Jiang Lan looked at the few people who came in, with some doubts in his heart.

If what these people said is true, then the Celestial Race is most likely because of the death of the wind trail.

Then he felt impossible.

"It came too fast, and Fengji died yesterday. How could they know so fast?

Even if he knew it, it would not be possible for the Central Plains to come over in just one day. "

Kunlun is located in the Western Wilderness, very far away from where the Celestial Race is.

Jiang Lan had some guesses in his heart.

The other party may not know that the wind trail is dead, and coming here may be an early preparation.

The purpose may be him.

It is possible to think highly of yourself.

But for things like crises, one should not be lucky, and one should be careful.

As for the Yaozu, his intention should have nothing to do with him.

It's just that now Ao Longyu is engaged to him, and the Dragon Clan is at war with the Yao Clan again.

This is irrelevant, it may be related.

"It seems that getting engaged with Sister Ao is really a troublesome thing."

Jiang Lan felt a little helpless, but he promised Master, and now he can't go back.

And... the weak, he couldn't refuse.

Xiao Yu stood on the chair, watching the visitors.

Four people came this time, two men and two women.

"Huh, changed people?"

Among them, a fairy looked at Xiao Yu with surprise.

Because Xiao Yu is very cute.

Of course, these people don't dare to be presumptuous at all. Being cute does not mean weak. The people in the inn seem to be not weak.

That boy is even more so.

It should be the same for girls now.

Normal size, maybe just ordinary.

For example, Jiang Lan beside Xiaoyu.

"We are here to get Senior Brother Lujian's good wine, this is a token of trust."

A male disciple took out a wooden teacup.

Xiao Yu looked at the teacup and didn't say anything, but handed out the good wine and took the teacup back.

The man thanked him and left with the others.

"How do you change the inn?"

When they went out, they were a little surprised.

"I seem to have heard some seniors say that the inn recruits people, and it recruits a group of people who are relatively poor in each peak. I don't know whether it is true or not.

"If it's true, there are two of them..."

"Shh, what if it's fake?"

The few people no longer say anything, but leave quickly.

Jiang Lan watched these people leave without any feeling.

He is indeed the worst disciple of Ninth Peak, as his master said before.

Thirty years ago, he still regarded himself as the best disciple.

Time has changed, it has changed.

Xiao Yu didn't care, she didn't know what these people were talking about.

She just happened to come here, and drank a cup of tea that made her cry for a while, and then was asked to stay and help.

It was approved by her master.

At noon, Jiang Lan finally no longer had pain, he greeted Xiao Yu and walked to the backyard.

One is to see if Pai Yao is back.

The second is to see if you can sign in in the backyard.

Haven't checked in today.

The inn is not a simple place. Although there is no road network, the check-in here is not bad.

Especially his master asked him to come here to seek breakthrough opportunities.

Although only breaking through the soul, Jiang Lan's method is different, and there may be an opportunity to become a fairy.

He doesn't worry about whether he can reach the perfection of returning to the virtual world, what he is really worried about is the final threshold of becoming a fairy.

Enter the void to find the fairy gate, open the fairy gate, and cross the catastrophe.

These Jiang Lan all need sufficient preparation, but there is nothing effective yet.

Du Jie had prepared some formations, as well as healing pills.

Perhaps crossing the robbery is the easiest for him.

When he came to the backyard, Jiang Lan carefully observed that there was a small stream, and a large warehouse and fields.

What is more conspicuous is that there is a tree at the end of the field.

It's a willow tree.

The hanging branches move with the wind.

Standing in front of the willow tree, Jiang Lan felt tranquil, as if the air was clearer.

"The system signs in here."

【Ding! 】

[Sign-in is successful, congratulations to the host for getting the gift of Dadao Context, and winning the Taoist tea. 】

【Enlightenment Tea: It is made from the leaves of the tea tree rooted in the avenues of the road. It can be drunk to reveal the blessings of the gods, understand the Taoism, promote practice, and comprehend the world. 】

Enlightenment tea?

Jiang Lan was a little surprised.

Here you can actually sign in the Enlightenment Dao Tea.

"This willow tree is not an enlightened tea tree, right?"

Jiang Lan suddenly had some guesses in his heart.

But I don't think it is. There is no avenue here.

And the willow tree is not a tea tree, right?

Without struggling with this anymore, Jiang Lan stopped staying and turned and left.

Enlightenment tea, the effect may be closer to Taoism, although it is not comparable at all, but when learning other things, it should be helpful.

For example, when looking at formations and learning Kunlun magic.

It also has some effects on cultivation.

"Looking at the introduction to the role of immortality, it's not too big, at most it can help when looking for immortals."

Jiang Lan has no regrets about this.

It's already a pleasure to be helpful.

This kind of thing can't come in a hurry.

The creation of heaven and earth can be met but not sought.

Dadao gifts have never given the same heaven and earth creations.

hold on.

If not, just walk around other important places in Kunlun.

Back at the inn, the boss has returned.

The boss is standing at the counter, preparing wine.

"What did you see in the backyard?" The boss looked up at Jiang Lan and asked casually.

"A willow tree." Jiang Lan answered truthfully.

The backyard did not say that he could not go, and it should not offend the innkeeper.

The boss didn't care, but said to the little rain on one side:

"Go to the backyard and have a look."

Xiao Yu nodded, and then walked to the backyard.

Jiang Lan came to the counter and put the wine glass away.

"Why is the boss suddenly short of people?" Jiang Lan was a little curious.

"You want to ask where did that kid go?" The boss put a piece of ice in the wine and said while looking at Jiang Lan.

Regarding the boss's words, Jiang Lan did not deny, but nodded:

"Yes it is."

He doesn't hate that boy.

So I want to ask.

"Go to retreat." The boss's face was a little helpless.


This Jiang Lan can understand, he often retreats, and time passes easily.

A few years and decades have passed in the blink of an eye.

As an ordinary person, he is like this, let alone a young man with a strange influence.

The other party's time is endless.

For more than a hundred years, for him, nothing has changed.

At this time Xiaoyu came back~www.readwn.com~ What did you see? "The boss asked.

Xiao Yu looked at Jiang Lan and hesitated, but finally said:

"I didn't see the willow tree, but I saw Lingquan."

"Okay, you can go back, there is something new to do tomorrow, remember not to be late." The boss smiled.

After a pause, he said again:

"By the way, take some peanuts back, as today's reward."

Jiang Lan and Xiao Yu had no objection, they each took some peanuts, and then left.

When the two of them left, the boss who bowed his head and made a drink, looked up.

"Two interesting people."

Then the boss looked to the side of the wine glass, wine bottle, and tea cup.

"It's all safe and sound, I don't know if it was done by one person or the credit of two people."

The boss smiled:

"I'll know tomorrow."

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