My Girlfriend From Turquoise Pond Requests My Help After My Millennium Seclusion

Chapter 143: Obsessed in my heart, I want to kill the dragon with one sword

   "Master, Junior Brother Jiang's situation is not quite right." Lu Jian came to the pavilion and spoke softly.

   "What do you want to ask, just ask." Jiu Zhongtian leaned against the wooden pillar beside the pavilion.

   Lujian is his proud disciple.

   The brain is not that bad.

  He is here, what is Jiang Lan, anyone knows better than him?

   "Junior Brother learns to cut the dragon sword, is it really okay?" Lu Jian was very curious about this.

   I always feel that it is for my fiancée.

   "There is a problem." Jiu Zhongtian looked at Jiang Lan and Xiao Yu, and then said:

   "But the person does not seem to care that much."

   Jiu Zhongtian really didn't understand it. The first time Xiao Yu knew that Jiang Lan would cut the dragon sword, he was not angry or blamed, but started to learn the dragon sword.

   This is something that no one expected.

   Xiaoyu is the same as Qingzhu said, although it will be uncomfortable, it will be a little reluctant.

   But in the end, I will try to accept it.

   As for Yu Jianglan.

   learned to cut the dragon sword, he thought it was to cut the dragon.

   But when he saw that sword, he realized that he was wrong.

   Jianglan’s sword of cutting the dragon has no intention of cutting the dragon.

   seems to be straightforward.

   does not need any thoughts.

   is very unreasonable, but very reasonable for Dragon Slashing Sword.

   When he learned how to cut the dragon sword, it was also unreasonable.

   The party doesn’t care?

   Something understands between Lu Jian.

   But he still wanted to go over and chat with Jiang Lan when he had a chance, but he didn't talk much.

   There are too many words, and it is easy to bring some pressure to the other party.

   "Master, this is the list sent by the second peak. If there is no problem, they will start in the next two years." Lu Jian took a piece of paper and handed it to Jiu Zhongtian.

   Jiu Zhongtian glanced at it and burned the paper.

   did not say a word.

   The road is clear, and he lowers and retreats.


   Jiang Lan was sitting on the lake, with the light of the dragon sword on him.

   This is the light that appeared when he imitated the dragon sword.

   The light flickered for a long time, and Jiang Lan had been trying to see from the Dragon Slashing Sword, the farmer's original intention to face the monster dragon.

   But no matter how he tried, he couldn't observe it.

   And just when he wanted to change his way, suddenly a light came in.

   is the direction of light rain.

   looked over and found that there was a book in front of Xiao Yu.

  光 is from the book.

   Then this light resonated with Jiang Lan's Dragon Slashing Sword, and even the sword intent in Xiao Yu's hand also burst into light.

   Soon there was a change in the lake where they were.

   The original lake was covered by land, and the original empty space was occupied by thatched cottages.

   Thatched cottage has a yard, and there are livestock in the yard.

   Such houses stand in rows.

  From the head of the village to the end of the village.

There are two trees at the head of   .

   One is a willow tree.

   The other tree is also a willow tree.

   Then Jiang Lan put his gaze to the side. At this time, an old farmer took a **** and walked back to the mountain.

   The moment he saw him, Jiang Lan felt a sense of detachment.

   seems to blend into the world.

"It's him."

   Jiang Lan knew that this was probably the farmer who created the Dragon Slashing Sword.

   As the other party moves forward, the scene they can see changes.

   Everything is centered on this farmer.

   Xiaoyu was a little surprised. She never thought that she could read the scenes in the book.

  The demon dragon is even more puzzled.

   What are these?

   But no one spoke, they all looked at the farmer.

   This is an old farmer with a hunched back.

   is wearing coarse linen.

   Walking in the wind, he seemed to be in the wind.

   Every action makes people feel a natural way.

  He was digging herbs in the back mountain.

   seems to be for someone to heal.

   after a long time.

   The sky suddenly darkened, and the black clouds pressed down.

   The old farmer who was picking herbs was shocked.

   He put down the **** in his hand and dropped the herbs he picked.

   ran to the village quickly.

   Thunder is raging and floods hit.

   The old farmer runs fast, but he is not a young man after all.

   He fell on the road, but without any hesitation, he immediately got up and ran to the village.

   Jiang Lan frowned slightly looking at the old farmer.

   Monster Dragon?

   This was the first time he thought of it.

   This kind of stimulating weather has brought flooding monster dragons.

   The strength should be very strong.

   At this time, the old farmer ran back to the village. The originally quiet and peaceful village had been partially destroyed by the rain.

   The gale screamed, and a unicorn dragon hovered from high above the sky.

   The old farmer walked out of the house, but it was shattered. An old woman hugged the injured child and ran out of the house in time.

   Seeing the old woman come out, the old farmer immediately ran to meet him.

   But at this moment, the demon dragon descended from the sky.

   swept the Quartet.

  Some villagers were instantly fragmented, and some entered the dragon's mouth.

   And the demon dragon came to the old woman and took the old woman and the child in her arms in one bite.

   The old farmer is in a state of confusion.

   rushed over for the first time.

   However, the demon dragon rose into the sky and headed towards the village.

   Without any hesitation, the old farmer grabbed the hatchet and chased it towards the village.

   Along the way, he saw houses broken and villagers wept.

   The child fell to the ground and was bloody.

   Livestock hides around, panicking.

   Without stopping, the old farmer chased all the way to the end of the village.

   At this time, he saw the monster dragon move his mouth and swallowed the old woman into his mouth.

   Not only that, but the demon dragon has to swallow a few children in the village.

   Only a blink of an eye, the child is half lost.

  The old farmer glared wide and rushed over.

  At the last moment, he pulled back the last child.

   protect him behind him.

   The demon dragon was a little surprised. It glanced at the old farmer, with disdain in its eyes.

   then circled in the air and rushed towards the old farmer.

   The child grabbed the old farmer's hand in a hurry, as if to pull him away.

   But it didn't pull.

   At this time, the old farmer already knows his end.

   can be unwilling.

   If you don’t get rid of the demon dragon, how can there be peace?

  The ancestors have lived in the shadow of the demon dragon for generations.

   Today, he wants to kill the dragon.

   Even if it's just a cut.

   At this moment, the old farmer looked back on his life, and the change of heaven and earth took shape in his heart.

   There is only a demon dragon in his eyes. The boundary between life and death may be able to break the shackles, and a kind of enlightenment emerges spontaneously.

   The hatchet was lifted by him.

   At this moment, he stood up straight, his hunchback was no longer, and he stood upright.

   At this moment, the sword intent appeared, and the thunder and rain continued.

   The monster dragon, who was once invincible, suddenly felt fear, and the next moment he began to panic.

   then fled in a hurry.

   But how can the sword not fall?

  The life of the old farmer is Everything seems to be turned into the power of the hatchet in his hand, trying to cut it down with the hatchet.

   The demon dragon looked back in fear, looking back.

   But this time around, there is no chance of turning back.


   The sword falls and the monster dragon divides into two.

   life is cut off.

   And the old farmer remained in the sword-falling posture and died completely.

   The coarse linen on his body seemed to have an invisible luster.

   has witnessed everything.


   The picture shattered instantly.

   Jianglan is still sitting on the lake.

   I don't know what I am thinking.

The light rain on the side of    remained calm, except that the hand holding the sword was trembling.

   She closed her eyes and hid her panic.

   The moment the old farmer lifted the sword, she felt fear.


   The demon dragon hovered in the air, and the fear in its heart was even stronger.

   But he never spoke or showed it.



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