My Girlfriend From Turquoise Pond Requests My Help After My Millennium Seclusion

Chapter 140: Who said this junior is not good? stand out

   The breeze is blowing, and the water is rippling.

  The surging water surface has returned to calm.

   The demon dragon is in front of Jiang Lan.

   is not far, but not too close.

   is amazing and powerful, and it is easy to make people a little scared.

   The unicorn demon dragon was summoned, and it did not contain any aura. Its eyes showed a fierce light and its aura spread.

   Suddenly, the wind became stronger, and the water in the lake surged like waves.

   The disciples who originally sat by the lake did not linger anymore, but retreated some distance.

   They looked a little surprised at the demon dragon that appeared suddenly.

   "I heard that there was a demon dragon in the lake before. I thought it was a legend."

   "Indeed, I have never seen a demon dragon in a lake for 300 years since I started."

   "I am actually curious why Master summoned the demon dragon today."

   "There is a disciple who has just landed next to the peak master, which may be related to him."

   "It's true. Just now I heard that the master asked that disciple to slay the demon dragon with all his strength."

  How many people are a little surprised, kill the monster dragon?

   If you read it correctly, the younger brother who came over suddenly is just the beginning of the Yuanshen.

   "Who do you know him?" a person who was about to become a fairy asked curiously.

   "We don't go out all year round, but we don't know each other. We have never heard of the little rain sister."

   At this time, a fairy suddenly said:

   "I have been paying attention to that sister Xiao Yu. Since she came here, she has always looked like strangers. It is okay for the senior sisters to pass by. The senior brothers and brothers passed by, and they kept politely not wanting to pay attention to you.

   But when the junior came, she took the initiative to run over.

   They know each other, and the relationship should be pretty good. "

   "When Junior Sister Xiao Yu came over, I heard that it was the peak owner of the third peak who was personally accompanied. Our peak owner wanted to refuse, but in the end we couldn't refuse at all."

   The peak masters are not so harmonious, but when they come personally, no matter how good the relationship is, they can’t refuse the other party’s request.

   is fellowship.

   "Speaking of it, I seem to have seen this junior, he should be the junior of Ninth Peak. The last time I saw him was decades ago."

   "The Ninth Peak? The only disciple? Looking at the costumes, he is indeed a disciple of two hundred years. But what is he doing? Why did the master let him cut the dragon?"

   "Let's take a look, this kind of cultivation, in front of the demon dragon, absolutely ask for trouble, even if the demon dragon is standing still, it can't hurt him."

   The power of the demon dragon was like a cold wind blowing on Jiang Lan's face, a little painful.

   From his gaze, Jiang Lan could perceive that the dragon's ferocity had never disappeared.

   Not only that, but there is a trace of anger and humiliation in its eyes.

   It seems that I am very dissatisfied because of being kept here and being called by the master of the eighth peak.

   can be helpless.

   For this, I can only release my anger on other people.

   Such as Jiang Lan at this time.

   "Try your sword."

   Jiu Zhongtian said on the side.

   He could see that Jiang Lan's eyes were calm.

   Once you are afraid of the dragon, the Dragon Slashing Sword cannot be used.

  Learning is even more impossible.

  Learning means no longer being afraid.

   Pass this point.

   For Jiang Lan, this was the first time he faced a demon dragon at close range.

   He also wanted to try the power of the Dragon Slashing Sword.

   A spirit sword appeared in his hand.

   The waves surged, and he strode towards the demon dragon.

   When he walked on the water, the demon dragon moved.

   It waved its tail and rushed towards Jiang Lan.

   This situation did not surprise Jiang Lan.

   Uncle Eighth Peak just asked him to use his best effort to use the Dragon Slashing Sword, he didn't say that the Demon Dragon would stand in place and let him cut.

   So he was on guard from the beginning.

   Of course, he didn't move too much, but raised the sword.

   At this moment, he looked at the demon dragon coming from the impact, and he felt an inexplicable feeling in his heart.

   It seemed that this dragon was full of flaws in his eyes, and its power seemed to be infinitely reduced.

   At this moment, he even had an illusion that he could kill the dragon with his sword.

   But he knew it was just an illusion.

  The demon dragon is in front, and the dragon sword rises, and the wind is surging.

   Seeing the sword power, Xiao Yu subconsciously took two steps back.

   There is an inexplicable sense of crisis.

   It is not just light rain, but the demon dragon also felt it, as if it had encountered a natural enemy.

   But this natural enemy is too weak.

   Without the slightest hesitation, he rushed over.

   The sword power was opposed to the monster dragon, and Jiang Lan shot down.


   The two collided.


   The powerful force impacts and spreads directly.

   The lake is surging.

   The others were a little surprised at this scene.

   "This sword is wrong."

   "Yes, it's totally wrong, I don't think it can be cut out in the early stage of a soul."

  Don't say it is the early days of the soul, most of them, absolutely can't cut it out with a single sword, so that others feel like they are evenly matched with the monster dragon.

   "The problem is the sword, this sword is a bit weird."

   The water wave subsided soon.

   Jianglan was knocked out and landed on the lake in embarrassment.

   And the demon dragon was trapped on the lake, glaring at the shore, as if to tear the other side apart.

  The sound of dragon chants came from the lake.

   represents its anger.

   If it hadn't been imprisoned, it would have successfully ripped the enemy class.

   "It has sword marks on its body, has it been injured?"

Some bright-eyed disciples beside    saw the sword marks on the monster dragon for a moment.

   Although it did not cause any actual harm.

   But it did bring a certain amount of power to the dragon to attack.

   "Didn't someone just say that the demon dragon is standing still, and this junior can't hurt him? Stand up and say it again."

   "If you hit someone without slapping your face, save some face, we will see each other in the future."

  "But what is the name of this sword? I don't think it is a matter of cultivation level, but of this sword.

   can't understand it again. "

   "Dragon Sword." A calm voice sounded behind these people. They looked back and immediately shouted respectfully to the person who came.

   Lujian nodded, then looked at Jiang Lan's explanation and said:

   "Junior Brother Jiang has learned the Dragon Slashing Sword that other people can't learn, but looking at it like this, he didn't understand the essence. This trip should be to understand the true meaning of the Dragon Slashing Sword."

   "Slashing the Dragon Sword? Can I really learn it?" Some people couldn't believe it.

   nodded between the roads, this is naturally true.


   He didn't understand how Jiang Lan suddenly learned how to cut the dragon sword.

   Dissatisfied with the marriage, UU reading or dissatisfied with the dragon?

   There are some things that other people don’t know, he does.

   For example, the Kunlun ceremony after half a year.

   will cause a sensation throughout the sect.

   He was a little curious, how did the parties feel.

   You can go over and talk a few more words when you have time.

   Master is here now, so I can’t go over and interrupt.

   Jianglan stood by the lake, put away the sword, and then applied healing to his arm.

   almost seriously injured in one blow.

   The demon dragon is too strong.

   He couldn't fight at all.

  "If you just used the power of nine cows, maybe you can deal with it, and it should bring more pain to the opponent.

   From the point of view of speed, nine steps are not weak for the opponent.

   I just don’t know how full this dragon is. "

   Looking at the demon dragon, Jiang Lan subconsciously thought about whether he could deal with it with all his strength.

   He is now in the mid-stage of returning to the Void, facing the strong above the immortal, he is a little weak after all.

   But he is very curious, can the one who created the Dragon Slashing Sword really be able to cut the dragon?



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