My Girlfriend From Turquoise Pond Requests My Help After My Millennium Seclusion

Chapter 145: I'm really not mentally prepared this time

   Outside, the others at the Eighth Peak were a little surprised at the sudden change.

   But they felt the sword intent.

  The sword intent of the wooden sword in Jiang Lan's hand.

  The sword intent is aimed at the demon dragon.

   Then they noticed that the sword intent became stronger and stronger.

   thought that there would be a collision between the two sides, but the demon dragon suddenly fled into the depths under the lake.

   There is some unwillingness in his eyes.

   Slashing the Dragon Sword really doesn't make sense.

   Those people have studied the Dragon Slashing Sword a long time ago.

   But no one can learn.

   But the sword and the dragon do have a huge advantage.

   "You said that if the fight just started, will the demon dragon lose?"

   "It depends on how you win.

   The actual confrontation just now, the demon dragon has a high probability of being injured.

   As for Junior Brother Ninth Peak, he should be dying of severe injuries. "

   "Is that the demon dragon wins?"

   "Brother, move your mind." A fairy said in a bad mood:

  "Junior Brother Ninth Peak is only in the early stage of Yuanshen.

  The demon dragon is the last time immortal. "

   Everyone was surprised at this moment.

   That's a sure victory.

   Dragon Slashing Sword is so terrible?

   Let's read the allusion once a day, and look for a copy.

   I don’t know who took the original, so I can only find a copy.

   Learned in case.

   I watch it once a day without spending time.

  The right to learn other spells.

   Looking at Jiang Lan and Xiao Yu between the roads, he breathed a sigh of relief.

   The power subsided, there should be no problem, Xiao Yu woke up first.

   The sword intent in her hand has disappeared.

   It's a pity that she hasn't realized the Dragon Slashing Sword so far.

   But this time there are still many gains, such as knowing the power of the Dragon Slashing Sword.

   is indeed a bit scary.

   Old farmers are different from others.

   The Dragon Slashing Sword fought normally, it should only be invincible of the same rank.

   Fighting with the dragons and possessing the Dragon Slashing Sword is indeed a huge advantage.

   Xiaoyu didn't think much about it. Give her some more time, maybe she can learn more.

   Learn how to cut the dragon sword.

   Jiang Lan also opened his eyes at this time.

   saw them waking up on the road, and planned to come over and tell them something.

   After speaking between the roads, Jiang Lan and Xiao Yu naturally saw him.

   "Brother." The two were respectful.

   Jiang Lan will naturally not forget the courtesy he should have.

   Otherwise it is easy to offend people.

   Xiaoyu is just pure politeness.

   "Do you know how long you have been sitting by the lake?" asked the road.

   Jiang Lan shook his head.

   He does not know.

   But it shouldn’t be long.

   When they practice, their power will run in their bodies.

   So there is no difference between sitting for a day and sitting for a year.

   The surrounding dust will not fall on the body.

   Unless the power is completely restrained and closed.

   "Tomorrow Kunlun Grand Ceremony, what will happen specifically, do you all understand?" Lu Jian asked.

   "Huh?" Jiang Lan was not surprised, but Xiao Yu was directly surprised.

   Then he looked at Jiang Lan in a panic.

   Jiang Lan expressed puzzlement.

   "I'm going back." Without a word, Xiao Yu Yujian left.

   Jianglan opened his mouth and wanted to return the wooden sword in his hand to Xiao Yu, and thanked him for his help in the Lake of Mind by the way.

   If it hadn't been for this senior sister to force the demon dragon back, he would be more or less injured.

   But he hasn't spoken yet, Xiao Yu has already flown into the sky.

   can only wait for the next time.

   "Junior Brother is going back to the Ninth Peak?" Lu Jian asked Jiang Lan.

   Xiao Yu left, he could just chat with Jiang Lan for a while.

   "Yes, I wanted to thank my uncle, but now I can only bother my senior to tell." Jiang Lan whispered.

   He did not see Master Eighth Peak being there.

   can only ask for help.

   "Good." Lu Jian nodded, and then said:

   "I want to ask my younger brother about something."

   "Brother, please speak." Jiang Lan maintained his respect.

   The opponent is very strong and helped him choose a magic weapon.

