Xiaoyu saw the account book, and she lost her vitality in a moment of excitement.

   Then stood quietly on the chair, waiting for the boss to come back.

   Jiang Lan has some doubts.

   I don’t understand and don’t care.

   But when Xiao Yu comes back, he can try to enter another scene of the inn.

   He closed his eyes slightly, and instantly felt a change in the surrounding environment.

   He stood at the counter of the inn. He was an inn at the level of mind.

   There is no one in the inn.

   Although there are no people in the inn, Jiang Lan feels that he can detect how many people are in the inn.

   can even perceive their mentality roughly.

   Such as the light rain around me, a little low.

   "It turned out to be like this."

   Jiang Lan finally understood why he had been pulled here in the first place.

   But it still shows how good the boss is.

  Because the state of mind is not comparable to that of the opponent, it is impossible to bring people in.

   Maybe the inn can’t even get in.

After    Jiang Lan retreated.

   After exiting the Mind Level Inn, Jiang Lan glanced at Xiao Yu, who was calm at this time.

   I didn't see the feeling of disappointment.

   After a while, the boss came back.

   He and Xiao Yu naturally went back to practice.

  Life is very regular.

   Jianglan tried to cultivate with enlightenment tea after returning. The effect was good, but the value was not as good as that used to practice magic.

   There are currently seven remaining, reserved for the power to comprehend the Nine Tribulations, or other useful spells.

A few days after   , Jiang Lan went to the inn normally and practiced normally.

   Continue to master the power of nine cows.

   There are no more changes in the inn these days, the only change is the light rain.

  The mood is getting lower every day.

   The speed of catching ice cicadas is getting faster day by day.

   When it was Jiang Lan's turn, he found a lot of traces of attacks along the way.

   In order to be in a hurry, Xiao Yu is very diligent.

   As for why he doesn't quite understand.

   It's just that every day when it's his turn to catch Bingchan and go back, he always sees some words on the account book.

   Several wine glasses, several tea cups, several teapots... this kind.

   Fortunately, Tatsuno has not been here these days.

   What is worrying is that Pai Yao has not come back these days.

   I wonder if there is any possibility of coming back.

   The boss never asked.

   On a new day, Jiang Lan feels that he is already familiar enough with the power of Nine Bulls, and his realm has been consolidated a lot.

   I should be able to come back tonight to try the power of the Nine Tribulations.

   It's best to succeed, but he doesn't care about it.

   This kind of thing can be done step by step.

   Anxious will only make him waste more time.

   Today, he took the plant eggs and You Yehua to the yard. The weather was good and he could bask in the sun.

   You Ye Hua has been like this for decades, and plant eggs have been like this for more than a hundred years.

   Probably there will be no more changes.

   can also be regarded as dependent on fate.

   I just don’t know who will lose his breath of life first.

   shouldn't be him.

   poured spirits for them, and Jiang Lan had another fight with himself.

   is also a loss.

   also played for a while.

   When he left the Ninth Peak, he applied the results of today's formation to the Ninth Peak Hall.

   He has been adding and improving all these years.

   Maybe one day, the entire Ninth Peak will have traces of his formation.

   "You don't have to go out today, and you don't have to sell good wine."

   When he came to the inn, Jiang Lan heard a different order from before.

   "The boss is coming back late?" Jiang Lan asked.

   "Well, it's about evening or not coming back." The boss casually explained, and then left with the basket on his back.

   The boss goes out every morning, but he just doesn’t know what to do.

   But Jiang Lan and Xiao Yu didn't ask more questions.

   For Jiang Lan, knowing too much makes it easy to cause trouble.

   I don’t know that nature is best.

   Xiaoyu really didn't even ask.

   Others don't want to say, she doesn't force it.

   However, she is indeed a little depressed these days.

   After starting to catch ice cicadas, she found that the inn kept dropping things, and she recorded it every time.

   She thought it was like this.

   The next day, she discovered that Junior Brother Jiang hadn't dropped one. She looked at the teacup and other decorations, but found nothing.

   So it’s not that the younger brother didn’t record it.

   She felt that it was possible that she was an accident that day, or the younger brother found a spare teacup or something.

   Then on the third day, she found that the cup was still falling.

   She did a special check at the beginning, and there was no dangerous tea cup at all.

   Yes, it was also put very well.

   However, the frequency of dropping can't be stopped at all, and it will drop one after a while.

   On the fourth day, she came back very early to make sure that Junior Brother Jiang had changed the teacup, but not, because none of the teacup was broken.

   She felt that she might not be treated, and be treated differently.

   just didn't say anything, relatively speaking, it is more accustomed.

   But she will work hard.

   worked hard to prevent the cup from falling.

   However, it was useless at all, she couldn't notice it.

   I felt a little uncomfortable these days, but I didn't show it, let alone vent this emotion on Junior Brother Jiang.

   It’s fine to be alone.

   If you guessed correctly, there shouldn’t be any tea cups broken today.

   Actually... I hope I will drop one.

Jiang Lan on the side of    looked at Xiao Yu and found that the state was the same as the previous few days, with a calm complexion with a trace of loss.

   At this time, he saw a tea cup on the side showing signs of falling. He was about to raise his hand, he hesitated, and finally withdrew his hand.


   The tea cup fell and shattered.

   This sudden voice awakened Xiao Yu, and she looked at the broken teacup beside Jiang Lan somewhat unexpectedly.

   "Junior brother accidentally fell?" she asked.

   There shouldn’t be anything broken today.

   Jiang Lan didn't answer, instead he cleaned up the tea cup, and then pointed to the hip flask next to Xiaoyu.

   Under curiosity, Xiao Yu looked over.

   Then she was surprised to find that the jug almost fell off.

   She quickly helped her.

   "Senior Sister, come with me." Jiang Lan put away the cleaned up pieces and walked out of the counter.

   Then Jiang Lan came to a well placed teapot.

   Xiaoyu followed, but she didn't know what the younger brother was going to do.

   She looked at the teapot and found nothing wrong.

   However, just a few breaths.

   She saw the teapot suddenly moved, and the steady teapot showed signs of falling instantly.

   Xiaoyu subconsciously lifted his feet and raised his hands to help it~www.readwn.com~ come again. "

   Jiang Lan walked in the other direction.

   Xiaoyu looked at the teapot suspiciously, and then followed Jiang Lan.

   Then she saw a plate, which was stable at first.

   But it didn't take long before there were signs of falling.

   Xiaoyu stretched out his hand to help him.

   "There are a few more places."

   Jiang Lan spoke calmly.

   Xiao Yu looked at Jiang Lan, her eyes started to be a little surprised.

   But Jiang Lan remained calm all the time.

   There is not the slightest fluctuation in his eyes.

   Then tea cup, wine glass, wine bottle, teapot.

   Xiaoyu followed Jiang Lan, and saw that everything changed from being stable to falling.

   If you don’t reach out to support it, you will fall to the ground.

   For a while, Xiao Yu understood that it was not that she was targeted, but that she could not detect it.

   The reason why Junior Brother didn't break anything was because... he could find out in advance.

   She is not special.



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