Jianglan stood at the counter. He looked at the account book and then at the counter, and found that two people had ordered a good wine today.

   Between the road and Ao Ye.

   Between the Eighth Peak Road, Jiang Lan knew.

   "This brother likes drinking so much?"

   He is not sure.

   then set his sights on the name Ao Ye, which he had never seen before.

   But the surname Ao will make him think of the dragon subconsciously.

   I hope it is too much to worry about.

   just stand and wait.

   squeaked, the teacup began to shake, Jiang Lan's hand held the teacup before it fell, and then he planned to clean it.

   Although the inn looks very clean now.

   After a while, he found that not only did the inn look clean, it was actually clean.

   After putting the bottle on the counter, Jiang Lan saw someone come in.

   There are three people in total, and the head is a middle-aged man with black hair and dark eyes, and his eyes are a bit deep. Wearing brocade clothes, he is extraordinary.

   There is a man and a woman beside the middle-aged person.

  The man is wearing armor, and his body is full of evil spirits, like a general guarding one side.

   The woman is dignified and elegant, with a kind of nobleness on her body.

   This woman walks with the middle-aged person, it should be a relationship such as a partner.

  "Not from Kunlun, the highest cultivation base of the three of them is the soul.

   should be the dynasty nobles outside. "

   There are countless humans in the Great Wilderness, and where there are people, there is naturally a right concentration point.

   But to the major powers of cultivation, it is nothing.

   The immortal cultivator sees for a long time, and rarely cares about it.

   "The store, come to a pot of good wine and some dishes to go with the wine."

  Middle-aged Zhou Bai politely said to Jiang Lan.

   "Good wine will only be available when the boss comes back, currently only ordinary." Jiang Lan naturally answered politely.

   Zhou Bai nodded:

   "Then it's ordinary."

   After the other party was seated, Jiang Lan prepared some jerky, plus some peanuts for him and them to send.

   Only Zhou Bai sat with his wife, and the general was standing.

   But they frowned slightly when they saw the food served.

   Madam Zhou wanted to say something, Zhou Bai grabbed her hand and signaled that it was OK.

   Mrs. Zhou didn't say anything.

The general behind    also felt that this shop was too much.

   Jianglan didn't care about them, and after doing what he was supposed to do, he stood quietly in the inn.

   Although his eyes are open, his mind is already in another place.

   He felt that he could go to the inn at the level of mind.

   But there are guests, and he can't try at will.

   Try again when Xiao Yu comes back.

Da da!

   Zhou Shu ran in from the door, and he saw Zhou Bai and others sitting inside at first glance.

   Zhou Bai and others also saw the Zhou Shu coming in for the first time.

   Seeing Zhou Shu's arrival, the two of them showed gratified smiles on their faces.

   "Father, mother." Zhou Shu immediately came to Zhou Bai and whispered.

   "I've grown up a lot, come here and show me." Madam Zhou said with joy.

   Jiang Lan looked at these people with peace in his heart.

   But it always reminds people of the past.

   Wandering tops, tightly stitched before leaving.

   Those people are asking Zhou Shu about Kunlun.

   Kunlun's status is so high that these people can't get in at all.

   Jiang Lan, who heard this sentence by chance, didn't agree with it.

   Among ordinary disciples, there are not many spies.

   Kunlun is actually not very stuck.

  According to the last wind trail, only the card passed by the person is very strict.

   After some time, Jiang Lan heard footsteps at the door.

   When he looked up, he felt a little nervous.

   A dragon came in with a gloomy face.

   This person is no one else, but the strong dragon clan who came to drink the day before yesterday.

   This is just today, neither the breath radiates, nor the dragon's horns.

   seems to be a lot low-key.

   "Good wine, good meat." A small wooden round card was thrown towards Jiang Lan from the opponent's hand.

   Jiang Lan took the round card.

   There is a sense of understanding in my heart.

   "He is Ao Ye."

   is indeed a dragon.

   Without any hesitation, he delivered the dried meat and good wine to Ao Ye's table.

   But Zhou Bai and others on one side were more surprised.

   Don’t you have to wait for the boss to come back to have a good drink?

   As expected, is it because they are foreign?

   Still not giving something?

   But they didn't ask for the first time, so let's go to the counter and ask.


   is the sound of a broken wine bottle again.

   Hearing this voice, Jiang Lan sighed in his heart.


  Why is the dragon so mad that he always meets him?

   When Jiang Lan turned around, Ao Ye’s voice was angry:

   "A sip of wine, do you think you feed the dog?"

   Isn't this what you said?

   "An altar, go to the backyard and get me an altar." Ao Ye's low voice reached Jiang Lan's ears.

   "Senior, please make a decision." Jiang Lan couldn't refuse.

   Zhou Bai was a little surprised to see Jiang Lan being so good at talking.

   So they are still looked down upon?

   hesitated, he wanted to try to get a pot.

   He was just about to speak, but he saw Zhou Shu booing at him.

   Then he gave up.

  He is curious, what's wrong?

   But they didn't speak immediately. This is the Kunlun area, and they dare not make a mistake.

   But being looked down upon, they are indeed a little uncomfortable in high positions.


   Before the thoughts fell, they suddenly heard a loud noise.

   Then he saw Jiang Lan was attacked and hit the counter.

   Blood was bleeding from the corners of his mouth.

   Then, they saw a strange beast coming in.

   It spat out without saying a word.

   The direction was Ao Ye, but he was directly blocked by Ao Ye with a plate.

   "Beast, do you think the same moves do me..."


   The dense vomit fell directly on Ao Ye.


   Ao Ye shoots the table and rises:

   "Naughty animal, I have to take your skin off today."


   A dragon chant sounded, and the sound of the real dragon came out.


   Then the wind whizzed past, and the real dragon directly chased it out.

   once again made the inn a little messy.

   Zhou Bai and the others, who saw all this, sweated down.

   My mind shakes.

   Just for a moment, they even felt like they were going to die here.

   It was... the dragon?

   When they came back to their senses, they found that Jiang Lan was already cleaning the house calmly. UU Reading www.uukanshu.com

   At this moment, Zhou Bai and others are concerned about good wine.

   Not a word.

   Regarding Jiang Lan, they didn't dare to be rude in the slightest.

   It's not easy here.

   Ao Ye left today and did not order a drink.

   All Xiaoyu sisters hid again, if you come to order tomorrow.

   He will meet again the day after tomorrow.

   It hurts once when you encounter it.

   Jiang Lan felt that this experience was more dangerous than ever.

   The experience encountered in the past is basically the same level.

   He has enough ability to kill, but this time it is the dragon clan.

   is strong enough to slap him to death with one palm.

   is too passive.

   "I want to become a fairy as soon as possible."

   Become a fairy, even if you can't beat these people, you have the ability to protect yourself.

   Not long after cleaning, Jiang Lan saw Xiao Yu come back.

   As soon as he came back, Xiao Yu went to the counter and stood on the small chair to read the account book.

   It seems that she has been waiting for this moment since yesterday.



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