My Girlfriend From Turquoise Pond Requests My Help After My Millennium Seclusion

Chapter 148: 2 surnames are married, 1 contract is concluded

   Fairy Miaoyue's voice fell.

The word    stirred up waves.

   Unbelievable one by one without knowing it.

   And many more people don't even know who the ninth peak Jiang Lan is.

   This made them unable to understand for a while.

   "A personal disciple of the Ninth Peak? I have never heard of it."

   "I've heard that some seniors say that there is a disciple in Ninth Peak, but the talent is not that good."

   "Then how is this person worthy of Goddess? Because he is the only disciple of Ninth Peak? Which of my brothers is inferior to him?"

   "I don't understand at all, why is a person who is unknown in the sect is worthy of the Goddess of Yaochi?"

   "The credit list just now doesn't have the ninth peak, right?"

   "Anyway, I am not convinced anymore."

   "Although I don't really want the brother whom I like to become the goddess fiance, but in the end the goddess fiance becomes this disciple who can't see any achievements, and I feel worthless for the senior brother I like."

  "The senior brother of Ninth Peak is not so bad, okay? When the Celestial Race was bullied, Senior Brother Ninth Peak won in one fell swoop.

   Don’t talk about everything. "

   "Cut, it's not because the outstanding disciples of each peak are not in the sect, otherwise it will be his turn to show off?"

   "You know to brag about others, Brother Jiufeng dares to face the Celestial Race, how about you? I don't want to think about where you were hiding in the first place."

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   Naturally, these people dare not speak.

   But a few of them can communicate privately.

   Many people are not convinced of the ninth peak Jianglan, let alone understand.

   completely mismatched, that is, the ninth peak Jianglan is not worthy of the goddess of Yaochi.

   But what does the goddess’ engagement to them have to do with them?

   So, I can only speak privately.

   Mainly because reality and expectations are too far apart.

   Shocking They were also surprised when they heard Jiang Lan's name, but after a while, they felt normal again.

   But it's still unbelievable.

   is actually the younger brother of Ninth Peak.

   They thought of a lot of people, but they didn't count the ninth peak among them.

  "Think about it carefully, and if you marry with the dragon clan, you will definitely choose someone with similar status and status.

   And the Ninth Peak has only one disciple.

   must be the future peak owner.

   That's why I just chose the Ninth Peak Junior Brother. "Jing Ting conveyed a shocking voice to Mu Xiu and Lin Siya who were nearby.

   "Horn after the horse." Lin Siya replied calmly.

   It was only after she got the notice that she understood why the elder sister asked her not to retrieve the record magic weapon.

   probably because the senior sister already knew about it at that time.

  "Junior Brother Ninth Peak, on the surface, he is not qualified.

   It seems that I have to bear a lot of pressure. "Mu Xiu naturally understands how difficult it is for people in the whirlpool.

   Jiang Lan only feels some eyes are on his side, most of them are not on his side.

   It’s not that those people don’t like to watch the excitement.

   But they didn't know him.

   Hearing what Uncle Miaoyue said, he could only bite the bullet and go out.

   This kind of thing cannot be avoided.

   Seeing the location of Ao Longyu, he knew that he wanted to follow Ao Longyu to the front of the hall in full view.

   "I hope it can end smoothly."

   Jiang Lan sighed in his heart.

   then took a step forward and fell in the direction of Ao Longyu.

   As soon as he moved, countless lights flooded around, as fierce as a wave.

   Bearing countless amounts of light, Jiang Lan could feel some emotions in his eyes.

   Questioning, disdain, ridicule, and some envy.

   These eyes didn't cause any harm to him, and he didn't care what these people thought of him.

   What he cares about is that these people pay too much attention to him.

   But the more negative the attention, the easier it is for these people to forget him.

   Speaking of occasionally, that is just the same, relying on resources and some luck.

   Stop thinking, Jiang Lan fell by Ao Longyu's side.

   At this time, Ao Longyu was also looking at him.

   Jiang Lan nodded and greeted softly:


   there is a strange feeling in my heart.

   From the outside, Ao Longyu is really impeccable.

  Someone envy him, as it should be.

   To Jiang Lan's greeting, Ao Longyu nodded and responded softly.

   The eye sockets were red, but there was no disgust at all, this thought flashed through Jiang Lan's mind.

   It seems that he is not disliked by the other party.

   Something unexpected.

   "Two people come forward."

   Fairy Miaoyue's voice sounded.

   Jianglan and Ao Longyu stopped hesitating, and walked to the front of the hall.

   Both of them are worried about uneven positions, which may cause problems.

   So all walks very slowly, to ensure that there is room to correct mistakes.

   But they can feel it, and the whole Kunlun is watching them.

   No matter what other people think, you have to accept this fact at this time.

   When Jiang Lan and Ao Longyu were moving forward, a pen appeared in Miaoyue's hand, and a marriage letter appeared in front of him.

   wrote and wrote.

   "Today the marriage is concluded, I will see you together."

   The voice fell, and Miao Yue's hand wrote the names of Jiang Lan and Ao Longyu.

   The name falls, and the marriage book shines.

   began to be engraved on the stone tablet.

  The dragon clan and the second peak Liu Jing stretched their hands and pressed them on the stone tablet, and then the light of the stone tablet resonated with the marriage book.

   The names of the two are very eye-catching.

   Looking at Jiang Lan and Ao Longyu who were walking, Fairy Miaoyue moved the pen in her hand, and her voice came out:

  "The two surnames are married, and the contract is concluded in one hall.

   A good relationship will last forever, matching the same title. "

  Miaoyue spoke, with great momentum and shaking all directions.

   The book is written in words, and the inscription is inscribed.

  The light shines in all directions, and Kunlun is the proof.

   Jianglan and Ao Longyu walked slowly on the road, Fairy Miaoyue's hands did not stop, her voice continued to be heard, with a soft voice:

  "Look at today's peach blossoms, Ikea is suitable.

   Bu He is a year of melons, Erchang Erchi. "

   Every word and sentence of Fairy Miaoyue are carved into the stone tablet.

   The light shines and the writing is magnificent.

   Everyone is watching this scene, watching Jiang Lan and Ao Longyu.

   This scene was a bit beyond their expectations.

   At this time, they dare not say anything bad.

  As if everyone must look forward to their good.

   Jiang Lan was also a little surprised, but he knew that this was probably the ceremony he needed to care about.

   At this time Fairy Miaoyue’s voice came down again The pen in his hand still waved:

  "I would like to write to Hongjian with a white-headed agreement.

   It is a good alliance of the red leaves, which contains the mandarin spectrum. "

  Miaoyue Fairy writes:

   "This certificate."

   The last two characters are engraved on the stone tablet.

   A paper marriage book slowly closed.

   Jianglan and Ao Longyu just arrived in front of Fairy Miaoyue.

   The marriage book is closed, floating in front of Jiang Lan.

   did not hesitate, raised his hands, and then the marriage letter fell in his hands.

   A light flashed at this moment, and another marriage contract appeared in front of Ao Longyu, as if it had been separated from Jiang Lan's marriage letter.

   also raised both hands to catch the marriage certificate.

   The moment they caught the marriage letter, the light appeared on them.

   Then the stele rushed to the sky with brilliance, and under the extreme light, the stele shattered and turned into countless inscriptions.

   These inscriptions instantly covered Jiang Lan and Ao Longyu, and quickly disappeared between their wrists.

   seems to be engraved with an inscription.

   "I will wait to witness."


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