"Sister, be careful all the way."

   Jianglan spoke to Yujian’s Xiaoyu,

   Xiao Yu waved his hand and left with the wooden sword Yujian.

   Waiting for Xiao Yu to leave, Jiang Lan turned around and went back.

   He didn't have the idea of ​​going outside to see the situation, but thinking of returning to the virtual and consummation earlier.

   Chengxian is already very close.

   For Jiang Lan, the days after that are just repeating.

   Read a book during the day and use the sign-in pills to gather spiritual energy. After getting acquainted with the spells at night, open the Goddess Atlas and start practicing.

   Improve the progress of cultivation to the fastest.

   After only one year of cultivation, the entrance to the Nether began to explode.

   was relatively late, but earlier than expected.

   Jiang Lan, who was sitting in the Nether Cave, looked at the well with some alertness.

   is not only to be wary of this well, but also to the people outside.

   "I don't know if it will come in the past few years."

   When I was killing the monster clan last time, I heard that they were going to make a fuss at the entrance of Netherworld.

   Now it's at the entrance of the netherworld and overflowing.

   It's time to come, it's coming soon.

   But at the ninth peak, he didn't care.

   Jianglan kept calm and continued to practice.

   It will take some time for the outbreak to reach its peak.

   At this point, Jiang Lan closed his eyes again and began to practice.

   In a blink of an eye, two years have passed.

   Jianglan took You Yehua and plant eggs to bask in the sun according to habit.

   Take it out this time, and I won’t bring it back.

  Following outbreaks, they can't bear it, they have been tested in the last hundred years.

   But the lives of these two plants are indeed ridiculously long.

   The plant egg has been with him for one hundred and seventy years, and You Yehua has also been with him for sixty years.

   don't know in the end, in which year they will fall.

   Three years have passed, the familiar spells are already familiar, and the ones that should be tested have also been tested.

   The power of the Nine Tribulations is still unable to blast a punch.

  Nine steps in the sky still can't reach the extreme.

   The power of nine cows is handy, and the powerful force is unmatched in the past.

   Now he, to kill that monster clan, he absolutely does not need a second punch.

   When Jiang Lan approached the yard, he felt that someone was coming.

   was not trapped by Taolin.

   "It should be Senior Sister Xiao Yu."

   Jiang Lan had a guess in his heart.

   When he returned to the yard, what he saw was the girl in blue and white clothes, she squatted on the ground looking at the flowers.

   has a slight smile on his side.

   Under the shining of the sun, it was a bit amazing.

   Jiang Lan stepped closer, Xiao Yu looked back.

   Seeing that it was Jiang Lan, he smiled and said:

   "Junior, long time no see."

   Seeing Jiang Lan as Xiao Yu turned around, he was a little surprised.

   Looking back and smiling Bai Meisheng, this is Jiang Lan's first instinct.

   If it is the light rain after growing up, it must be more exaggerated.

   "Long time no see." Jiang Lan nodded gently.

   The light rain today is exactly the same as it was three years ago, without any change.

After    there should not be any changes.

   Change again, just like Sister Ao.

   "What flower did the younger brother bring?" Xiao Yu asked when she came to Jiang Lan and looked at You Yehua.

   The light rain at this time is the Jade Age, but before Jiang Lan, it is still not high.

  Shoulder is missing.

   Normal Sister Ao, a lot higher than his shoulders.

   "You Yehua, planted decades ago."

   Jianglan took the opportunity to let Xiaoyu take the flowerpot.

   "Is there any stone in the flowerpot?" Xiao Yu took the flowerpot and touched the stone curiously.

   "That was the gift that Master gave me when I was building the foundation." Jiang Lan replied.

   Xiaoyu looked at Jiang Lan unexpectedly.

   She remembers when Jiang Lan built the foundation.

   In the Third Peak Secret Realm, she still leads the team.

   There was a big reason Jiang Lan was able to survive at that time.

   suddenly discovered that the younger brother is so young.

   At that time, she had a golden core, and the junior was able to train to perfection.

   is much different.

   Now her soul is perfect, the junior soul is in the early stage.

   In this way, the gap is much smaller.

   is the same age all at once.

   It's just a hundred or more years from the foundation building, right?

   "Junior Brother has built the foundation for about one hundred and fifty years, right? Then this..." Xiao Yu looked at the stone-like thing.

   does not look like a pet.

   "I don't know why, it hasn't been hatched for 170 years.

   Fortunately, there is still a breath of life.

   can be raised as a plant. Jiang Lan explained.

   Xiao Yu blinked, she looked at the pet egg a little hard to understand.

   What kind of egg has not hatched after more than a hundred years?

   But no matter how you look at it, it is not an innate creature.

   And it was the first time she heard that someone kept pet eggplants.

   The more I understand my younger brother, the stranger it feels.

   Then Xiao Yu didn't think much, she took out the wooden sword and handed it to Jiang Lan:

   "It's gone again."

   Taking the wooden sword, Jiang Lan wanted to persuade the senior sister to give up the dragon sword.

   But he didn't say anything.

   Instead, he continued to help gather the true meaning of Dragon Slashing.

   "The nether breath has increased recently." Xiao Yu looked around and said.

   "Well, the entrance of the Netherworld is in the eruption period." Jiang Lan explained.

   Drizzle is pouring the plant eggs and Youyecao with spirit liquid.

   When it was poured, he asked curiously:

   "The outbreak has no effect on Junior Brother?"

   Hearing this question, Jiang Lan instinctively became vigilant.

   Finally choose to speak:

   "The peak period may have an impact."

   The last hundred years did have an impact, and he should live this one hundred years.

   After all, the gap in cultivation level is extremely huge.

   At this time, he is already close to Xian.

   The change in mood should have also risen to the next level.

   So it is certain that it will not be affected.

   But the theory is only a theory after all, and it needs to be verified.


   Xiao Yu just screamed and stopped talking.

   Continue to study You Yehua.

   She has seen You Yehua, but she has never seen You Yehua who is so sluggish.


   Xiao Yu waved goodbye to Jiang Lan.

   She went all the way back to Yaochi.

   After returning to Yaochi, her figure also changed and she became a normal one.

   Shen Yu Luo Yan's capacity, exquisite and flawless.

   She stood by the edge of Yaochi and looked at the edge of Yaochi that she had sorted out.

   I should be able to practice fast here, right?


Not suitable.

   She thought for a long time.

   I think I can’t do too much.

   The talent of the younger brother is not outstanding, although the cultivation speed is not slow, it is very controversial.

   The invisible pressure is always there. UU reading www.uukanshu. com

   She can no longer exert pressure.

   is easy to hurt the self-esteem of the younger brother.

   Then Ao Longyu no longer thought about it, but holding the wooden sword, continued to comprehend the Dragon Slashing Sword.

   It is a fair deal between her and her younger brother, which is not a help.

   Unlike previous transactions, it’s not that clear anymore.


   After sending off the light rain, Jiang Lan continued to practice.

   When I saw Xiao Yu, his heart was not disturbed, on the contrary, he was very calm, or peaceful.

   The fetters of life sometimes do not only affect his progress.

   may also promote people's progress.

   Jiang Lan at this time, facing the Nether eruption, was not affected at all.

   And having a ghostly breath accelerated his cultivation speed.

   was assisted by the explosion of the Nether Portal.

   He may enter the Xuxu Consummation early.

   Sixty to seventy years originally preset.

   In the end, it may only be forty to fifty years.

   In other words, he should try to become immortal after two hundred years of cultivation.



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