   "Junior Brother learned that he was going to marry a goddess for the first time, what was his mood?" Lu Jian asked.

   He wanted to ask if he learned the Dragon Slashing Sword because of the goddess, but he didn't detect the killing intent from the Dragon Slashing Sword.

   want to come to other functions.

   So I asked this question.

out of curiosity.

   Jiang Lan was silent, he couldn't answer this question.

   He is not sure about it himself.

   At that time, it should have been resisting, but it was impossible to refuse.

   Hate Sister Ao?

   certainly not annoying.

   Like it?

   didn't like it even more.

   But whether this matter was good or bad, he chose to accept it.

   Naturally only try to deal with the subsequent problems.

   instead of blaming the person who caused the problem.

   After all, he is not strong now.

   And from the sidelines, the goddess is not half bad.

   At least Jiang Lan hadn't noticed it.

   "Okay, brother, let's go back soon.

   I hope I didn't disturb the younger brother. "The road opened softly.

   Jiang Lan didn't open his mouth to answer, he naturally didn't need the other party to answer.

   "No." Jiang Lan responded softly.

   then left.

   Watching Jiang Lan leave between the roads, he was a little surprised.

   "Tomorrow I will be so calm and admire at the engagement ceremony with the goddess."


   Jiang Lan, who returned to the Ninth Peak Hall, finally figured out the current time.

   Then his face instantly turned ugly.

   "It's actually different from Master Miaoyue..."

   Tomorrow the Kunlun Grand Ceremony, Jiang Lan heard this for the second time.

   So he thought it was a joke from Brother Lujian.

did not expect...

it is true.

   It was too hasty, he was not mentally prepared.

   Soon, Jiang Lan received Master's call.

   "How are you learning?"

  Mo Zhengdong looked at Jiang Lan who had come to the top of the Ninth Peak and asked.

   Because today is the last day, Jiang Lan must wake up even if he doesn't realize it.

   So he didn't know whether Jiang Lan had realized the true meaning of Dragon Slashing.

   "I never humiliated my master."

   Jiang Lan said immediately.

  Mo Zhengdong nodded in relief.

   With more Dragon Slashing Sword, facing the Dragon Clan, I feel more confident.

  Dragons did not dare to clamor at his apprentice at will.

   The dragon sword slashing matter has been known to many people recently, and the dragons should also know it.

   Of course, they want to go back and change themselves, naturally it is impossible.

   "Do you know what day is tomorrow?" Mo Zhengdong looked at Jiang Lan with a smile.

  The Kunlun Ceremony is nothing to him. What he cares about is that one thing will be announced at the ceremony.

   That is Jiang Lan's marriage to the goddess.

   Jiang Lan bowed his head, keeping calm:

   "Master, what needs to be done tomorrow?"

  He has no experience in such things.

   Making mistakes will leave some unnecessary impressions, so you can’t make mistakes. This is almost adding trouble to yourself.

   As long as he spends tomorrow peacefully, and he retreats for several decades, the impact of engagement will be much lower.

  The number of people following him will quickly decrease.

   And under the light of the goddess, he would appear dull.

   In another hundred years, he should be able to return to the same situation as it is now without anyone mentioning it.

   will not be recognized even if you go out. U U Reading

   This way you won’t get into trouble.

   At that time, I will continue practicing on the Ninth Peak with peace of mind, and wait until the day of invincibility.

   Then according to the physical condition of the master, consider whether to go out and travel.

   If the master is old and in poor health, he will have to stay at the Ninth Peak and guard the Netherworld Cave.

   Thinking of this, Jiang Lan feels that Master is old and should be quite lonely.

   Sure enough, I should take the matter of looking for a wife to heart.

   "What are you doing?" Mo Zhengdong shook his head:

   "You don't need to do anything, you can just follow as your teacher tomorrow. Then you and the goddess will be called by the name, and it will be enough to walk to the hall.

   should show you a token.

   But there are some causal constraints on marriage and dating, so don’t be too surprised. "

   Jiang Lan understands.

   His marriage contract with Sister Ao was not made casually.

   Once set, the Dragon Race and Kunlun can't go back.

   Jiang Lan was a little curious for a while, what did Senior Sister Ao, who is a goddess, think.

   But it is impossible to know.



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