
   Jiang Lan looked at Senior Sister Xiao Yu, and felt that being said to be young by such a senior sister was a relatively dramatic thing.

   He didn't say anything.

  According to the age, he is indeed younger.

   Xiao Yu in the late Yuanshen period should be more than two hundred years old.

   This is the cultivation speed of the fastest genius.

   If the talent is worse, it may be more than 300.

   The last time the Celestial Clan Miao Xiu, the primordial spirit reached Consummation, he had cultivated for more than two hundred years, and he was also a human genius.

   It takes about three hundred years to be promoted and regained.

   Few in three hundred years, many in the early three hundred years.

   So Jiang Lan seems to be a fairy for more than five hundred years, which is pretty fast.

   As for Sister Ao, it should be within 300 years.

   However, the engagement has not been circulated in Kunlun yet.

   There is no announcement, just subscribed.

   should be confirmed once more.

   After all, there is only one person from the Dragon Clan, and there should be more in the follow-up.

   If it is completely determined, it will definitely be announced directly, and he will hide for dozens of hundreds of years.

   Eliminate the influence.

   After finishing packing things, Jiang Lan put the garbage in the backyard.

   did not see the boss at this time.

  貔貅 also didn't see it.

   "Pixiu hasn't come back yet?" Xiao Yu asked when Jiang Lan returned to the counter.

   "Well, after being chased by the dragon clan last time, I never saw it again." Jiang Lan replied calmly.

   At this time, he subconsciously reached out to support the tea cup on the side.

   just halfway out, Xiao Yu suddenly jumped to hold the teacup.

So fast?

   Jiang Lan was a little surprised. Although it is not difficult to receive a teacup, it is not so easy to respond so quickly.

   Sister Xiaoyu is very talented.

   was a little happy to receive the teacup light rain.

   There is a sense of accomplishment.

   She just prepared it specially, otherwise she wouldn't notice it.

   When Jiang Lan came in, he instantly noticed that although Xiao Yu didn't say anything, he was very surprised.

   Is it possible for a normal person to have such a high level of mood at this age?

   Xiaoyu thought it was impossible, even those who had just become immortals might not be so exaggerated.

   "The boss didn't ask, there should be nothing wrong." Xiao Yu said.

   Jiang Lan nodded and didn't speak. As for other things that would fall, he didn't have any thoughts of doing it again.

   Sister Xiaoyu wants to play, he can't disturb others.

   Otherwise it is easy to offend people.

   is dissatisfied, sometimes it always brings trouble to myself.

   "After a while, some people from the Dragon Clan may come, do you know about it?" Xiao Yu asked curiously.

   "I have never heard of it." Jiang Lan said softly.

   He does not know, but it should be for marriage.

   I hope there won't be any big accidents.

   He doesn't want to be on the cusp of the storm.

   Of course, the marriage itself will put him on the cusp.

   What can be pursued is not to deteriorate.

   For example, let him fight against certain underage people of the dragon clan.

   "I heard that this time the Dragon Race came over, for a major event, there may be some disturbance.

   It’s best to pay attention to the younger brother. "Xiao Yu reminded.

   is just a reminder, she doesn't know what will actually happen.

   "Thank you, Senior Sister." Jiang Lan bowed his head and thanked him.

   It seems that he really needs to pay attention.

   The matter here is over, when you go back to retreat, pay more attention to the outside.

   Make a reminder of the formation.

   is about himself, he will not ignore it.

   Xiaoyu nodded slightly, did not say much, and continued to calm down, trying to catch the appearance of the ripples.

   Once the ripples appear, it means that a bottle is about to fall.

  This is indeed a good place for practice.

   It's just that she failed to comprehend it at first.

   received two bottles smoothly, only then did Xiao Yu ask what she had been asking:

   "What do you think you need to learn the dragon sword?"

   She would like to know more about it and take precautions for the future.

   This question is actually a bit difficult for Jiang Lan, but he remembered the conversation with Master in the morning.

   then spoke in an uncertain tone:

   "Probably need a dragon-slashing heart."

   He guessed it himself, and he never asked if it was right.

   Next time his master arranges for him to go to school, you can ask.

   I'll tell this elder sister when the time comes.

  If there is still a chance to meet.

   The other party told him about the dragon, this is a gift in return.

   is not a big deal, but they are all useful.

  Zhanlong's heart?

   Xiaoyu opened his mouth, hesitated and chose to speak:

   "Senior brother hates Sister Ao?"

   "I don't hate it." Jiang Lan answered directly.

   The last time Xiaoyu asked a similar question, it seemed to ask if he did not like Ao Longyu.

   He couldn't answer this question.

   But now this question is easy to answer.

   He really doesn't hate it.

   I don’t like nature either.

   Xiao Yu said, without asking anything.


   The door of the inn suddenly closed.

   Jiang Lan and Xiao Yu were both taken aback.

   The door closed suddenly, naturally abnormal, but neither of them panicked.

   Jiang Lan began to be on guard, and his power could explode at any time.

   And it is not the superficial power, but the power in the mid-stage of rebirth.

   The defense he should have, he won't take it off.

   "Come to the backyard."

   Sudden voice rang in the minds of Jiang Lan and Xiao Yu.

The moment    sounded, Jiang Lan and Xiao Yu looked at each other.

   seems to have heard it all.

   is the voice of the boss.

   Jiang Lan left and went to the backyard.

   Xiao Yu also jumped off the chair, and then followed.

   "Junior, what do you think the boss will tell us?" Lu Xiaoyu asked.

   Jiang Lan thought about it, and then said:

   "Probably it has something to do with the Master asking me to come."


   His master asked him to come here to make him break through.

   And today is the last day, so if there is such a breakthrough opportunity, it must be today.

   If not, he doesn't care.

   Xiao Yu nodded. She was here only by chance, but if there was any chance, she would not miss it.

   Becoming stronger is what everyone wants to do.

   Everyone wants to step over the threshold of becoming immortal.

   The two came to the backyard and saw the boss sitting on the wooden chair in front of the field.

   side facing them.


   Jiang Lan and Xiao Yu came to the boss.

   seems to be asking how to let them come here, UU reading especially today is still closed.

   "Today is the last day for your help. As a reward for these days, I will give you something."

   The boss watched Jiang Lan and Xiao Yu point to the end of the field, and continued:

   "Come on, it depends on how much you can comprehend and what you will comprehend."

   Jiang Lan and Xiao Yu immediately looked at the end of Tian.

  In Jiang Lan's eyes, what he saw was the willow tree, but in Xiao Yu's eyes, he saw Lingquan.

   After the two thanked them, they walked to the end of Tanabe together.

On the way, Xiao Yu curiously said:

   "When the younger brother was determined to come here, did he get a bottle of wine?"

   "Yes, it's a reward for helping." Jiang Lan nodded.

   Yes, they have been paid from the beginning.

   Unexpectedly, there are still.

   Xiaoyu wanted to speak, but soon she realized that Jiang Lan beside her was gone.

   She was not surprised, but walked towards Lingquan.

   She knew that the willow tree Jiang Lan saw was different from her.

   So the place to go should be different.



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