Jiang Lan also glanced at Ao Longyu not far away.

   There is indeed some redness in the opponent's eyes.

   But Jiang Lan didn't notice much in his calm eyes.

   He withdrew his eyes.

   really can't know what the other person thinks.


   I didn't want to ask for anything in this update.

   It's not the end of the month, so let's ask for a monthly pass.

   Thank you for your support! ! !

   But this time it was the marriage between Kunlun and the dragon clan.

   Sister Ao shouldn’t stand with the dragon clan?

   Jiang Lan was a little puzzled, but didn't think much.

   may be because the other party is still the goddess of Kunlun, or because they are not familiar with those of the dragon clan.

   One thing he can be sure of is that Senior Sister Ao, who is a goddess, has a very bright light, which is not good for him, but it has some advantages.

  The disadvantage is that Sister Ao is too bright, and he is easily noticed by other people.

   The advantage is that he is too small in front of Sister Ao.

   Really powerful people don’t notice him.

   Even if you pay attention, you will only think that he is nothing but that.

  In this way, once someone does something to him, then he can be surprised by surprise.

   looked down at his enemies, each one paid a sufficient price.

   But strength is the root of everything.

   Now he is in the mid-stage of returning to the Void, there is still some distance from the perfection of returning to the Void.

   Still should be immortal as soon as possible.

   There will be more means of self-protection then.

   Occasionally, I can go out to practice, so I don’t have to worry about it.

   When Kunlun no longer had light gathering, several strong lights came from a distance.

  Longwei appeared from the light.

   Everyone knows that the dragon is coming.

   Jiang Lan saw six lights.

   Three of them have a strong power of true dragon. Although they did not actively overflow, many people can perceive them.

   These three dragons are very strong.

   At this time, Jiang Lan suddenly felt someone's eyes fall on him.

in front.

   Yu Guang glanced at it.

   found some people close to the front.

   There is a faint dragon breath in those people.


   He was a little surprised, it seems that there are indeed young dragons coming to Kunlun.

   "Although they took a look at me, they wouldn't embarrass me for the Kunlun Ceremony.

   As long as there is no trouble for me at this time.

   The problem is not big. "

  Because once he went back, he would never go down the mountain.

   After waiting for decades, the wind faded, and then I went out.

   Going out is mainly to prepare for becoming immortal.

   He tried it once at the inn before, and it was too difficult to become a fairy.

   need to go to some special places to check in and see, find the opportunity to become a fairy.

  The light descended.


   Longwei spreads.

   However, at the moment when Longwei spreads, the sword intent grows wildly, crushing all the spreading Longwei.

   Then two breaths suppress everything and gather all eyes.

  Dragons are just a foil.

   The more dazzling the former, the more radiant the person who sets off now.

   These contests are not between breaths.

   Although the terrible power did not overflow, Jiang Lan could feel it.

   Although these people are all immortals, there is a big gap between immortals and immortals.

   At this moment, Jiang Lan felt that she was a fairy queen, not necessarily safe.

   But becoming a fairy is a threshold after all.

   There are countless immortals in the Great Wilderness World, and among these countless, whether there is a place for him, the gap is different from the heavens.

   "You are the same door, Kunlun has not opened the ceremony for hundreds of years.

  Today, I count the achievements of the Kunlun disciples, discuss the stories, discuss the merits, and give help to the cultivation.

After the ceremony, the elders of each peak will start a ten-year training explanation.

   For all of you, open up a path. "

  The huge voice came from the Kunlun Hall.

   This is a good thing for many people.

   Each peak is explained every year.

   But each peak leader and elder, this level of explanation is rarely encountered.

   In-person disciples cannot inquire anytime and anywhere.

   Even if it is possible, it is impossible to think of any problems.

   Therefore, no matter what disciple it is, he cares about the explanation of the past ten years.

   is that if the peaks are turned on at the same time, it will be very hurt.

   can only choose one.

   Jiang Lan was relieved in his heart.

  With these ten years, the matter of his goddess will quickly cool down.

   The impact will shrink a lot.

   As for these explanations, he really wanted to listen. He always listened to Master, and occasionally wanted to learn about the cultivation experience of other seniors.

   just...can't go down the mountain.

   can only get out of the ninth peak after this gust of wind has passed.

   Many voices came from the Kunlun Hall.

   Except for the ninth peak, each peak has its name on the list.

   Jiang Lan was actually a little surprised.

   He thought he would be able to make the list.

   After all, when he defeated Miu Xiu before, it was considered to have had an impact.

   It may be that he looks at himself too highly.

   But it's better this way, this matter finally fell, he didn't want anyone to think about it.

   As for the names on the list, he doesn't know anything except the first peak, Gu Qi, and the eighth peak.

   Of course, he is not worried about provoke these people.

  Because each peak Tianjiao goes out, his aura is different from others.

   When encountering a special aura, he usually retreats three feet.

   After listening for a long time, these things finally come to an end.

   And everyone knows that the show just started.

   Although the previous thesis, the theory of gong, the help for the cultivation is also very interesting.

   But most people can only listen.

   And the next thing, although it is also an observer, is something they all want to know.

   even guessed about five years.

   At this time Fairy Miaoyue came to the hall and faced everyone in Kunlun.

   She was right in front of the extra stele.

   Two more people appeared on the edge of the stone monument.

   is a female of the dragon family and Liu Jing, the master of the second peak.

   Everyone looked at them, waiting for follow-up news.

   Fairy Miaoyue looked at everyone, she stood there, as if she was the center of everything.

   Everyone is her foil, and all eyes will fall on her.

   After the eyes of these people gathered, Miaoyue’s voice began to be heard, grand and solemn:

   "Today's ceremony, there is a gift from the gods, Kunlun negotiates with the dragon family, please testify with everyone."

  'S voice almost covered the entire Kunlun, and the content of the voice passed into everyone's mind.

   The formation is huge.

   then began to point out the name:

   "Please Dragon Princess, the third peak personal disciple, Ao Longyu."

   The moment the voice fell, everyone looked at Ao Longyu behind.

   Jiang Lan also looked over.

   Ao Longyu lowered his eyebrows~www.readwn.com~ A trace of help flashed in his eyes.

   No one saw it.

   "Go ahead."

   Fairy Zhuqing touched the disciple next to him lightly.

   Ao Longyu nodded slightly, and then stepped down to Kunlun Square.

   The place where she fell was some distance from the Kunlun Hall.

   But her master told her to fall here.

   She also understands the reason.

   Engagement is a matter of two people after all.

   Therefore, two people are required to go together.

   Jiang Lan saw Ao Longyu fall, and his heart was a little ups and downs.

   He has been working hard to keep himself calm.

   At this time, everyone withdrew their gazes from Ao Longyu, they were looking around.

   want to know who is the target of the goddess' engagement.

   From now on, the candidate has been decided.

   "Who would it be?"

   "I don't know, but I will know soon."

   At this time, the voice belonging to Miaoyue came out again:

   "Please pass on the disciple of Ninth Peak, Jiang Lan."



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