Broken Cloud Cliff.

   A middle-aged man looked at the five humans in front:

   "Did you think of a way?"

  He is the leader of this team, Mandu.

   This time they came here in the name of investigating Yaozu's stuff. Apart from not daring to approach Kunlun, they did not dare to bring too many people.

  Worrying about Kunlun is one thing, mainly because the target is too big and easy to be targeted.

  For example, people from the dragon clan.

   In Kunlun, besides the goddess, there seems to be a dragon that hasn't left yet.

   "The Ninth Peak should have only two people at present, one is Mo Zhengdong, the owner of the Ninth Peak, and the other is a disciple of average talent." A tall and thin man said.

   One of the members of the Xiujin team.

   "A person who relies on elixir to improve his cultivation is not worth mentioning.

   If I hadn’t heard that he was married to the dragon clan, I wouldn’t even look at it.

   No need to mention him to me, it fell into my hands, so I abolished him first.

   Do not kill him, wait for the commander.

   Now let’s talk about the entrance to the Netherworld. "Mang said with a wave of his hand.

   hesitated, Xiujin reminded:

  "The commander, the general commander said, unless you stay away from Kunlun, you can't do anything with this person.

  Be sure to wait for the leader to come before you do it.

   I can’t stun snakes now. "

  Mang turned his head alone and glanced at Xiujin, revealing his fierceness:

   "Are you teaching me?"

   At this moment, the fierce intent that belonged to the reckless independence spread all over.

   All people were surprised.

   Xiujin is even more frightened:

   "The subordinates dare not."

   "So how do you approach the entrance of the Nether?" Mangdu asked coldly.

  "In the short term, you can find someone to find a way to get into Kunlun, and then enter the Nether Cave for cultivation in the name of cultivation.

   But the candidate is a bit difficult to choose.

   In the long run, you can find someone to join Kunlun normally, and then visit the Ninth Peak to start.

   There is still some time before Nether is active.

   too late. "Xiu Jin said immediately.

   "Kunlun didn't pay attention to our monster race at all. It seems it's time to find something for them.

   Have you started? "Mang asked alone.

  " has begun to try short-term plans.

   First try to enter Kunlun to see if you can gain something.

   It is too difficult to start a long-term plan. "Xiu Jin said.

   "After entering, first figure out the marriage." Mang Du said.

  Nether Cave's plan, not so fast.

   And the person who married the dragons needs to be clear.

   is just a waste, do you really need to pay attention?

   Once the location is known, there is no problem with killing directly.

   It's a big deal and you can't escape.

  "To find out his whereabouts, I have to go over and see the useless human being.


   actually tried to walk towards the immortal next to the dragon clan.

   This seat looks down on such people the most. "The unrestrained voice was a little disdainful.

   The five people in front of him naturally didn't dare to have any rebellious thoughts.

   Although the commander was a little bit grumpy, he was a little bit reckless in his actions.

   But very strong, and proficient in formations.

   was born with supernatural power.

  咚! !

   Just when a few people were about to respond to Mang Du, they suddenly heard a voice outside.

   Two of them ran out directly.

   Then everyone saw someone fleeing.

high speed.

   "Go chasing them all, you have to catch him if you say anything." Mang's face was gloomy.

   Someone was eavesdropping on their conversation.

   His formation hasn't responded yet.

   The remaining three people directly chased them out.

   They naturally also know the seriousness of this matter.

   Once Kunlun knew about it, not only did all the plans fail, but he had to flee here overnight.

   If it is not from Kunlun, then there is still room for negotiation.

   When everyone left, Mang Ducai stood up, fully guarded:

   "Come out, everyone is drawn away, do you want to wait for them to come back if you don't come out?"

   At this moment, Mang Du felt the power behind him.

   did not hesitate.

   All the power mobilized and converged, the blood was divergent, the momentum skyrocketed, and the power gathered to the extreme.

   Then he went back with a punch.

   The phantom of an elephant appeared on his arm, and his power exploded to its peak.

   Boom! ! !

   At this moment, the two fists collided.

   The powerful strength directly expands the Quartet.


   Everything around is directly turned into pieces.

   The cave that was originally on Broken Cloud Cliff shattered.

   The surrounding forests are disintegrating.

   Mang used his full strength alone, he has absolute self-confidence.

   But... after he punches, he has a feeling of facing endless mountains.

   The terrible power made his heart palpitations and made him feel a sharp pain in his arm.


   Dumang could clearly notice that his arm was beginning to break.

   He didn't continue, but just backed away.


   Mang was knocked out alone.

   sawdust and rubble fell around, and in front of Mangdu, there was a figure that was difficult to see.

"who are you?"

   didn't care if he was the right hand, he could fight again.

   Jiang Lan was a little surprised, the sneak attack failed.

   The man before was really cheating on him.

   The commander here is not at the early stage of returning to Void at all, it is already in the middle of returning to Void.

   It will even return to the late stage soon.

   is only one thread away.

   One of the others is in the early stage of Void Return, and the rest are the souls.

   Jianglan doesn't worry about other people, he is more concerned about this mid-stage of relapse.

   If one or two are taken away, he will kill one by one. If everyone is taken away, he will kill the person directly.

   Others can be cleaned up slowly.

  He is biased towards the latter.

   The strong person escapes trouble, so he has to kill the strongest in the fastest way, and then deal with the others.

   Even if other people escaped, it's okay. The strongest is dead, and the others are not enough.

   But the strongest has enough guard, then it will be troublesome.

   Especially the cultivation base is stronger than him, he can only rely on the power of nine oxen.

   originally thought the plan was a success, but the other party actually said a word and asked him to make a hasty shot.

   And the opponent's strength is indeed outrageous. If it hadn't been for the recent peak of Nine Bull's power, he would not necessarily have the upper hand.

   "Do you know that I want to do something to you?" Jiang Lan asked.

   The voice was calm and waveless.

  "How can someone who listens silently and eavesdrops be found?

   Even if it is discovered, it may be deliberate.

   is nothing more than drawing people away and solving them one by one. Isn't it the best solution for me?

   Tune Tiger hasn't used it? "Mang Du looked at Jiang Lan with solemn eyes:

   "Of course, all of this is speculation, and let you come out in the end, it's just a fraud."

   Jiang Lan nodded to express that he understood and learned.

   He does not have much experience in battle, or he has not encountered enough situations.

   But using tricks, he is not good at it.

   What he is best at is killing enemies.

   The next moment Jiang Lan disappeared in place.

   Mangdu did not panic at all, stepping out, his body began to change, and his skin seemed to be harder.

   There is a thick elephant skin on his arm, and blood is beating in it, as if power beating.

   Mangdu let out a low growl, and immediately began to counterattack.

   He didn't see the opponent's cultivation level clearly, so he should be at the same level as him.

   Didn't enter the late stage of Void Return, in the same realm, what would a human being compare to his flesh and strength?

   He wants to let the other party know how it feels to be crushed by a fist.

   let him understand the appearance of blood floating.

   Trivial humans.



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