Back to the residence, Jiang Lan was resting.

   He needs to calm himself down.

   There is still one night, so he can still be mentally prepared.

   After just sitting for a while, he decided to get up and deal with the weeds.


   came to You Yehua and found that You Yehua was more decadent than before.

   almost withered.

   But there is still a breath of life.

   After pouring some spiritual liquid, Jiang Lan planned to send You Yehua to the Nether Cave.

   has been outside for a long time, there should be no problem in putting it inside.

   The plant eggs have not changed at all.

   don't worry at all.

   is also considered an advantage.

   After putting You Yehua into the Nether Cave, he began to take care of the Ninth Peak with peace of mind.

   As for the formation, I haven't added it now.

The formation of    is based on modules.

   so you can add or remove parts at any time.

   The reminder array of the Nether Cave has not yet been completed.

   But in no hurry, wait until tomorrow's affairs are over.

   In the night.

   have handled everything that should be handled.

   But my heart couldn't calm down completely.

   can't be the same as before.

   He himself didn't understand why this happened.

   Maybe it's just an ordinary person, or to think about marriage with an ordinary person's mentality.

   Putting aside the pros and cons, this is the first time he has a fiancee.

   may also be the last time.

   Because I didn't like it, I couldn't rejoice in my heart.

  Because it is not disgusting, there is no disgust in my heart.

   can't go up and down, the most uncomfortable.

   In the end, Jiang Lan just sat on the roof and looked at the sky.

   Do not practice, do not think.

   just looking at the starry sky.

   Under the same starry sky, Ao Longyu also looked up.

   She sits by the edge of Yao Chi, looking at the endless stars.

   There are unspeakable emotions in his heart.


   She doesn't think so.

   Are you sad?

   Actually there is no.

   She doesn't hate Junior Brother Ninth Peak, so she wants to be happier.

   At least it will not bring pressure to the younger brother.

  Since nothing can be changed, she can only accept and make everything better.

  What will happen in the future, no one can say for sure.

   may be good, maybe.

   Tonight is destined to be a sleepless night.

   The next morning.

   A voice sounded throughout Kunlun.

   is the chime of bells.

The sound of    means that the Kunlun Ceremony has begun.

  The Kunlun Grand Ceremony is not fixed, and it will only be held once if something happens.

   Although this opening will talk a lot about the sect, everyone knows that the most important thing this time is the marriage of the goddess.

   So far, no one knows who the marriage contract with the goddess is.

   Many disciples went to Kunlun Hall for the first time.

   Of course, although the Kunlun Hall is very large, it will not allow everyone to stand quietly in the main hall square.

  Some disciples who can't defend the sword will stand in the square.

   The higher cultivation base is Yujian in the air.

   Royal Gourd is naturally also available.

   Jingting came to a suitable height and looked at the Kunlun Hall.

   It's time to know the answer today.

   "Junior Sister, I'm going to announce today, can you tell us secretly now?"

   Mu Xiu asked Lin Siya next to him.

   Kunlun disciples gathered, so naturally they didn't stand to say anything.

   As long as it doesn't affect the order, it doesn't matter which peak it is with.

   "Really want to know?"

   Lin Siya looked at Jingting and Mu Xiu.

   should be announced today, but in fact it can be said.

   "Are you willing to say it?" Jingting and they were a little surprised.

   Over the years, they have been asking for a long time, but they can't get the answer.

   "Did the goddess choose it herself?" Mu Xiu asked again.

   is very different from whether it is.

   If it is, there is a high probability that he will be the best disciple of each peak, and it is also possible to choose now.

   "Or some people, random?" Jingting also asked.

   "Neither." Lin Siya looked around and whispered:

   "The choice is made first, and then we start talking about the engagement."

   "First set?" The two were a little surprised, it seems that they are really different from what was said outside:

"Who is that?"

  They are very curious about who it is that will allow all peak owners to reach a consensus.

   "I will find out soon, I can only say that we all know each other actually." Lin Siya did not speak thoroughly.

   This kind of spoiler is half way through, making Jingting and Mu Xiu very uncomfortable.

   But they all know each other, so they are indeed celebrities.

   But in Kunlun, there are so many celebrities, who will it be?

   Others are also guessing.

   They also want to know who is engaged to the goddess.

   "Do you think it is the brother of the immortal, or the brother of the goddess?"

   "There don't seem to be many amazing talents in the same generation, right?"

   "Who said no, how amazing the first peak Gu Qi is, you haven't heard of it?"

   "Senior Brother Jia Le on the seventh peak is not bad, right?"

   "Why don't you think that this ceremony was chosen by the goddess?"

   "Is it impossible? If this is the case, the goddess chooses a peak owner who doesn't like it, isn't it impossible to end?

   "Then narrow down the range, and narrow the range to what the peak owner can accept."

   "Don't be ashamed. This time it should be a marriage. The selection of candidates is definitely decided by each peak leader. You don't have to find the strong, you should find the most suitable."

   "Then who do you think is the most suitable?"

"how could I know?"

   "Then you are not here to be ashamed?"


   Standing in the middle of the eighth peak among the juniors, they were also looking at the Kunlun Hall.

   "Brother, do you know the inside story?"

   "Yes, brother, tell us."

   "The inside story is not counted, but you will soon know that there is nothing to pay attention to." Lu Jian said softly.

   Where some people are standing on the third peak, Hong Luan is also looking at the hall.

   She naturally knows more.

   But it was still an accident.

   In her opinion, the younger sister is very deprived of marriage.

   The junior on the Ninth Peak, judging from his current performance, he is not worthy of the goddess.

   But it is indeed the most suitable candidate for Kunlun.

   because of identity.

   Jiang Lan was awake all night, he was calming his heart.

   The first time he heard the sound in the morning, he followed his master to the Kunlun Hall.

   They did not fall, but stood in the air.

   is relatively backward.

   "There are a lot of Kunlun disciples are almost there, and some seniors are also not absent."

   Jiang Lan sighed, there are more people than he thought.

   In the Kunlun Hall, he saw the extra stone tablets, which looked very good, but he didn't know what they were.

   Not long after, countless rays of light came here.

   Soon a blue light flew from behind Kunlun, and then landed at a higher altitude.

   It is Fairy Qingzhu with Ao Longyu.

   At this time, there was a cloud at the feet of Fairy Zhuqing, and Ao Longyu was standing beside her.

   Today's Ao Longyu is still wearing a blue and white fairy skirt, with red lips and white teeth, long hair fluttering in the wind, and a calm face.

   Ao Longyu is the goddess of Yaochi, she attracted a lot of attention when she came.

   "Today's elder sister is so beautiful, although it feels the same as before, but still very beautiful."

   Lin Siya looked at Ao Longyu and felt amazed.

   Sister is really very beautiful. If the master is uglier, Sister will be even more dazzling.

   "Sister Ao didn't sleep well? I feel a little red in her eyes."

   Mu Xiu asked curiously.



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