My Girlfriend From Turquoise Pond Requests My Help After My Millennium Seclusion

Chapter 127: Are you going to kill your wife to prove the truth?

  Mo Zhengdong looked at Jiang Lan.

   My apprentice is a proper person.

   He doesn't need to ask for too many things.

   Although the cultivation base is weak, Jiang Lan can distinguish between what is dangerous and what is safe.

   And I can have my own ideas.

   All he can do is give proper points and some protection.

   Jiang Lan is the best disciple he has ever met, and even his proudest disciple.

   "Suddenly I became a teacher, what's the matter?" Mo Zhengdong asked.

   It's okay, Jiang Lan basically won't come up.

   Unless you buy wine.

   Actually, he doesn't drink often.

   But Jiang Lan bought it, so he drank it.

   After all, this is the only way of filial piety Jiang Lan can think of.

   He doesn't hate it.

   "I want to ask the teacher for some questions."

   Jiang Lan spoke softly.

   then sorted out what I thought last night, and continued:

  "The disciple recently wanted to learn the formation, but felt a little difficult to learn by himself, so I wanted to find someone to teach it roughly.

   Is the master highly accomplished in the game? "

   "It's taller than you." Mo Zhengdong said, looking at Jiang Lan.

   It’s not a day or two for Jiang Lan to learn the formation method.

   Look at the formation of the hall, he knows it.

  Add it when you have time.

   is really average.

   Of course, much better than the same age.

   Jiang Lan breathed a sigh of relief, Master's attainments are better than him, at least he can learn.

   He has enlightenment tea, and he should be able to surpass Master soon.

   However, he was thrown cold water before he was happy.

   "But I can't teach you as a teacher."


  "It's best to find a person with a high level of vision to teach the formation method, otherwise the limitations are too high.

   You wait for a few days as a teacher, and say hello to the master of Fifth Peak, and let her guide you for a few days. "Mo Zhengdong said sternly.

   Jiang Lan was a little surprised.

   Fifth Peak Peak Master.

  Miaoyue Fairy?

   There are two fairies in Kunlun Jiufeng.

   A fairy of the third peak Zhuqing, and a fairy of the fifth peak Miaoyue.

   Regarding this peak owner, Jiang Lan probably only knows his appearance.

  I can’t understand the character.

   "Does the Fifth Peak Master Uncle have a high level of formation skills?" Jiang Lan asked curiously.

   "Kunlun is among the best, what do you think?" Mo Zhengdong whispered.

Is    so strong? Jiang Lan was a little surprised, the formation requires a long time to learn, and the formation is proficient at the same time the cultivation base has not fallen, it is very powerful.

   But how many days does it take to say hello?

   should be human.

   Regarding this, Jiang Lan didn't refuse, because what he owes Master is different from what he owes others.

Has little effect.

   As long as it doesn’t live up to the master’s cultivation.

   "Thank you, Master, is Master proficient in swordsmanship?" Jiang Lan asked about swordsmanship again.

   The formation method is to strengthen the Ninth Peak, and the sword method is to strengthen him.

   is mainly for monsters and dragons.

   Other spells have a low effect on dragons.

   In addition to the power of the nine cows, the Dragon Slashing Sword poses the greatest threat to the dragons.

   Facing the dragon clan, having a sword is not the same as not having a sword.

   "Swordsmanship? It depends on what swordsmanship it is." Mo Zhengdong asked.

The marriage of    should put more pressure on Jiang Lan.

  The dragon clan is indeed very strong for Jiang Lan.

   "Slashing the Dragon Sword." Jiang Lan said immediately.

   "Huh?" Mo Zhengdong was taken aback, with a playful smile:

   "The Dragon Sword?

   Have you learned? "

   "Learned." Jiang Lan answered truthfully.

   There is no need to conceal this kind of thing.

   "When did you learn it?" Mo Zhengdong asked again.

   Slashing the Dragon Sword he knows, but only one person in Kunlun can learn it.

   At least on the bright side.

