"I can't see through it, but sure enough, this kind of person's heart is too calm, and it's too difficult to know what the other person is thinking."

   Fairy Miaoyue looked at Jiang Lan a little helpless.

  "But one thing is certain, he is very concerned about the topic of his wife.

   It seems that it is indeed just a calm mood.

   is quite concerned about my master’s affairs. "

   Miaoyue Fairy smiled again:

   "I don't know if he will go to ask his master in the end, and I don't know what the situation will be."

   This is quite interesting.

   After that, Fairy Miaoyue stopped thinking too much.

   The matter of juniors, she shouldn't pay too much attention to it.

   But she didn't have trouble with Jiang Lan either.

   If I can’t go up this mountain, it’s too difficult to learn the formation, basically I can’t learn much.

   Fur and fur can’t be touched.

  Calculate the basics.

   But she didn't know where Jiang Lan could go in six months.

   reached the top is what she said casually.

   It’s not impossible to reach the summit in June, but it’s a bit difficult.

   Let alone Jiang Lan, a layman.

   said six months, just to give Jiang Lan some small pressure, let him not relax.

   Although his master said that Jiang Lanming is reasonable and hardworking, he still needs to suppress it.

   How can I be so indulgent.

   She is different from the people of Ninth Peak.

   Fairy Miaoyue has left, so I don't have to worry about Jiang Lan for half a year.


   Jianglan came to the front of the hillside.

   He looked at the stone monument in front of the mountain and found that there were two words on it: Houshan.

   Master Miaoyue brought him here, and no one was seen along the way.

   There are not many people who want to come in from here.

   I stopped thinking about it, and stepped in.

   When he stepped into the hillside, he felt that he was instantly in a big mountain, and it was difficult to see the peak when he raised his head.


   "Same as a secret realm."

   Looking at the mountain that was completely different from the previous hillside, Jiang Lan was a little surprised for a while.

   But there is really no danger here, but traces of the formation can be seen everywhere.

   is really a big formation.

   Coming here to study is definitely infinitely better than his self-study.

   "It's right."

  He was a little lucky.

   Sure enough, you can’t ask the teacher except for things like upgrading your cultivation. You still have to talk to the master about other things.

   Master has many roads.

   But these must be favored.

   He can't let the master down, let alone embarrassing him.

   There is a mountain road ahead, which should be the road leading to the top of the mountain.

   When he stepped into the mountain road, Jiang Lan felt the flowers in front of him.

   is a maze.

   But it's very simple, it can't be simpler.

   did not hesitate, broke the formation and continued to move up.

   Then Jiang Lan encountered a lot of puzzles. They were all simple, but they kept getting more complicated, and new changes kept appearing.

   It seems that the changes are random.

   can't find any pattern.

   "I haven't seen this."

   When encountering new changes, Jiang Lan was a little confused for a while.

   He read so many books about formations.

   But I have encountered it now, I have never seen it.

   Although it is still that simple.

   But this kind of thinking has never been seen before.

   understood, and then continued.

   Half a year to reach the top of the mountain, he didn't pay much attention to these words.

   As long as it is a new change, he wants to know about it.

   If you can fully understand this mountain, let alone half a year, he will stay here for a year.

   Later, I will find a way to find Master Miaoyue for advice.

   Jiang Lan gave up the promotion of cultivation, gave up the practice of magic techniques, and also gave up the consolidation of the state of mind.

  He intends to reach the top first.

   Perhaps this process is also helpful to the state of mind and nature.

   But soon he remembered another thing.

   "This should not be an ordinary place, I don't know what will be checked out."

   Yes, he can sign in first.

   but the fifth peak, he did not find the main road.

   So far, the entrance to the Netherworld is connected to Yaochi.

   "The system signs in here."

【Ding! 】

  【Successfully signed in, congratulations to the host for obtaining the gift of the Dao Context and acquiring the magical magical magic door. 】

  【Eight Fang Qimen: Heaven and earth all directions, Qimen magic circle, open all directions with oneself as the center, palm the terrain, change the yin and yang, move water and fire, and generate wind and thunder. 】

   Jiang Lan took a look, then didn't care.

   This looks similar to Qimen Dunjia.

   looks like a formation, but it is not a formation.

   Both have their own advantages, and I talk a lot about who is good and who is bad.

   But Jiang Lan doesn't plan to learn now. When the things here are over, he will learn again when he has time.

   He didn't know the specific effect.

  Look at the introduction, it is likely to be used as an aid.

After   , Jiang Lan continued to go up the mountain. He didn't think about anything else along the way, and focused on the formation.

   He didn't walk fast, but he was steady.

   The breeze is blowing slowly, and the white clouds are fluttering.

   Jiang Lan looked at the clouds in the sky and felt calm in his heart.

   Knowing the formation here really makes him feel fulfilled.

   Every time he understands a formation, he feels that he is stronger, which is completely different from his self-study here.

   He can clearly feel that he is improving every day, at a speed visible to the naked eye.

  Walking on this mountain, Jiang Lan has a kind of walking in the endless sea of ​​ice. Every step he takes, the ice under his feet will melt and turn into seawater.

   And his goal is to turn this piece of ice into a flowing, vast ocean.

   Every step he has an inexplicable joy.

   This road is very far, this goal is too ambitious, he doesn't know how long it will take to complete.

   But he will definitely go up little by little and walk to the top of the mountain little by little.

   I don’t need to stop, I don’t want to stop.

   Like cultivation, he will look at his experience, he will not waste time, and he will understand to make himself stronger.

   Keep your feet on the ground, it’s not good to go far.

   The road ahead is steady, and the road behind is not narrow.

   In the sea of ​​learning, the passage of time is so lacking in feeling.

   A month later, Jiang Lan fell into a difficult problem, hiding the difficulty of the formation.

   He has never touched, but he thinks he can understand.

   But it takes more time.

   He took out the enlightenment tea and delivered it to his mouth little by little.

   This time is the time to use enlightenment tea.

   There is enlightenment tea, which will make him comprehend the formation here faster.

   Of course, everything needs to be grasped by himself.

   In one day, Jiang Lan overcomes the problem, and uses the effect of enlightenment tea to move forward step by step~www.readwn.com~ this time he splits the enlightenment tea and puts it in his mouth piece by piece.

   to ensure longer use time, more comprehension.

  The time flies is the fourth month.

   Jiang Lan didn't know how far he had walked, but he knew that he had stepped on countless formations under his feet, and he had more understanding in his mind.

   He felt that after waiting for this mountain, he might be able to understand more clearly.

   put a piece of tea in his mouth, Jiang Lan continued to move up.

  He is a little embarrassed, because this road is not easy to walk.

   But I got a lot.

   He doesn't feel bitter, but rather happy.

   He is still not in a hurry, no matter how difficult or time it takes, he is not in a hurry, nor impetuous.

   Even if he encounters a formation that looks very simple, he will not skip it, and he will not be blinded by pride.

   Come little by little, step by step.

   Jiang Lan is working hard, but there is already an uproar at the foot of the mountain.

   "Let me go, who is this person? Why is the progress ranking so high?

   came out all of a sudden. "



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