The dragon came suddenly to the inn, which made Jiang Lan very concerned.

  Dragons have the talent to perceive emotions?

should not.

   He is just a little dissatisfied, there is no obvious emotion.

   Or just know that he is the marriage partner, so he can check it out?

   There is no answer, but facing the dragon clan, he dare not show no respect.

   A little carelessness may offend the other party.

   Soon a middle-aged man walked in with a dragon horn on his head, which was a manifestation of superiority.

   Dragon clan.

  In the Great Wilderness, it is almost impossible to mess with.

   Seeing Dragon Horn, few people dare to be disrespectful.

  Kunlun peak owners may not care, but Jiang Lan can't.

   When he is as strong as his master and others...he, he will keep his heart, and will not cause trouble or underestimate others.

  Especially those powerful races of dragons.

   "What do seniors need?"

   Jiang Lan asked in a low voice when the middle-aged man came in.

   Xiao Yu looked down at her things.

   Jianglan didn't care about Xiaoyu.

   Ao Ye glanced at Jiang Lan, then sat on the side and said:

   "Wine, meat."

   "Senior, please wait a moment." Jiang Lan said immediately.

   is very strong, but he has an inexplicable pressure when he meets him.

   is not a concept at all with the enemies he encountered before.

   Under the immortal, all are mortal bodies.

   Jiang Lan's thoughts flashed through his mind, and then he began to take the wine.

   As for the meat, there seems to be some jerky.

   He took it out together.

   was then placed on Tatsuno's desk.

   Without saying a word, he retreated quietly.

   Say less and make less mistakes.


   Suddenly, Jiang Lan, who had just stepped back some distance, heard the sound of a wine bottle breaking.

   followed by an angry roar:

   "What do you think of me?

   Feed me horse urine? "

   Longye looked at Jiang Lan very angry.

   This senior still knows the smell of horse urine?

   Jiang Lan's thoughts flashed, but he didn't dare to think about other things, facing the anger of a dragon.

  He is very passive.

   "Good wine, give me good wine." Tatsuno roared.

   As if not giving him a good drink, he planned to demolish this shop.

   Xiao Yu was a little angry when he saw a powerful dragon from the dignified dragon clan spattering here.

   She stood on tiptoe and watched Ao Ye plan to tell the other party that there is no good wine, and don't be embarrassed if you don't drink.

   It's just that she just got up to her feet, but she saw Jiang Lan looking at her and making a booing motion.

   If Xiao Yu reached his lips, he swallowed it back.

   Do you think I will make enemies for no reason?

   Especially dragons.

   Yes, that's what Jiang Lan thinks.

   If Senior Sister Xiaoyu is asked to speak, it is most likely that he will anger the dragon clan powerhouse who is on the verge of anger.

   The reason why the other party is angry is that it has received a lot of grievances in Kunlun.

   What did the Kunlun peak masters do to make a dragon strong man become so angry?

   "Senior, wait a while, the younger one will get a good wine." Jiang Lan said.

   "I want an altar." Ao Ye continued.

   Jiang Lan, who originally planned to take the good wine from the road to send Tatsuno first, gave up for a while.

"it is good."

   Jiang Lan answered.

  Everything is urgent to power, this time the dragons are coming fiercely, and it's safer to provoke the road than the dragons.

   But you need to come to the door to apologize afterwards to make sure that the other party will not hate yourself for this.

   He made a plan, but if this senior Dragon Race wants an altar, then there is no need to use the wine of Senior Brother Lujian.

   Jiang Lan walked to the backyard.

   Xiaoyu watched Jiang Lan go to the backyard, why didn't she know there was good wine in the backyard?

  Of course there is no good wine in the backyard, but Jiang Lan does not intend to provoke this dragon powerhouse.

   So I can only mess with another person.

  He came to Pai Yao.

   took a piece of spirit stone to Pai Yao, and Pai Yao took a bite, and then ate it.

