After greeting the master, Jiang Lan came to the Ninth Peak Hall.

  He needs to clean up here.

   By the way, take care of the weeds on the ninth peak.

   The road where no one walked for a year began to be covered with weeds.

   Although there is no one on the Ninth Peak, Jiang Lan will take care of the road that should be there.

   He also sorted out the flowers in the yard.

   looks very comfortable.

   After dealing with this, he went to the main hall square and began to demolish the formation here.

   then took some formations for comparison.

   Now he understands other formations much easier.

   can understand some advanced formations.

   It is impossible to become a master of formation in one year.

   After thinking about it for two days, Jiang Lan began to make formations.

   did not summarize the entire ninth peak.

   Instead, he arranged the main hall, his residence, and the nether cave.

   From Master Miaoyue, he had an inspiration to hide a hidden array in the hidden array.

   Although it will be difficult, there is time to build a framework.

   Add slowly later.

   Four months was like a broken sink, and it drained completely before it lasted long.

   Jiang Lan received Master’s notice today.

   It's time to go to the eighth peak.

   To learn the true meaning of the Dragon Slashing Sword, it is of course not that Jiang Lan can go there when he is free, but an appointment time.

   So even if the formation of the Nether Cave was placed at a key position, he did not continue, but chose to go to the Eighth Peak on time.

   To study, you must have an attitude of studying.

   Otherwise, it is not him who is ashamed, but his master.

   But the layout is almost the same.

   The frame has been built, it depends on how much he knows about the game in the follow-up.

  The main hall square is naturally based on the previous power absorption, and then cooperate with the attack formation.

  The accumulated power is stored under the land.

   There is a spirit gathering formation below, which is convenient to provide power for other formations.

   In the past few months, Jiang Lan has planted peach trees outside the yard where he lives. His yard is surrounded by peach trees and it is difficult to find the entrance.

  Nether Cave is the most complicated.

   Both offensive and defensive, the most important thing is to remind.

   As long as someone approaches the Nether Cave, he will be aware of it.

   Even if he is in retreat, it won't get in the way.

   But this reminder formation takes a long time, so it hasn't been completed yet.

   have to wait for the engagement to complete.

   At that time, he should retreat and wait for the opportunity to become a fairy.

   Now, I need to learn how to cut the dragon sword.

   There is also the last enlightenment tea, which should be learned within eight months.


   On the top of the Ninth Peak, Jiang Lan looked at Master respectfully.

   "Are you sure you want to learn the dragon sword?" Mo Zhengdong still asked.

   Jiang Lan nodded, and then explained:

   "Master, don't worry, the disciple doesn't want to have trouble with the dragon clan."

   Mo Zhengdong raised his brows. He was not worried that Jiang Lan would not be able to get along with the Dragon Clan. It was good to have the Dragon Slashing Sword in front of the Dragon Clan.

   The main reason is that the fiancée is a dragon, which can easily lead to discord between the husband and wife.

   "I have a question for the teacher to ask."

   "Master, please."

   "It is inevitable that there are disputes between husband and wife. If you quarrel with Goddess, will you draw your sword?"

   Hearing this question, Jiang Lan was a little surprised.

   Master asked similar questions last time, right?

   Does he look like this kind of person?

   "Master is too worried."

   If you really want to make a move, it is naturally the power of nine oxen, or the power of nine calamities, that is suitable.

   Slashing the Dragon Sword is not enough to see.

  Mo Zhengdong no longer asks more, Jiang Lan is well-measured and he is more at ease.

   However, some mist suddenly appeared on my body.

   Did you learn to hide your strength?

   Sister Miaoyue taught?

   "Take this, it will take you to the Peak Master of the Eighth Peak, who can teach the dragon sword, he is the only one in Kunlun."

  Mo Zhengdong took out a floating sword and handed it to Jiang Lan.

   The eighth peak peak master?

   Jiang Lan was a little surprised. Did Master owe two peak masters directly this time?

   Jiang Lan didn't expect this.

   In Kunlun, few people have his treatment, right?

   "Thank you, Master."

   Jiang Lan took the small sword.

   then left the ninth peak all the way to the eighth peak.

  Mo Zhengdong watched Jiang Lan frown slightly:

   "I don't know if the younger sister has taught more."

   A good disciple, in case he is taught crooked.

   Going to the eighth peak may also be easy to be taught.


   Jianglan Yujian went to the eighth peak. He actually wanted to ask him about his master and his wife.

   Mention the Fifth Peak Master again, and explore the style.

   But I feel that the timing is not ripe enough.

Take it easy.

   Coming to the eighth peak, Jiang Lan didn't stop the flying of the sword. It was not that he wanted to fly up directly, but the small sword in his hand directly took him up.

high speed.


   He felt his body fall suddenly, just in front of a lake.

   "Junior brother?"

   Jiang Lan, who had just landed, heard a familiar voice.

   Nice girl voice.

   turned his head and saw Xiao Yu holding a wooden sword.

   "Sister Xiaoyu?" It was a little surprising.

   Isn’t this senior sister from the Third Peak?

How did    appear on the eighth peak?

   and still learning swords.

   But Jiang Lan looked around for the first time and found the peak master of the Eighth Peak.

   There is a small pavilion by the lake, and Zhongtian, the main wine of the eighth peak, is in the small pavilion.

   At this time, he is looking at Jiang Lan.

   "Jiang Lan has met his uncle."

   Jiang Lan immediately lowered his head and said respectfully.

   Jiu Zhongtian is holding a hip flask, his hair is a bit messy, and there are some scum.

  'S eyes are not so energetic.

   is the same as waking up just now.

   He looked at Jiang Lan and observed carefully.

   Make sure there is no sword intent on the opponent.

   "Listen to your master, you learned how to cut the dragon sword?" Jiu Zhongtian asked.

   For this, Jiu Zhongtian is surprised.

   Dragon Sword is not easy to learn.

   Even if you have the necessary conditions, you can't learn it.

   Otherwise, a bunch of people would have learned it earlier.

   Slashing the Dragon Sword requires chance and a good understanding of the dragon clan.

   It is basically impossible for a person who has never seen a dragon to learn.

   "Yes." Jiang Lan responded immediately.

  Although the Dragon Slashing Sword is obtained from signing in, Kunlun has this sword technique.

   is the allusion.

   To be able to comprehend is to be able to comprehend, and to be able to comprehend is to be unable to comprehend.

   But it is very difficult to realize that there are too many conditions.

   "Come here." Jiu Zhongtian took Jiang Lan to the lake.

When    followed, he found that there were many people sitting by the There were men and women, and they didn't know if they were practicing or what they were doing.

   came to the lake, Jiuzhongtian beckoned, and then the surface of the lake surged.

  A huge shadow appeared from the surface of the lake.


   A unicorn demon dragon rushed out of the water and stood volley in the air.

   It is covered with dark red scales, four sharp claws, and its aura is amazing.

   The moment he saw this monster dragon, Jiang Lan instinctively became vigilant.

   "Very strong, absolutely above the immortal."

   Looking at the dark red demon dragon, Jiang Lan was shocked.

   He just didn't perceive the demon dragon under the lake.

   And the opponent was summoned by the Peak Master of the Eighth Peak in an instant.

   The peak master of the eighth peak, it should be very strong.

   It's no wonder that I dare to keep calling the Banlong clan.

   "Come on, take a look at it with all your strength."

   The voice of Jiu Zhongtian came out.

   Xiaoyu stood beside Jiang Lan and blinked.

   Some expectations.

   I can finally see the Dragon Slashing Sword.



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