My Girlfriend From Turquoise Pond Requests My Help After My Millennium Seclusion

Chapter 121: Junior brother doesn't like Sister Ao?

   Xiao Yu followed Jiang Lan, and finally walked to the counter.

   This time she understood that the bottles that would break were always there.

   This has been the case since the first day.

   She remembered that at first, her younger brother asked her to hold the cup.

   I thought she didn't see it, but she actually didn't notice it.

   And Junior Brother Jiang had already noticed it.

   The cup that just shattered was intentional?

   hesitated, Xiao Yu asked:

   "There are no more cups to drop?"

   "There's more." Jiang Lan glanced at the scheduled wine, there was no Ao Ye.

   As for the cup that I just brought Xiao Yu to see, it's just because I don't hate the other party.

   Maybe this senior sister, just like the inn boy, is just a child.

   "There should be one or two more." Jiang Lan said calmly and calmly:

   "Senior sister can find out by herself, just calm down."

   The first time he discovered that the bottle here would break, he closed his eyes and meditated here at that time.

   It was the first time I came to the inn at that time, and I seemed to have met Sister Ao.

   Thinking of Ao Longyu, he thought of Slashing Dragon Sword.

   If he was known that he would cut the dragon sword, I wonder if he would be misunderstood.

  Dragons may see his eyes have changed.

   For safety's sake, it is better not to expose this to the dragons.

   avoid being hostile by the dragon.

   Although it may have been hostile.

  He is in Kunlun, although as his master said, he is the chief disciple of the Ninth Peak, and the most powerful candidate to inherit the Ninth Peak.

   However, the ninth peak is different from the other peaks.

  Especially most people in Kunlun know that his talent is not good enough.

  Dragons are even more unlikely to see it.

   As for Ao Longyu.

   He doesn't know this person and hasn't been in contact with him much.

   The only feeling is that the other party does not want to owe someone something.

   Within his duties, it seems that he will be nosy.

   As for appearance... impeccable.

   But the immortal cultivator looks at him for a long time and has a weak nature, so he should rarely be confused by his appearance.

   And what Ao Longyu would think of him, it is impossible to guess.

   At this time, after listening to Jiang Lan's reminder, Xiao Yu had some enlightenment.

   You can find out when you calm down.

   No wonder Jiang Lan could find them all.

   Among the Kunlun contemporaries, no one can compare the xinxing to the ninth peak Jiang Lan. This is one thing that their disciples in that period all understood.

   Especially after climbing the ladder.

   Junior Brother Ninth Peak is already the pinnacle of the centrality of their disciples.

   should be surpassed by no one.

   Then Xiao Yu closed his eyes while there were no guests.

   She calmed her heart and put herself in an ethereal state.

   Body and mind are united.

   The calm heart is like a waveless lake, and she seems to be on the lake, feeling the peace of all this.

   After a long time, she felt a ripple break into her mind.

   Then she opened her eyes and looked in the direction of ripple for the first time.


  The tea cup is broken.

   Xiaoyu watched as the tea cup fell to the ground. She used a spell, but it didn't work.

   But this time she was not depressed, but excited.

   Without any hesitation, she jumped off the small chair to clean up the debris, and then took the time to feel that she might be able to catch the teacup.

   Jiang Lan just watched.

   He did not interfere at all.

   But seeing Sister Xiao Yu's excitement, I always feel that the child has found a toy.

   He didn't take it to heart.

   At this time, he actually wanted to know where to go to try the Dragon Slashing Sword. It was impossible to find a real dragon, and he could only find a monster dragon.

   But demon dragons are rare.

   Jianglan was at peace, and after a while, he discovered that there was another wine bottle about to drop.

   is on the other side of the counter.

   He looked over.

   is going to fall.

   Just when it fell, Xiao Yu jumped out.


   Xiaoyu fell to the ground.

   And the bottle was caught by her.

   There is a sense of sight of picking up the bones of a puppy.

   Jiang Lan, who had this thought in his mind, didn't think much about it.

   Instead, continue to think about the Dragon Slashing Sword.

   He tried many times. The Dragon Slashing Sword has almost no effect on plants and a little effect on animals, but it is not as good as his ordinary swordsmanship.

   Therefore, he needs to use it once before he can truly understand the true meaning of the Dragon Slashing Sword.

   If you really want to use it next time, it will look calmer.

   "Does Junior Brother want to learn anything lately?" Xiao Yu's voice suddenly spread into Jiang Lan's ears.

   He spoke subconsciously:

   "Slashing the Dragon Sword."

   Xiao Yu, who was very happy when he received the cup, was startled when he heard these words.

   She blinked her big eyes and said unnaturally:

   "Junior Brother wants to cut the dragon?"

   There is only one dragon in Kunlun.

Everyone knows who    is.

   Jiang Lan shook his head, he just said it smoothly.

   "I just wanted to try the power of the Dragon Slashing Sword, but I couldn't find a suitable one."

   "Senior brother learned how to cut the dragon sword?" Xiao Yu was a little surprised.

   She has naturally heard of Kunlun’s Dragon Slashing Sword, but no one has learned it, right?

   Jiang Lan did not answer this question.

   Xiaoyu was a little surprised, she doubted whether Junior Brother Ninth Peak was a fair or good talent.

   Say okay, with so many resources, the cultivation speed is not much faster than the lack of resources.

   Let's say it's bad, colorful Xiangyun, Dragon Slashing Sword, this kind of thing that no one else can learn at all, I have actually learned it.

   "If you want to try the power of the Dragon Slashing Sword, you can go to the python, it is possible to know the approximate power.

   As for the real dragon and the demon dragon, with the strength of the junior, they can't afford to provoke them temporarily. "Xiao Yu kindly reminded me.

   Jiang Lan came over clearly.

   thanked him immediately.

   When it was getting dark, Xiao Yu couldn't help but ask:

   "Senior brother learns to cut the dragon sword because he doesn't like Senior Sister Ao?"

   Jiang Lan didn't understand what Senior Sister Xiaoyu was asking, but he couldn't answer this question.

   He really doesn't like it, but he doesn't hate it either.

  Because I don’t understand.

   Finally, Xiao Yu went back.

   Jianglan naturally wants to go back.

   Today the boss did not come back until they closed the door.

   So after they cleaned up, they closed the door and went back.

   As long as the door is closed, they can't open it, and so can everyone else.

   Probably only the boss and the boy can open it.

   It was late at night, and it was the first time Jiang Lan returned to Kunlun late at It was not safe at night, and he walked too slowly, so he chose to fly with the sword.

   But not long after he had just flown, he suddenly noticed a palpitation.

   Without hesitation, he began to back away.

   However, he was one step late because he didn't use Tianxing Nine Steps the first time.

   He sensed that the surrounding land seemed to be retreating backwards.

   "God deflated to an inch?

   I'm on the edge, I didn't touch it, and the target was not me? "

   At this moment, Jiang Lan turned on his magical powers.

   then tried to use Tian Xing Nine Steps to escape from the influence of shrinking.

   is not very useful.

   Soon he appeared in a mountain forest.

   When he came to this mountain, when he killed Miu Xiu.

   People from the Celestial Race?

   This is Jiang Lan's first guess.

   But soon he realized that it was not.

  Because he saw the person standing in front of him, there were some marks on his face, which was different from the Celestial Race.

   Where should he have met?



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