   Then it stared at Jiang Lan, as if waiting for garbage.

   Or look at trash.

   "Can the senior feel the strong dragon clan inside?" Jiang Lan asked.

   Paixiu nodded.

   "Can you fight?"

   Pixiu looked at Jiang Lan and did not answer.

   Jiang Lan was a little bit enlightened, and took out a spiritual stone.

   After the opponent had eaten it, he nodded to Jiang Lan.

   "What about a dozen?" Jiang Lan took out the spirit stone and added:

   "Better make me look innocent."

   Pixiu stared at Jiang Lan motionless.

   is another Lingshi taken out.

  Pixiao quickly ate the spirit stone, and then bumped his head on Jiang Lan.


   A powerful impact hit Jiang Lan, and instantly knocked him out.

   Jiang Lan was a little surprised and tried to defend.

   But it's useless at all.


   He hit the inn counter directly.

   The huge movement shocked Xiao Yu and Ao Ye.

   "Cross the river and demolish the bridge?"

   This is what Jiang Lan thought of for the first time.

   But soon he realized that it was not. Pai Yao walked into the inn, and he spat at Ao Ye.

   directly spit on Ao Ye's face.

   Ao Ye was a little dazed for a while.

   immediately furious.


   There was a dragon roar that was earth-shattering.

   Then the dragon body appeared.

   Seeing this, Pai Yao turned around and ran.

   Ao Ye directly chased it out.

   The inn seats flew up one after another, looking a little messy.

   Jiang Lan looked at all this, he realized that he underestimated Pai Yao, the other party is not only powerful, but also outrageous in intelligence.

   I just took a bit, and it hurts a bit.

   After confirming that the two were away from the inn, Jiang Lan got up to clean up the inn.

   Xiaoyu looked at Jiang Lan, not knowing what he was thinking.

   "Sister, the flask on the counter is about to fall."

   Jiang Lan's voice suddenly reached Xiao Yu's ears.

   Xiao Yu was startled, and then saw that the hip flask on the counter was indeed about to fall.

   When did you see it?

   Xiaoyu was surprised.

   "Junior Brother's injury should be a little serious, right?" Xiao Yu asked, holding the hip flask properly.

   There is no too much emotion in her tone.

   seems to be just talking about an unimportant thing.

   "Not serious, minor injuries."

   Jiang Lan replied casually and continued to pack the tables and chairs.

   Xiaoyu opened his mouth and couldn't say a word, and then took the elixir that he had just taken out again.

   paused, she turned around and wanted to go out and help.

   "If the elder sister is free, you can help me write down the jerky. The boss didn't note the price and it might not be for sale."

   Jiang Lan's voice came again.

   Xiaoyu stopped, and finally stood at the counter, and then responded:

"it is good."

   Jianglan didn't care about other things, he just packed the tables and chairs, and cleaned the ground.

   Although it hurt a bit this time, the effect was pretty good.

   The dragon clan powerhouse has already left, and the probability of coming back is not high.

   The only thing I need to worry about is that I won’t be wiped out if I see the dragons ashamed?

  Especially, it is easy to hurt others.

   Sure enough, it is safest to stay on the Ninth Peak.

   After finishing cleaning up, Jiang Lan stood at the counter and rested. Fortunately, there were no guests.

   "Have you heard? Some people from the Yaozu came, although they weren't close to Kunlun, the plan is not too far away."

   "I heard that there are also Celestial Races, and I said that they came to investigate the cause of death of the Celestial Races."

   "The reason for the death of the Celestial Race? I remember that it has been several decades, right? What are you investigating at this time? Why did the Demon Race come here?"

   "The monster clan has heard that it has lost some secret treasure, and now I want to see it nearby, but the people who came are not strong, and they also specially greeted some peak masters."

   Jiang Lan, who was still resting, suddenly saw a few people come in.

   is still discussing what I heard today.


   There is one chapter to wait for ten minutes.



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