatisfaction was discovered?

   And the light rain on the counter directly took away the chair cushioned by his feet, and showed half of it, and he could drop his head and disappear at any time.



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