My Girlfriend From Turquoise Pond Requests My Help After My Millennium Seclusion

Chapter 125: Learn the formation, strengthen the 9th peak

   Mang Duo began to fight back, his strength condensed to the highest point of his body.

   He has the confidence to fight the late stage of Returning Void.

   What is this human being using to fight him?

   Jiang Lan didn't have much thought, the only thought was to kill the opponent as soon as possible.

   This is a monster similar to him, who repairs the power of his fist.

   Then it is simpler than other spells.

   They don't need to look at the power of the magic, just let the other party know who will be blown up.

   Jiang Lan appeared in front of Mang Du and threw a punch.

   fist-to-fist, no one has the slightest retreat.


  Mang was flew out by a punch alone, but there was nothing serious about it.

   Jiang Lan was not surprised, he bit the Dali King Kong pill.

   This enemy is very resistant to fight, can not continue to delay time, must accelerate the speed to kill him.

  When he came to Mangdu, Jiang Lan punched out again.


   Mang Du continued to be repelled, Jiang Lan pursued with victory.

   One punch, one punch, another punch.


   When he punched his fifth punch, the mang who was knocked into the air spit out blood with a face of disbelief.

   But he still didn't retreat in the slightest, and burst out all his power to compete with Jiang Lan.

   In the face of Mang Duo that was still erupting, Jiang Lan spurred all the power of the medicine. It was not time to consider other times to kill this person first.

   Once someone intervenes here, he may not be able to kill the opponent and retreat completely.

   Lucky heart will bring him life and death crisis.

   Jianglan mobilizes all the power that can be mobilized, and the power in his body is constantly erupting. At the same time as the bloodline power is surging, it seems that there is the sound of a giant cow stepping on the mountain and river.

   Then there was the sound of cows.

   came from the void, wanting to break through the world.


   Jiang Lan collided with Mang Du's fist at this moment.

   Boom! ! !

   The power spread, and Broken Cloud Cliff seemed to have suffered a huge blow.

   Facing this fist, he was not repelled, because the arm that belonged to him was directly broken by Jiang Lan's fist layer by layer and disintegrated little by little.


   punched past.

   Duman's arm directly turned into blood mist.

   At this time, Du Mang flew upside down, cracks began to appear on his body, and the power of this punch shattered his vitality.

   let his power collapse.

   This punch also shattered his self-confidence and shattered his arrogance.

   He was punched to death by a human.

how can that be?

   "I don't believe it, it's impossible."

   Mangniu's arms are gone, he tried to get up from the ground, but he has no strength.

   Jiang Lan appeared in front of him, without intending to say anything.

   The other party not only stared at him but also stared at the ninth peak.

   must be removed.

   "Impossible, your realm definitely does not surpass me, why, why can you beat me?" Mangdu did not believe it.

   "Why is it impossible?" Jiang Lan asked when he approached Mang Du.

   Although the opponent was broken by his punch, he wants to punch again.

   Make sure that the other party has no other means of life-saving.

   There is too late.

   "Who are you, why are you opposing my monster race?" Only then did Mang Du begin to calm down.

   Jianglan squatted on the ground, stretched out his hand to grasp Mangdu, and said by the way:

   "The waste human in your mouth just now."

   In an instant, he knew who the other party was.

   He opened his eyes wide and opened his mouth uncontrollably:

   "It's you? How is it possible?"

  Impossible, is everyone wrong?

boom! ! !

   Mang was horrified and unwilling, completely turned into a blood mist.

   Jiang Lan did not show mercy, and did not answer other questions.

   The five people who went out at this time finally came back.

   When they saw the mess here, they knew something had happened.

   Especially when they saw the leader dead.

   "Kill him, this man's power has bottomed out, and he is definitely not our opponent.

  Don't head-on. "Xiujin immediately chose to stay with Jiang Lan.

   Although I don't know who the other party is, it is too late to escape.

   Must survive from the dead.

   None of these people are physical cultivation, and their power impacts from the sky.

   The power of returning to the void and the power of the soul.

   Jianglan stood on the ground and looked at the five people in the sky. He was a little weak now.

   So I can only take out the sword and delay it for a while.

   Killing Mang Du is very expensive to him.

   But the pill has been taken, and it will recover quickly.


   Boom! !

   Attacks began to appear, and Jiang Lan's figure kept appearing in front of these people.

   after a long time.

   There was blood mist in the sky.

   Jiang Lan left Duanyunya with some injuries on his body.

   Fortunately, there were no fatal injuries.

   The pill that he signed in recovered quickly.

   You can't bring injuries when you go back.

   Jiang Lan left, leaving behind a mess, and the monster clan who came temporarily.

  He should not be able to kill the rest.

   But it will disrupt their plans, enough for him to return to the Ninth Peak from the inn to retreat.

   can also be regarded as solving the current hidden dangers.

   After changing a dress, Jiang Lan walked back to the Ninth Peak.

   "The main goal of the Yaozu is the entrance to the Netherworld. It seems that there is no way to avoid this incident."

   He started to think about this discovery in his heart.

   Ninth Peak has only one disciple, and that is him.

   And if other people want to target the Nether Entrance, they will definitely meet him.

   This has become a roadblock, and he and the dragon clan are the marriage partners, so for them, it's a matter of convenience, and it won't work.

   "The Ninth Peak is safe, but it is not certain whether there are any monsters in Kunlun.

   Although the possibility of personal transmission is very low, it is possible to follow the process.

   It seems that the lattice method must be set up on the ninth peak, so beware. "

   Jiang Lan didn't care much before, but now he thinks the formation is necessary.

   Not only the outer area of ​​the Ninth Peak, but also the entrance to the Nether Cave.

   In this way, even if he is in retreat, he can know that an outsider has broken in.

   As a powerful competitor for the leader of the Ninth Peak, he will naturally start guarding the Nether Cave.

   Although Master said, the peak master does not only guard the Nether Cave.

   But, he is not the peak master now.

   "But the formation skills are not enough. Although you can learn it, you still need someone to teach."

   There are almost no formations obtained by signing in. He learned this by himself.

   and want to learn It is better to be pointed by someone who has the knowledge of formation.

   He who has enlightened Dao tea should be able to learn very fast.

   "Ask Master tomorrow and see if Master will do it."

   had a general plan in his mind, so he stopped thinking about it.

   But just now he used the Dragon Slashing Sword, which is effective against the monster, but when the sword was released, he felt something wrong, as if he could not use real power even if he faced the monster dragon.

   Sword and Dragon Sword needs to be learned, and it should have a lot of effects in the face of monsters or dragons.

   Especially for the Dragons, the Dragons should not wait to see him either.

   Although the power of nine oxen is very strong, but also consider the matter of war of attrition.

   At the same level, he can have combat power beyond the normal realm, and others will also have it.

   More means is always good.

   "You can also ask Master about this."

   He signed a lot of spells and swordsmanship, but the swordsmanship should have a deeper realm.

   One pass Belden.

   As long as you can understand the true meaning of the Dragon Slashing Sword, other swordsmanship should be able to take it to the next level.

   Of course, these are spares, he majored in Nine-Niu Power.



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