The person who created the Dragon Slashing Sword is a farmer, not a cultivator.

   He who has no cultivation base to rely on, how can he cut the dragon?

   Unless it is cutting a young dragon.

   But even a young dragon, an ordinary person, is really difficult to cut off.

   Jiang Lan didn't know the true power of the Dragon Slashing Sword.

   But it is certain.

   The damage of the Dragon Slashing Sword to the dragon is indeed very large.

   is completely different from other monsters.

   With the Dragon Slashing Sword he currently masters, he also cuts the same rank.

   And it can't be killed with a single sword.

   But the advantage is obvious.

   There should be no dragons of the same level that he can't kill.

   can play up to ten swords.

   But if the dragon has a secret method of higher order, I don't know if it will affect its power.

  If the secret method can be ignored, the Dragon Slashing Sword of the same rank is very useful.

   Especially the consumption is low.

   For some real enemies, he pursues a one-shot kill.

   So there is no need to stay alive, he always kills the enemy with the power of nine oxen.

   The same is true if you want to kill the dragon.

   Use the fastest way to solve the enemy.

   Avoid long nights and dreams.

   No matter what kind of enemy, how strong or weak.

   He would never look down upon him.

   Because underestimating will bring fatal consequences to himself, such as underestimating his enemies before.

   have paid the price for themselves.

   "I really learned it completely."

   The voice of Jiu Zhongtian came over.

   He can see clearly that Jiang Lan has learned the sword of dragon cutting, but can't understand the sword of dragon cutting.

   can't play the real dragon-slashing power.

   Xiaoyu opened her mouth wide, and she felt very real.

   Slashing the Dragon Sword is very dangerous. Looking at it this way, Jiang Lan can't exert his true power yet.

   If it can exert its true power.

   Can she stop it?

   It seems that the allusion says that an ordinary farmer cuts the dragon with a single sword, not groundless.

   Now Xiao Yu feels that Jiang Lan is a dangerous person.

   It seems that she has to learn too.

   "Tell me how you feel."

   Jiu Zhongtian looked at Jiang Lan and then walked to the pavilion.

   Jiang Lan followed, Xiao Yu followed.

   She also wanted to hear, after all, she was here to learn the Dragon Slashing Sword.

   studied for more than a year.

   The demon dragon watched Jiang Lan and the others leave, and at this time he also regained his freedom.

   And it found that it didn't have to dive into the lake for the first time.

   "Everyone lined up, challenged the demon dragon, and practiced." Jiu Zhongtian's voice came out.

   Then there was a burst of cheers.

   "I'll come first, I have learned a new spell, I want to try my power."

   "Let me first, I have just been slapped in the face by you, I will find face."

   "I am a junior, I will come first."

   Jiang Lan heard some of the voices of those people and was a little surprised.

   Are these people mad?

   You know, the monster dragon is uncontrollable.

   and their strength is amazing, these people's soul stage and rebirth stage are not enough for the demon dragon to fight twice.

   A little carelessness, but also a serious injury.

   He dared to do it because there was still the Peak Master of the Eighth Peak by his side.

   Those people may not be taken care of.

After   , he stopped paying attention to that side, and now he needs to answer the questions of his uncle.

   "When the sword was out, I felt that the opponent's body was full of flaws.

   There is an illusion that can be killed.

   But it is absolutely impossible to kill it.

   But the power is indeed much stronger than other spells. "Speaking of this, Jiang Lan paused and continued:

  "When I cut it down, I felt a sense of inability to succeed.

   As if unable to cut out the real Dragon Slashing Sword. "

   "It's normal." Mo Zhengdong sat in the pavilion, took a drink and said:

   "Do you want to kill the demon dragon when you do it?"

   "Never thought about it." Jiang Lan said immediately.

   "Then what are your thoughts?"

   "I just want to cut a sword and try its power."

   "Remember that story?"


   "Why did the farmer who created this sword cut the dragon? What did he think?"

   The moment he heard these words, Jiang Lan was startled.

   He seems to understand a little bit.

   "Your sword is just a sword, there is no intention, no soul." Jiu Zhongtian said while looking at Jiang Lan.

   Jiang Lan, with his head down, did not speak.

   He is really just a simple meeting.

   "But I am also very curious, your sword has no killing intent, how did you learn to cut the dragon sword?" Jiu Zhongtian was a little unclear.

   "I only watched it once, and then I will." Jiang Lan replied softly.

   Jiu Zhongtian didn't ask much.

   Xiaoyu is actually very curious, she has watched it for several years.

   can't learn it all the time.

   Dragon Slashing Sword did not say that only limited people can learn.

   "There is no way to teach this thing about sword intent, but you can only understand it yourself." Jiu Zhongtian stretched out his hand, and then condensed a small sword.

   is a small sword condensed with sword intent.

   At the moment this little sword appeared.

   Xiaoyu subconsciously began to retreat.

   A fatal crisis emerged.

   is countless times stronger than what Jiang Lan showed just now.

   And the demon dragon who was originally torturing the eighth peak disciples, slammed into the lake.

   refused to come out again.

   Other people feel nothing.

   At this time, the small sword condensed from the sword intent was in front of Jiang Lan.

   He can clearly feel that this sword contains meaning, and this meaning can make this sword extremely awful.

   This is the sword intent of the Dragon Slashing Sword.

   Jiang Lan understood the gap.

   His Dragon Slashing Sword is just an ordinary Dragon Slashing Sword.

   And the sword of the uncle Tian in the wine has the intent of the sword in his mind, as if a dead thing is injected into the soul, it is completely different.

   is like the gap between a clay figurine and a living person.

   After Jiang Lan took over Xiaojian, Jiu Zhongtian reminded:

   "Remember, you understand the existence of sword intent, not imitating my sword intent.

   Otherwise, you will never be able to really use the Dragon Slashing Sword. "

   After Jiang Lan thanked him, Jiu Zhongtian said to Xiao Yu:

   "Xiao Yu wants to learn, just follow Jiang Lan to enlighten it."

   "Thank you, Uncle." Xiao Yu said immediately.

   She was a little scared, but decided to comprehend it.

   And she saw it, the uncle left her, just because of face.

   didn't plan to teach her well.

   As soon as the younger brother came, he directly took out the sword intent.

   Master's face is not big enough.

   Jiang Lan and Xiao Yu left the pavilion.

   after the warning.

   Jiu Zhongtian doesn't welcome them anymore, and you can't leave without leaving.

   Naturally, they would not disturb the uncle drinking.

   Looking at the uncle who is addicted to alcohol, Jiang Lan has some The inn always throws a bottle of wine before, whether it is related to this uncle.

   When he came to the lake, Jiang Lan understood a little bit, but knowing what he lacked did not mean that he could make up what he lacked.

   He put the small sword aside, so that Xiao Yu could understand it.

   He doesn't need it for the time being.

   And he only needs to understand the meaning, and then condense his own mind.

   So there is no need to carry this sword intent for a long time.

   Xiaoyu took the Dragon Sword Intent and lent her wooden sword to Jiang Lan.

  "Uncle Master said before that the Dragon Slashing Sword has nothing to do with the sword in his hand.

   Junior brother can use this wooden sword. "Xiao Yu said.

   "Thank you, Sister."

   There is a cross-legged place here, Jiang Lan and Xiao Yu sat by the lake to comprehend.

   "If it weren't for Junior Brother, I might not have seen this sword intent." Xiao Yu took the sword, hid his fear, and said to Jiang Lan:

   "In return, my teacher brother will write."

   Hearing these words, Jiang Lan, who was originally thinking, was taken aback.

   looked at Xiao Yu with a puzzled face.



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