   He heard that person said that if you want to learn the Dragon Slashing Sword, the first prerequisite is that you are not afraid of the dragon clan and have the desire to cut the dragon.

   "These two days." Jiang Lan replied.

  Mo Zhengdong looked at Jiang Lan and raised his brows:

   "Do you want to... Slay Goddess Witness Dao Heart?"

   Hearing these words, Jiang Lan was startled, and then looked at Master in surprise.

   "Master, you are worrying too much." Jiang Lan said immediately.

   Although he thought about using Sister Ao to try the sword, he never wanted to kill the opponent.

   As for the other dragon clan, he didn't want to kill him, after all, the dragon clan is very troublesome.

   He didn't want to cause trouble for himself.

  Practicing well is what he has to do.

   But you must have the ability to kill dragons.

  Mo Zhengdong smiled and said:

   "It's okay to meet."

   As for how Jiang Lan could be, he didn't care.

   It's not good to face the dragons being too weak.

   As soon as they are weak, they think you are afraid of him instead of being humble.

   "Which one do you want to learn first?" Mo Zhengdong asked.

   "Formation," Jiang Lan said.

   At present, he still defends other people first, and then strengthens the Dragon Slashing Sword.

   "Okay, wait for your promotion to the soul.

   If there is no accident, go to Fifth Peak to learn the formation.

   Slashing the Dragon Sword is easy, but you have to go to the eighth peak. "Mo Zhengdong said roughly.

   Thanks to Master, Jiang Lan left the Ninth Peak.

   I'm going to the inn now.

   Going to other peaks to study, Jiang Lan was more surprised.

   But you have to be promoted to the soul first.

   The problem is not too big.

  The only thing to be concerned about is that the other peaks are not as safe as the ninth peak.

   Be vigilant when the time comes.

   The early morning sun falls on the body, giving people a warm feeling.

   Jianglan walked towards the direction of the sun.

   The weather today is surprisingly good.

When    came to the inn, Xiao Yu had already arrived.

   At this time, she is reading, like a diligent girl reading early in the morning.

   Seeing Jiang Lan coming, Xiao Yu closed the book and quietly put it behind her:

   "I want to ask the younger brother some questions."

   When Jiang Lan came over, Xiao Yu spoke directly.

   "Sister, please say it." Jiang Lan stopped in front of Xiao Yu.

   "How did Junior Brother learn to cut the dragon sword?" Xiao Yu asked.

   "I learned it after reading it once." Jiang Lan replied.

   He did only watch it once.

   Cut the Dragon Sword by chance, otherwise everyone in Kunlun will be able to do it.

  Dragons can still accommodate Kunlun?

   It's normal to never die.


   Xiaoyu watched it all night, but didn't learn it.


   At this time, the door of the inn opened.

   is the innkeeper.

"come in."

   Jiang Lan and Xiao Yu walked in.

   "The boss is not going out today?" Xiao Yu asked curiously.

   Jiang Lan also felt that the boss did not bring anything today, which is different from before.

   "It's over, today is the last day you come here to help." The boss walked all the way to the backyard:

  "Please clean this time, the boss has left the inn and went to the backyard.

   Jianglan looked at the ground and found that there were many wine bottles and bones.

   "These people are really random."

   Regarding things on the ground, Jiang Lan had something to say in his heart, but he didn't care much.

   then began to pack things.

   Xiaoyu squatted on the edge of Jianglan to help clean up:

   "Junior brother came here to understand the soul, right?"

   "Well, but chances are something you can't find." Jiang Lan packed up the wine bottle, and got up to pick up other garbage.

   If today is the last day, he probably won't have this chance, Xiao Yu is also asking this.

   Xiaoyu didn't say anything, but handed Jiang Lan the broom.

   When she was promoted to the soul, she also encountered a lot of things.

   Promoting to the soul is not so easy.

   "That's right, how many years has Junior Brother started?" Xiao Yu asked.

   "More than one hundred and forty years." Jiang Lan said.

   "So... small?"




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