My Girlfriend From Turquoise Pond Requests My Help After My Millennium Seclusion

Chapter 133: Jiang Lan, do you have a hidden cultivation base?

   Jianglan failed when he was promoted at the inn.

   His master should have known it.

   But that was also a chance after all, so this time he was promoted smoothly, and there was nothing.

   So in three years, he mentioned his cultivation base to the early stage of Yuanshen.

   Nearly one hundred and fifty years, still within the scope of genius.

   He will slow down afterwards.

   It's not suitable to continue.

   His master already knew about the promotion.

   Although he didn't say anything, there was still a slight smile at the corners of his mouth.

   Jiang Lan saw it.

   A lot of ninth peak formations have been added, but as he learns more about the formations, the more he feels those are somewhat ordinary.

   After I came back from this study, I changed everything.

   "I don't know how far I can learn."

   Jiang Lan was a little expectant.

   He put the flower pot in the yard, poured some spiritual liquid, and then used Yuanyijing.

   Enlightenment tea is useless until now, he is waiting for this day.

   After a fight with himself, Jiang Lan left the Ninth Peak with Yujian.

   Every time he fights Yuan Yijing, he never wins.

   But the attack is a lot more lingering. Going in to challenge yourself is almost to practice boxing.

   Other clever usages, he knows, but they rarely use them.

   When the war of attrition is needed, it is never too late.

   Familiar, but also familiar.

  This kind of thing, he will naturally spend some time.

   is to strengthen the overall strength.

   The sun is warm and the breeze is slow.

   There are many Kunlun disciples walking with swords in the sky.

  Some went to other peaks, and some went out of Kunlun.

   Jianglan Imperial Sword is not low or high, and it is not conspicuous at all.

   Not paying attention, few people will observe him.

   This time out, he used a newly learned technique.

   A solitary article in the Taoism of Nature.

   Take self as the center, take self as everything, sum up the breath and power inside the body, and become a lone existence.

   does not interact with the outside world.

   I see myself, I know myself.

   is forgotten in the corner by all beings, no one cares, no one pays attention.

   "This technique, looking at the introduction, is a bit sad."

   Jiang Lan felt a bit extreme when he thought of this technique.

  Does the person who created this technique do not want to be noticed, or is he afraid of being noticed?

   He doesn't know, but it's useful to him now. As long as he doesn't interact with the outside world, his sense of existence will be much lower.

   But once you communicate with the outside world or use power, the effect will disappear.

   Fifth Peak Mountain Gate.

   Jiang Lan came to the guard of the mountain gate and said:

   "By the order of the master, come to see Master Miaoyue."

   Jiang Lan lowered his posture and said softly.

   His Yuanshen cultivation base is still there, so it can be said to be very powerful.

   Especially his clothes, he is still a disciple of the last century.

   "I don't know which disciple of the senior brother is?" a male disciple asked immediately.

   He is respectful on his face.

   Although he doesn't know what cultivation level this senior is, he can feel that this senior is very strong.

   is not comparable to them at all.

   The other party is so polite, which of them is disrespectful.

   "The Ninth Peak, Jiang Lan." Jiang Lan responded softly.

   "The peak master has indeed ordered, I will take the senior brother up." The disciple guarding the mountain gate did not dare to neglect the slightest.

   Jiang Lan gave a light thanks.

  On the way up the mountain, Jiang Lan didn't feel the slightest attention.

   So he also understands one thing.

   That was his marriage to Ao Longyu, and it didn't come out.

   can breathe a sigh of relief.

   But as he walked, he heard some sounds.

   "It's been a few years, why hasn't the news come out yet?"

   "Yes, it is said that the goddess wants to get engaged, but the target of the engagement has not yet been clarified."

   "Do you think it is possible to be our senior brother?"

   "It's not possible, I heard that the best or most prestigious disciple is either on the first peak or on the eighth peak."

   "It's definitely not Senior Brother Lujian, right?"

   "It's not your turn to approach Senior Brother Lujian."

   "Huh, at least the dream is still there."

   The fairy stuck out his tongue.

   Jiang Lan didn't change the slightest after hearing these words.

   He understands that the story of the Dragon Race and Kunlun's marriage has spread, but so far, no one knows the candidate for Kunlun.

   "Isn't it said that the transmission of madness on the front line of the dragon and the monster?"

   Jiang Lan was a little surprised.

   has been spread for three years, but hasn't it been spread here?

   But it does no harm to him.

   He can study at ease for at least the past two years.

   There are so many people on the Fifth Peak.

   is many times more than his ninth peak.

   "Has the elder brother heard this rumor?" At this time, the disciple of Fifth Peak beside Jiang Lan asked curiously.

   Jianglan nodded slightly:

   "Slightly heard."

   He did not hear much, but every sentence was heard as the person concerned.

   Although it is only a few words, but they know more than these people.

   "Who do you think it is?"

   "I'll find out after two years."

   Jiang Lan replied softly, he could only say so.

   He can't answer the others either.

   Soon Jiang Lan was taken to the main hall.

   He can go in alone behind him.

   The arrival of Jianglan didn't pay much attention to it. After all, it was normal for people from other peaks to come.

   is not a celebrity, almost no one pays attention.

   He was indeed famous before, but only before.

   For decades, they have been paying attention to others.

   "I have seen Master Uncle."

   Entering the hall, Jiang Lan saw a woman standing at the top of the hall.

   is a fairy wearing a pale yellow fairy dress, with a veil covering his face, but through those eyes, you can know that this fairy is most likely a beautiful fairy.

   Jiang Lan only dared to take a glance, then bowed his head to say hello respectfully to ensure that he was not rude.

   "Jiang Lan?" Fairy Miaoyue looked at Jiang Lan and asked.

   "It's a junior." Jiang Lan still lowered his head.

   "Listen to your master, you want to learn the formation technique recently?" Fairy Miaoyue's voice was very soft and soft.

   did not feel the strength before.

   "Yes, Master said that Shishu's formation skills are among the best in Kunlun." Jiang Lan felt that this sentence should not be wrong.

   Fairy Miaoyue looked at Jiang She could clearly feel that the other party's heart was very calm.

   is not like a young heart at all.

   is the same as a retired old man.

   "How long have you been getting started?" Fairy Miaoyue asked.

   "It's almost one hundred and fifty years." Jiang Lan replied.

   "What cultivation base?"

   "In recent years, I have just been promoted to the early stage of the soul."

   Fairy Miaoyue was not surprised, after all, Jiang Lan did not hide his surface cultivation.

   "Are there any hidden cultivation bases?" Fairy Miaoyue asked directly.

   This question surprised Jiang Lan.

   No one has ever asked this question suddenly, right?

   However, his heart was as calm as ever, and it did not cause any fluctuations.

   Fairy Miaoyue did not let Jiang Lan answer, but continued:

   "Do you think you were promoted fast or slow in the first 150 years of your promotion to Yuanshen?"

   "It's fast," Jiang Lan replied.

   The uncle teacher gave people an inexplicable pressure.

   I can't guess exactly what to do with it.



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