My Girlfriend From Turquoise Pond Requests My Help After My Millennium Seclusion

Chapter 134: Teach you how to hide the cultivation base

   Jiang Lan lowered his head, not looking at Fairy Miaoyue.

   There is a lot of pressure, but there is no sense of crisis.

   His heart is as calm as ever.

   Of course, this level has to be done to him, and he has no chance of running away.

   So just wait at ease.

  Look at what the uncle master is going to do.

   "Fast?" Fairy Miaoyue said with a smile:

   "Normally, there are not a few people in Kunlun who have been promoted to the soul for more than one hundred and forty years.

   Although the difference is only a few years, the gap in the past few years is very different in the eyes of those geniuses.

   Your cultivation speed is too fast. "

   Jiang Lan is a little confused, what does this mean?

   Fairy Miaoyue returned to her position, she sat down, and her voice came out again:

  "As the only disciple of the Ninth Peak, you have no shortage of resources and no shortage of people to teach.

   The Ninth Peak is basically yours.

   So why did you get promoted so fast? "

   Jiang Lan raised his head and glanced at Fairy Miaoyue, he seemed to understand:

   "Uncle Shi mean, let me hide my cultivation base?"

  "Does it conflict with your mood?" Fairy Miaoyue asked softly.

   "No conflict." Jiang Lan immediately shook his head.

   He felt it out, and Master Miao Yue was teaching him how to survive better.

   Although he has been hiding his cultivation.

   According to Master Miaoyue, he still has to hide a layer of cultivation.

   Surface cultivation base, and then hide a layer of cultivation base that can be seen by powerful peak masters, and finally a layer of cultivation base that no one can see through.

   This is really troublesome.

   But it won't be too much trouble.

   "You are absolutely safe at the Ninth Peak, so with your master's character, I will definitely not teach you this.

   But Kunlun is so complicated, you have hidden conditions.

   Then there is no need to let people know how many cards you have.

  The more you hide, the more you can survive in the Wilderness World. Fairy Miaoyue said softly.

   "Thank you, Master, for your guidance." Jiang Lan bowed his head and thanked.

   really needs thanks.

   At least one more security guarantee.

   But he has a question:

   "Every time I reach the realm, Master will let me go somewhere to seek a breakthrough.

  Is it impossible to go like this? "

  "Don’t worry, the only disciple of the Ninth Peak, a person owns the resources of a mountain.

   Where others need to break through to go, you can go wherever you want.

   Everyone knows what's going on anyway. Fairy Miaoyue said with a smile.

   Jianglan: "......"

   This uncle is not staid at all.

   Just why do you want to point him to this?

   "I'm curious why should I point you?"

   Fairy Miaoyue folded her feet, then dragged her cheeks with her hands against her feet, looking at Jiang Lan.

   Jianglan still keeps his head down at this time:

   "Is it because of the goddess?"

   This should be the reason, otherwise Master Fifth Peak does not need to guide him.

   "No." Fairy Miaoyue dragged her cheeks and looked at Jiang Lan, with an unusually soft voice:

   "Because I have long admired your master and want you to be a matchmaker for me."

   "Huh?" Jiang Lan was shocked.

   He looked up at Master Miaoyue in shock, feeling like he had heard something terrible.

   There were countless waves in the original calm heart.

   This, is this to let him be a matchmaker?

   Find yourself a teacher?

   "Hehe." Fairy Miaoyue suddenly smiled, she looked at Jiang Lan and said calmly:

   "I thought you were too fond of love.

   was surprised too.

   Your master taught you the same as an old hermit. "

   Jianglan looked at Fairy Miaoyue with some doubts, and tried to say:

   "Uncle Shi just said..."

   He wanted to know if it was true.

   Looking for a Taoist companion to Master, this thing really made him a little at a loss.

   But the master is really not young anymore, it is not impossible to find a master.

   "What do you think?" Fairy Miaoyue asked.

   Jianglan: "......"

   How would I know?

   But is Uncle Miaoyue suitable for Master?

   Next time I will go to explore the style.

   See what the master means.

  It’s not easy to find a wife, because the two old people get together.

  Can't get along, it's him who will be in trouble in the future.

   "Heh, let's go, take you to learn the formation."

   Fairy Miaoyue's voice reached Jiang Lan's ears.

   Jiang Lan felt that he was calculated by the other party so that he could ask Master.

   The negotiation with the Dragon Clan is mainly based on Master Miaoyue, so it is not easy to look at the other party.

   is true and false.

   But finally starting to learn the formation, his main purpose this time is this.

   As for the teacher...

   After becoming a fairy, pay attention again.

   asked Master if there is any relationship history.

   I just don’t know if the master will say it.

   really can't work, I can only come secretly.

   Jiang Lan basically doesn't care about other people's affairs, but he is still very concerned about Master's affairs.

   "Your master should have told me about the engagement, right?"

   On the way Fairy Miaoyue walked ahead and asked.

   "Well, I said it." Jiang Lan, who was walking behind, nodded respectfully.

   "Do you have any opinions?" Fairy Miaoyue asked.

   "Which aspect does Uncle Shi mean?" Jiang Lan asked.

   This opinion is not only about the marriage contract, so it is better to ask clearly before answering.

   is smart and usually hated.

   He doesn't expect to be looked up high, as long as he doesn't hate it.

   The follow-up formation should be able to learn normally.

   "Your fiancee, what kind of person do you think of her." Fairy Miaoyue asked.

   She is still walking in the forefront.


   When he heard this sentence, Jiang Lan was actually a little curious about who it was.

   But in an instant, he knew it was Ao Longyu.

   "I have only seen it a few times, it seems like a careless speech." Jiang Lan replied.

   Ao Longyu gave him the feeling that he was taciturn, tall, cold and gorgeous.

   does not speak, is not sociable, and looks good.

   But sometimes it is kind.

   and never owe favors.

   If you owe it, you will pay it back.

   He has had several transactions with Ao Longyu and is a very good customer.

   Miaoyue Fairy smiled and said:

   "You can meet the goddess more when you have time, and you will find that she is a very lively little girl."

   ran to learn how to cut the dragon sword, and I had never seen such a lively dragon.

   I don't know if it's irritated.

   Jiang Lan nodded and did not speak.

   Let him go meet Ao Longyu...

   I feel a little difficult. UU reading

   But this kind of thing should be five years later, everyone will cultivate and be promoted to the immortal.

   This is a big deal for Kunlun.

   Once a fairy, the goddess was directly tied to Jiang Lan.

   And Jiang Lan is the only disciple of Ninth Peak, directly tied to Kunlun.

  The dragon clan will never be able to return to Ao Longyu again.


   Fairy Miaoyue stopped in front of the hillside.

   Jianglan looked over and found that what he saw was a small mountain.

   looks very ordinary.

  "Now is the basic stage, what you need to do is to reach the top of the mountain within half a year.

   can only accept my guidance.

   If not, I think that from your master's side, he can also guide you.

   But you certainly can't comprehend anything. "

   Fairy Miaoyue said seriously to Jiang Lan.

   She is not joking.

   Jiang Lan respectfully saluted, thanked him, and walked towards the hillside.

   Fairy Miaoyue watched Jiang Lan pass and was silent.



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