Jianglan Station is relatively far away.

   There are two people in front of him, with flame marks on their faces.

   And under the feet of these two people lay two people, a man and a woman, both face down.

   There is no movement, the breath is still there, it should be a coma.

   But shrinking into an inch has not been completed yet, and others will not be aware of him.

   These supernatural powers are not owned by these two people.

   "The two people are just fine, but can they really be used to get into Kunlun? The source of Wanshan Mountain, Kunlun Holy Land, so easy to sneak into?"

   Jiang Lan suddenly heard a voice coming from there.

   "It can only be said that it is not difficult. I heard that Kunlun was deliberate, but I think Kunlun is nothing more than that."

   "Can you see the goddess of Yaochi after you go in?"

   "Who knows what's going on inside, go in and find out."

   At this time, the shrinking of the ground was over, and Jiang Lan's figure instantly broke into the eyes of these two people.

   These are two men, standing in the dark, with a faint light in their eyes.

  The vision is very wide.

   "Two souls."

   Jiang Lan looked at these two people, feeling calm.

   There is no danger around, but these two people should not be the masters of this matter.

   Shrinking the ground into an inch, even with supernatural powers, there are levels of power.

   Give these two people a hundred years, and I can't touch that state.

"who are you?"

   The long-haired man in the dark looked at Jiang Lan and asked vigilantly.

   Although it is dark, everything he sees is clear.

   But I can't see anything about this person at all.

   Clothing, face, facial features, nothing can be seen in the eyes.

   This is not normal.

   But they can also find that the other party has been pulled back to an inch.

   This is a bit beyond their expectations.

   Kill people and kill their mouths?

   The two became murderous for a while.

   Seems to be the perfect cultivation base of the Golden Core, and it may not be able to kill instantly, especially if it looks like a magic weapon that is not weak.

   "I was just walking in the woods and was accidentally pulled over by you." Jiang Lan looked at the two men and said.

   The shrunken people did not appear, there is no need for him not to want to be enemies with these people.

  Being stared at by too many people will affect the follow-up outings.

   It’s troublesome enough to avoid the Celestial Race.

   "Did you see their faces?" The short-haired man lowered his eyebrows and looked at the two people at his feet and asked Jiang Lan.

   "No." Jiang Lan said truthfully.

   did not see it.

   "Well then, you can go." The long-haired man said directly.

   Jianglan: "......"

   was a little unexpected, but he didn't say any more, turned and left.

   just left, quietly leaving a thousand miles under his feet, which is the result of signing in.

   Even if he leaves, he can hear what's happening here.

   If it is an ordinary sneak in, he will not care.

   But these two people are for the goddess of Yaochi.

  Ao Longyu is definitely not something that these two people can touch, but...

  He is just normal.

   After a while, most people may know his relationship with Ao Longyu.

   Seeing Jiang Lan really leave, the short-haired man was surprised:

   "Just let him go like this?"

  "Of course it's impossible. This mountain forest has a natural maze, and the commander has been strengthened smoothly. The opponent's cultivation level can't escape.

   Let's go back and let the commander come over.

   There should be a secret in this person.

   And we are not suitable for stunning snakes. "The long-haired man has a trace of indifference in his eyes.

   "Speaking of the Dragon Race really marrying Kunlun?" The short-haired man no longer paid attention to Jiang Lan who was leaving, but reached out and grabbed a Kunlun disciple, planning to carry it back.

   The long-haired man also carried a word:

   "The frontline is full of uproar, otherwise we need to come here? This is too hurt for us Yaozu.

   Kunlun’s support can simply overwhelm us.

   This time, the main target may not be the goddess of Yaochi, but the marriage partner of the goddess of Yaochi. "

"Kill him?"

   "Who knows, it must be captured first. It is not our decision whether to die or not."

   It is said that he is a person who can hardly pile up immortals with resources.

   is not enough to cause trouble. "

   When these two were about to leave, suddenly a figure appeared in front of them.

   The two were stunned, and subconsciously stepped back some distance.

   They looked suspiciously at the figure that suddenly appeared in front of them.

"It's you?"

   If they didn't guess wrong, the person who suddenly appeared now should be the person who just said that he was passing by.

   Jindan's perfect cultivation.

   They didn't do anything because they felt that they couldn't kill the opponent directly.

   I didn't expect this person to come to the door by himself.

"it's me."

   Jiang Lan's voice came out.

   He intended to leave, but the main purpose of hearing these people sneak into Kunlun was him.

   He doesn't plan to leave.

   At this time, there is no need to keep them.

   And the opponent is a monster.

   Recently, some monsters have come outside.

   should be these, it seems that they did come for him.

  The marriage between Kunlun and the dragon race has a great influence on many places.

  Whether it is Dragon Race or Kunlun, Dahuang is a powerful existence. Although the two are married, it is impossible to join forces.

   But it is an invisible blow to the monster clan who is still at war with the dragon clan.

   can easily lead to the defeat of the Yaozu.

   And in order to destroy this kind of marriage, he may become everyone's goal.

   In fact, in Jiang Lan's view, even killing him would be of no avail.

  There are so many people in Kunlun, but another one will affect the course of this matter at most.

   Treat the symptoms but not the root cause.

   Or the demons only need to treat the symptoms.

   "Didn't you pass by and left?" The short-haired man had a haze on his face.

   Now that this person appears here, then he must not be kind.

   I don't want to trouble the other party, but the other party dares to come up. It seems that there is some support.

   "Suddenly I don't want to leave." Jiang Lan looked at the two men and said:

   "I want to ask you a few questions."

   There must be more than two of the monsters, he needs to figure it out.

   To deal with it, of course it is to be dealt with together.

   He hasn't gone back to retreat recently~www.readwn.com~ so it is easy to encounter an ambush.

   If I didn't come by accidentally this time, it would be different.

   The ambush against him is definitely not limited to these two people. After all, he is also a golden core at present, and he is cautious. They will definitely treat him as the soul.

   Maybe he only had to escape at that time.

  If the inn’s affairs are over, he will definitely not pay attention to these people.

   "Are you trying to ask, how will we kill you?" The long-haired man's voice vibrated everywhere, hitting his mind.

   The vegetation on the side shattered instantly.

   At the same time, those two people dropped their shoulders on the Kunlun disciples.

Since    appears, they don’t need to talk nonsense. Let’s try the depth of this person first.

   If it doesn't work, give up these two Kunlun disciples and let the commander come over as soon as possible.

   The short-haired man jumped into the sky, and black wings appeared behind him.

   The long-haired man stepped back some distance, he moved his brain, and then the ghost of a lion appeared.

   Then he opened his mouth wide and let out a loud roar.



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