After getting the marriage certificate, Jiang Lan and Ao Longyu were called into the Kunlun Hall.

   He thought he wanted to meet the Dragon Clan and several other peak masters in Kunlun.

  Listen to their teaching, or the cynicism of the dragons.

   However, I was wrong.

   No one is in the hall at all.

  Miaoyue Fairy just said:

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   "Wait until the ceremony is over, then leave."

   Then Jiang Lan and Ao Longyu were left inside, and no one looked for them.

   There are no dragons to make trouble.

   But in the inscription just now, he can feel that he has a certain connection with Ao Longyu.

   is a constraint.

   But it sounds better, that is, the marriage contract binds them together in the form of strength.

  Ensure the effect of the marriage contract.

   is just this kind of restraint, and there is no way to narrow the distance between people.

   Jiang Lan glanced at Ao Longyu beside him, but the strangeness made him unable to speak.

   could not find any topics.

   Do you want to ask, is the elder sister also forced?

   This should be trouble for myself.

   While Jiang Lan was thinking, Ao Longyu stretched out his hand.

   is stretching in front of Jiang Lan, as if begging for something.

   then heard her crisp voice:

   "Give me back."


   Suspicious Jiang Lan looked at the marriage letter in his hand, did you want this?

   then put the marriage letter in Ao Longyu's hands.

   Whether there is a marriage certificate is not really important, it is just a simple token.

   The real marriage contract is actually the inscription on the wrist.

   "Not this." Ao Longyu pushed the marriage certificate back.

   They all have a marriage book, why would she want Jiang Lan?

   appeared rude.

   Jiang Lan is so difficult now, he opened his mouth, with a little puzzled:

   "What do you want, Sister?"

   He did not remember that he had taken Ao Longyu anything.

   How can I say it again?

   Is she free again?

   But because of this, he lost his relative freedom and couldn't find a Taoist companion by himself, even though he hadn't planned to find a Taoist companion.

The appearance of    Ao Longyu, after all, restricted him from finding a Taoist companion.


   Ao Longyu lowered his eyebrows and said softly, although it was still as calm as ever.

   Jiang Lan could not respond to the other party.

   He couldn't think of what sword he should bring out.

   Ao Longyu looked up at Xia Jianglan, and when he saw that the other party was still puzzled, he explained:

   "Wooden sword, I walked in a hurry yesterday, and I forgot to come back."

   There is no emotion in the voice.

   is no different from the previous transaction.

   When he heard the other party's words, Jiang Lan came over clearly, and then looked at Ao Longyu in surprise.

   If he didn't think too much, Ao Longyu is Xiaoyu?


   Jiang Lan was a little horrified.

   "This is what I look like, I am not a child." Ao Longyu explained.

   Jiang Lan remembered the previous goddess picture.

   Ao Longyu is not yet an adult.

   So, even if it's not a child, it won't be what it is now, right?

   But he didn't ask much.

   It’s just Xiao Yu, Ao Longyu?

   How does he feel that he is two people with completely different personalities?

   a little hard to accept for a while.

   As for the wooden sword, he directly took it out and placed it in Ao Longyu's hand.

   "Thank you Sister Sister for your help before."

   Jiang Lan spoke softly.

   It was indeed Xiao Yu who helped him before, but there was no time to thank him yesterday.

   Ao Longyu nodded lightly, then took out a book to Jiang Lan:

   "This is a gift to thank Junior Brother for letting me see the true meaning of Dragon Slashing."

   Jianglan: "..."

   I always feel that this thank you is a little subtle.

   But he still took the book, and then he saw that it was a complete calligraphy written on it.


   He did not intend to explain, nor did he intend to say more.

   quietly put the book away.

   When will I be free, let's talk about it.

   The marriage book was also put away by him.

   He also saw Ao Longyu carefully put away the marriage certificate.

   Jiang Lan is very curious, the other party doesn't seem to hate him at all.

   You know, Ao Longyu is a princess of the dragon clan and a goddess of Yaochi.

   Talent and status are all ridiculously high.

   But his talent is mediocre, and his background also has a peak master master.

   There is nothing else.

   From an objective point of view, marrying him is not a happy thing.

   can not break the contract especially.

   Normal people should be a little unwilling.

   "Does Junior Brother have any doubts?" Ao Longyu looked at Jiang Lan calmly.

   seemed to see the puzzlement in Jiang Lan's eyes.

   was seen? Jiang Lan was surprised, is Xiao Yu so smart?

   There was a flash of rain in his mind picking up a bottle at the inn.

   said it was a girl, not too much.

   And Xiaoyu is much more cheerful than Ao Longyu now.

   At this time, Ao Longyu looked icy.

   "Some curiosity, don't Sister feel wronged?" Jiang Lan said softly.

   He asked more tactfully.

   "Where is the younger brother? Are you wronged?" Ao Longyu's voice came over.

   Hearing this question, Jiang Lan was a little surprised, is he wronged?

   shouldn't be wronged, right?


   From the surface, he did not say anything wronged.

  In my inner thoughts, I also feel that there are more fetters, which affect his future.

   "The younger brother is not wronged, why should I be wronged?" A sweet voice belonging to Ao Longyu came over, and then she spoke again:

   "Also, I don't hate the younger brother."

   Jianglan was silent, so was Xiaoyu talked about before?

   But after communicating, he found that Ao Longyu was better than he thought.

   That is to say, there is almost no possibility of him breaking the contract.

   Then they did not speak.

   is listening to the voice of the ceremony outside.

   After a long time, the ceremony ended, and everyone began to retreat.

   "It seems to be over."

   Jiang Lan said.

   "Hmm." Ao Longyu nodded:

   "I don't know if those seniors will come in and talk about it."

   Jiang Lan feels that the possibility of them coming in is very high.

   People from Kunlun and Dragons may come in and explain.

   But unfortunately, they waited for a long time, and none of them waited.

   As if everyone had left.

   "Are they all gone?" Ao Longyu's voice was slightly surprised.

   "Go out and have a look."

   Jiang Lan was also a little surprised, really don't care about them?

   The two went out.

   found that people outside went to the empty building, but no one was seen.

   The sky is getting late, and the night is about to cover the sky.

  "It seems that there is nothing to tell Longyu looked around and said.

   "Yeah." Jiang Lan felt so too.

   The two began to walk down the mountain.

   This is their rare time to spend time together.

   Xiaoyu is not counted in it.

   "Do you have any plans behind Junior Brother?" Ao Longyu asked.

   "Return to the ninth peak to retreat." Jiang Lan said.

   "To become a fairy?"

   "Well, to become a fairy."

   Cultivation is originally for becoming immortal, although there is still some distance, but the ultimate goal is difficult to escape from becoming immortal.

   This is the original goal of everyone, or a lifetime goal.

   Not a fairy, in the great wilderness, there are almost everywhere crises.

   Ao Longyu lowered his eyebrows and said nothing.

  Because becoming immortal means they are getting married.

   With her back on Yaochi, she will become immortal a little earlier than Jiang Lan.

   So, when will Jiang Lan become a fairy?

   means when they get married.



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