Regardless of Jiang Lan's mood, getting engaged is a big deal for him.

   He can't do things like this without being surprised.

   Once set, he will bear this responsibility.

   Even if there is strength to refute in the future, cause and effect have already been planted.

   is hard to give up.

   If Senior Sister Ao is the kind of person who is unreasonable and looks down on him, it might be easier.

   But I am afraid I am afraid, not such a person.

   Then I want to go wandering through the wilderness after cultivating younger generations.

   is difficult.

   because there is one more person.

   So when Master Miaoyue told him that he would be engaged tomorrow, he was surprised.

   No mental preparation at all.

  His master told him these things, and there is a foreshadowing and a prelude.

   "I thought you would deliberately say that it was the reason why two years have passed."

   Fairy Miaoyue looked at Jiang Lan not surprisingly.

   Jiang Lan did not answer this.

   "Speaking of which, do you like goddess?" Fairy Miaoyue looked at Jiang Lan curiously.

   This question is a bit difficult to answer. After hesitating, Xia Jianglan decided to change the concept:

"it's OK."

   Xiaoyu also asked similar questions, so it doesn’t take time to think about this concept.

   "Then I like it." Fairy Miaoyue said directly.

   Jianglan: "......"

Can    be counted like that?

   "Tell me about your results this time. You have been in the mountain for about seven months. What do you have learned during these seven months?" Fairy Miaoyue sat on a high chair and watched Jiang Lan talk about business.

   "It took a little longer and barely reached the top of the mountain. I learned a little bit more about the game than before, and my ability was better than before." Jiang Lan replied.

   He only compared himself with the original himself, and didn't dare to say too much.

   said that they are usually suppressed.

   "You can be a little prouder next time you speak." Fairy Miaoyue looked at Jiang Lan a little puzzled, and continued:

  "Suppressing the proud disciple is the pleasure of every predecessor.

   Appropriate reminders can show that the senior is a past person.

   can also give seniors a sense of accomplishment to participate in your growth process. "

   Jianglan: "......"

   is a little complicated.

   But he doesn't come into contact with any seniors, so he doesn't need to learn.

   It's not like that when getting along with the master.

   After all, it has been more than a hundred years and suddenly changed. Master should think that he was taken away by Master Miaoyue.

   After all, this time I will try to hide the surface cultivation. This kind of hidden master can be seen.

   "Thank you for your teachings." Jiang Lan responded softly.

   Fairy Miaoyue smiled, she naturally knew that Jiang Lan hadn't heard a word.

   She just wanted to see if Jiang Lan could listen.

   Sure enough, it was the same as the brother said, very assertive.


   Fairy Miaoyue took out a book and threw it to Jiang Lan.

   After taking the book, Jiang Lan glanced at it, and didn't have a name.

   "Open it."

   Fairy Miaoyue's voice came over.

   Hearing the sound, Jiang Lan immediately opened the book.

After opening   , he found that it was a drawing of a formation pattern and some annotations.

   "You probably already understand the structure of the formation, today I will teach you how to construct the formation."

   Fairy Miaoyue stood up.

   Then a snapped finger sounded.


   Some patterns began to appear around the hall, like a large formation.

  "A good formation method needs to be based on the right time and place, but the time is hard to meet, and the right place is hard to find. Then it must be people-oriented and make up for the right time and place.

   The method of complementing is called formation pattern. "

   Jiang Lan listened quietly, every time Fairy Miaoyue talked for a while, he would turn to the next page.

After   , he has been standing in the hall.

   his eyes have been on the book and the surrounding patterns.

   And Fairy Miaoyue, only a fixed time will speak.

   As if it doesn't matter whether he has digested it or not.

  The seasons change.

   Winter is here, but it's gone again.

   Five months, fleeting.

   Today, Jiang Lan gently buttoned the book.

   He, finished watching.

   And Master Miaoyue should have finished the explanation too.

   These days, he did not learn the layout of a well-known formation, but knew what was needed for the formation, the key to the success or failure of the formation.

   He could feel that Master Miaoyue opened a vague path for him.

   How far he can go depends on himself.

   Jiang Lan was a little curious for a while, what kind of favor Master needs to owe to let Master Uncle teach him this way.

   At first he thought he would only teach a general idea, but he didn't expect to open a door for him directly.

   "How much do you understand?"

   Fairy Miaoyue looked at Jiang Lan who had closed the book and asked.

   "Understand some." Jiang Lan replied, bowing his head.

   Fairy Miaoyue nodded, and then said:

   "You have one year to go, and the ceremony will be held on time in one year. Then it will be your engagement day.

   You can be mentally prepared this year.

   Books you can take back and continue to comprehend. "

   After thanking Master Miaoyue, Jiang Lan planned to leave the Fifth Peak Hall.

   just walked two steps, but was suddenly stopped:

   "Wait a minute."

   is called by Master Miaoyue.

   "Uncle Master still has orders?" Jiang Lan asked softly immediately.

   "Go back to your master to learn the handwriting, handwriting is not good." Fairy Miaoyue looked at Jiang Lan and said.

   Jiang Lan: "???"

   was seen?

   Then Jiang Lan left the Fifth Peak.

   Watching Jiang Lan leave, Miao Yue smiled like a flower:

   "I don't know if he will ask questions about his wife when he goes back."

   She finds this thing very interesting.

   But she could see it.

   Jianglan began to hide.

   It is impossible for a person who has walked the peaks of the formation in half a year to understand a little about that book.

   Of course, it may be pure humility.

   She doesn't think about these anymore, after all, she is not her disciple, but there are indeed some talents in the formation.

   is not amazing, but it is much better than most people.

After   , Fairy Miaoyue went to deal with her own affairs.

   Regarding what the dragons want, they naturally have to be prepared.

   Another year of preparation is over.

   It cost a lot to get Jiang Lan to be engaged to the goddess.



   The wind in Kunlun is chilling today.

   Shaving on the face makes people feel refreshed.

   There were a lot of people flying with the sword in mid-air, but Jiang Lan had no plans to do it.

  He was walking on the road, thinking about what to do afterwards.

   There is no need to prepare for the engagement now.

   He was prepared for this What he didn't prepare was that he didn't know what was going on that day.

   Only a year later, I only need to face it, so I don’t need to be distracted now.

   "Should I go back and set up the formation first, or learn the dragon sword first?"

   Slashing the Dragon Sword must be mastered before getting engaged.

   He doesn't know if it will be enough for one year.

   But the formation of the Ninth Peak is naturally implemented as soon as possible.

   "It takes four months to arrange, and the remaining eight months go to Ninth Peak to learn swordsmanship."

   With a decision, Jiang Lan went all the way to the Ninth Peak.

   I saw some new generation of disciples on the way.

   also heard some conversations.

   "It's almost half a year, I have time to come and see the inscription of that mysterious brother."

  "God rewards hard work, and it is said to be hung on the mountain all year round.

   even directly engraved on the leaderboard, this brother is incredible. "

   "But I heard that the handwriting is not on the stage."

   "It's normal for a talented person to have some weaknesses. Walk around and take a look first."

   Jianglan: "......"



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