Jiang Lan looked at Xiao Yu.

   Xiaoyu also blinked at Jiang Lan.

   One puzzled, the other puzzled.

   "Sister Xiaoyu, why did you say this?"

   Jiang Lan doesn't understand, for nothing, why did Xiao Yu say this sentence.

   Under normal circumstances, who would say, I teach you to write?

   There is a problem with the sentence itself.

   And this sentence made him a little concerned.

   He remembered about Fifth Peak.

   If he knew that the words on it would be kept, he would definitely not write inscriptions, but would go straight down the mountain.

   It's a pity to know it's too late, but how long those four words will hang on the fifth peak is still unknown.

  The only thing I'm grateful for is that it didn't sign.

   No one knew that those four words were written by him, except Master Miaoyue.

   "Heaven rewards hard work, isn't it written by the younger brother?" Xiao Yu asked.

   Jiang Lan glanced at Xiao Yu again, his expression unchanged.

   After a moment, he shook his head and said:

   "Senior Sister admitted wrong."

When the voice fell, he closed his eyes and thought about repairing the dragon sword.

   He needs to understand the meaning, so that the sword in his hand cannot hinder the power of the Dragon Slashing Sword.

   But he doesn't know how to do it.

   Just like Master Eighth Peak said.

   Sword Intent cannot be taught, only to comprehend it on its own.

   And others can help, only direction, only some insights.

   The sword intent given by Jiu Zhongtian is like this.

   He only asked Jiang Lan to refer to him, but didn't let Jiang Lan learn from him.

   After closing his eyes, Jiang Lan put his heart on the sword in his hand.

   This is a wooden sword, a wooden sword without any power.

   Now he wants to endow this sword with power, give this sword the meaning in his heart.

   Let this sword that has no power cut out its shocking power.

   is difficult, but with direction, it is possible.

   Xiaoyu looked at Jiang Lan and closed her eyes, somewhat puzzled, did she admit it wrong?

   doesn't feel like it.

   After thinking about it carefully, she has some enlightenment.

After   , he didn't say much, and didn't think much about other things.

   but holding the sword intent in his hand.

   This is Dragon Slashing Sword Intent.

  Using this dragon sword intent, it is possible to comprehend the dragon sword.

   is like she has a key.

   But it should still be difficult. After all, the master told her that there is only Master Eighth Peak in Kunlun, who can cut the dragon sword.

   at least on the surface.

   No one knows how it actually is.

   Slashing the Dragon Sword is learned, and there will be no power spread.

   No one knows if you don’t use it.

   There are so many disciples in Kunlun, it is not a rare thing to have a society.

   No one has learned it, and it's normal.

   No one has reported that they have learned how to cut the dragon sword.

   Jianglan would cut the dragon sword, and only a few people knew.

Among    disciples, only Xiao Yu originally knew.

   Now some people know about the eighth peak.

   Maybe it won’t take long, Jiang Lan is the only person on the surface of Kunlun who can cut the dragon sword.

   is now a person who can slash dragon swords in secret.


   The sun is shining brightly, and the lake is shining brightly.

   The surface of the lake was calm, there was a breeze, and the surface of the lake also rippled with the wind.

   At this time, Jiang Lan felt that he was sitting on the lake, and there was a demon dragon in front of him.

   At this time, Jiang Lan looked at the demon dragon and was silent.

   "Humans, rely on you? What do you use to kill me?" The voice of the monster dragon sounded.

   At this time, the demon dragon hovered in the air.

   It looked at Jiang Lan, the disdain in his eyes was like tea in a cup, which kept overflowing.

   "Humans, are you surprised? Do you think I am just a vision in your heart?


   As long as you are by the lake, you will bear the influence of my talent.

   This is your heart, but it is the heart that is blocked by me.

   If I don't go, you can't go.

   Human..." The demon dragon's voice was angry, and his face was even a little hideous:

   "Kneeled down in front of me and fell under my dragon.

   asked for my kindness.

   I can let you go. "

  The sound fell, and the surrounding lake began to boil.

   The power appeared frequently around him, and Jiang Lan ignored it.

   He lowered his eyebrows and looked at the sword in his hand, thinking about how to cut the dragon sword with true meaning.

   Do you mean to kill the dragon, or hate the dragon?

   If one of the two is needed, it is difficult for him to do it.

   There is no hatred in his heart, and there is no killing intent with the sword in his hand.

   Killing does not necessarily have to be murderous.

   The sword of Slashing the Dragon does not necessarily carry the thought of destruction.

   And these are not the directions he wants to go.


   A dragon chant sounded, the lake was surging, and the waves rolled.

   "Human, do you dare to despise me?" The demon dragon's anger shook the world.

   Hearing this sound, Jiang Lan raised his head and glanced at Yaolong. He opened his mouth and talked with Yaolong for the first time:

   "Senior, junior has no intention of offending."

   The demon dragon looked at Jiang Lan somewhat surprised.

   It has mobilized everything around, but it can’t mobilize everything around this person.

   The square inch of the land is as stable as ever.

   There are no flaws that can be exploited.

   At least it cannot be used.

   Then the demon dragon calmed the waves and hovered in the air, looking at Jiang Lan coldly.

   It has nothing to do with the other party.

   But it is not so easy for the other party to want to go out.

   Then it was consumed.

   It would have to see who has consumed the energy.

   As long as the opponent panicks, victory belongs to it.

   Jiang Lan didn't care, he looked at the sword in his hand and continued to be silent.


  How would he give this sword the soul?

   The Dragon Slashing Sword kept appearing in his mind.

   is simulating this sword.

   Through simulation, he wanted to understand the thoughts of some people who pioneered this sword at that time.


   Xiao Yu, who had been comprehending the dragon sword intent outside, opened his eyes.

   She can feel that seven days have passed since this realization.

   There are gains, but there is no gain.


   When she woke up, she saw that Jiang Lan beside her was still closing her eyes.

   and it feels strange.

   "It seems to be the power of a demon dragon."

   On Jiang Lan's body, there is a faint trace of power, which should belong to the monster dragon.

   And it is not an ordinary power, it should be some kind of talent.

   "The talent of the demon dragon, full of mind?

   Junior brother's mood is extraordinary, and the talent of Demon Dragon should have no effect on him.

   But the specifics are uncertain.

   Go in and take a look, I'm suppressing it, so I should be able to get in. "

   Xiao Yu shook the dragon sword in the handshake.

   went in with this sword intent.

   The real dragon power belonging to Xiao Yu covered the past, and then she came to the lake.

   came in with the power of the demon dragon~www.readwn.com~ Then I saw the demon dragon hovering in the air, and Jiang Lan sitting on the lake pondering.

   She never spoke, cross-legged across the lake, continuing to comprehend the sword intent of the dragon.

   When the power of light rain came in, the monster dragon sensed the crisis.

   is not from a real dragon.

   is the sword intent of Slashing Dragon in Xiao Yu's hands.

   But seeing the other party did nothing, it just pretended not to see it.

   Now all three parties are silent.

   See who can't help it first.

  The demon dragon is not afraid of either of these two parties.

   They can't do anything with it.

   It should be invincible.


   Outside drinking in the middle of the day, drinking wine, watching Jiang Lan and Xiao Yu.

   He just glanced, and then stopped paying attention.

   He doesn't know whether Jiang Lan can understand the true meaning of Zhanlong, but he has nothing to teach Jiang Lan.

   Slashing the Dragon Sword is not the same as practicing.

   It’s not his turn to teach cultivation.



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