Jianglan's practice has never stopped.

   In addition to necessary training, he also reads books.

   There are many books on Ninth Peak.

   He will involve some.

   The formation method has been seen the most.

   Over the years, the Ninth Peak Array has been supplemented more and more.

   The old array module has also been replaced a lot.

   However, there are fewer and fewer arrays revealed.

   Xiaoyu will come every three years, and every time he will let Jiang Lan bless the wooden sword with the true meaning of cutting the dragon.

   Just no matter how many times she came, she just couldn't learn how to cut the dragon sword.

   Jiang Lan had already given up on Xiao Yu's idea of ​​giving up the Dragon Slashing Sword.

   Rather, it reassured Xiao Yu's wooden sword to supplement the dragon sword intent.

   Six years passed in a flash.

   The eruption at the entrance of the ghost reached its peak.

   Jiang Lan is cultivating this day, and he feels that cultivating at this time is much faster than in the past with the goddess atlas and signing in for pill blessing.

   As long as the peak is maintained for three years, he can definitely reach the perfection of returning to the void within the training time limit of two hundred years, and even consolidate the perfect cultivation base.

   But this time, if the monsters want to do it, they should be fast too.

   No matter how late it is, there is no point in doing it.

   Jiang Lan remained vigilant about this, but didn't worry too much.

   He has prepared a lot over the years.

   The ninth peak is not so good.

   Under normal circumstances, no one is close to the Ninth Peak, which is the entrance to the Netherworld.

   It’s almost impossible to get close to myself.

   If you are not careful, you will be surrounded by demons.

   And the entrance to the netherworld is not easy, someone must watch it.

   Others should also understand.

   Unless you have a mortal heart, come and try.

   There are many people in this world who are afraid of death, but there are certainly many who are not afraid of death.

  Some people live for faith.

   But he has killed many monsters before, and if these people are cautious enough, they should give up.

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   But in the past two hundred years, the monster clan has made so many actions, and can do anything.

   It is not realistic to expect them to be cautious not to cause trouble.

   Jianglan was not worried, but he did not relax his vigilance either.

   The vigilance he should have, he will not relax.

   These years, he has come here like this.

   Don't underestimate the enemy, don't underestimate anyone.

   As long as it is determined that it is the enemy, he will not be merciful.

   Try to kill with one hit.



   While practicing, suddenly there was footsteps coming into Jiang Lan's mind.

   The next moment, he opened his eyes.

   then looked around.

   The source of the sound is not outside the Nether Cave, but in the Nether Cave.

   The moment he noticed this, his power had already begun to work, and he was on guard at any time.

   It's just that he didn't see anyone in the Nether Cave.



   The sound of footsteps appeared again.

   Jianglan looked at the well that connected with Netherworld, which was the entrance of Netherworld.

   "A creature comes out from the entrance of the Nether?"

   The moment he noticed this, Jiang Lan stood up and stared at the Netherworld entrance.

   He remembered the eruption at the entrance of the nether world, and some nether creatures might appear.

   should not be strong.

   He stared at the entrance of the nether, without moving, just waiting for the nether creature to appear.

Da da!

   The sound of footsteps approached from far away.

   He waited a long time.

   But the sound of footsteps is still from far to near, and it doesn't really appear at the exit of the netherworld, let alone any creatures appear in the nether cave.

   "Aren't you curious?"

   A sudden voice appeared in Jiang Lan's mind.

   "You don't want to know what is in the portal of the netherworld?"

   "There is unimaginable power here, and one glance is enough for you to become a fairy."

   Hearing these voices, Jiang Lan's heart didn't have any waves.

   He sat cross-legged and began to practice.

   The mirror in his heart began to light up.

   The sudden sound began to dissipate.

   Although the footsteps are there, they can no longer affect him.

   His heart will no longer be affected. The reason why there is another sign of the invasion of the heart demon is entirely the influence of footsteps.

   This outbreak is stronger than the previous one hundred years.

   But he is not the one he was in the last century.

   Jiang Lan is practicing, and the sound of footsteps continues.

   The two do not affect each other.

   If the mood is too late, he will not stay here forcibly.

   Haste is not enough.

   But now, he is not struggling.

   Of course, the ghost creatures still have the possibility to get out.

   This also requires precautions.

   This will take up some attention, but it is not a big problem.

  Time is passing like water.

   Three years after the outbreak, Jiang Lan gave up reading, wholeheartedly improving his cultivation.

  This kind of opportunity can only be encountered once in a hundred years~www.readwn.com~, of course, it is not important to practice.

   And because of the eruption at the entrance of the Netherworld, the check-in income has been improved.

   is another kind of help to his cultivation.

   In ten years, he should be able to be promoted back to perfection.

   less than two hundred years.


  Mo Zhengdong sits on the top of the Ninth Peak.

   He knew that Xiao Yu would occasionally come to the Ninth Peak.

   This is a delightful thing.

   Xiao Yu never had a grudge against his apprentice.

   Instead, I want to develop for the better.

   may be because it has been decided that it cannot be changed, but Xiao Yu's behavior is indeed pleasing.

   When he wants to come, his apprentice also understands.

   I should know how to do it.

  The love of men and women, he can't teach him as a master.

   can only let Jiang Lan come by himself.

   What he can do is help Jiang Lan become a fairy and help Jiang Lan get married as soon as possible.

   He thought he would have to wait a long time.

   But I don't know why recently, and I feel a little bit about his preparations in advance.

   "But it's only in the early stage of the soul, and after a while, it will be the middle stage of the pluralistic god."

   "I don't know if it is good or bad."

  Mo Zhengdong is not sure.

   However, the eruption of the Nether portal can no longer affect Jiang Lan, which shows that Jiang Lan has almost grown up.

  What's bad is just the cultivation base.

   Finally, Mo Zhengdong sat on the top of the Ninth Peak.

   began to wait.

   not yet in time.


   Jianglan almost never left the Nether Cave except that he would stop practicing the day when the rain came.

   He is trying his best to return to the virtual perfection.

   Surface repair is to hit the middle stage of the soul.

   At this time, he must use the power overflowing from the portal of the netherworld.

  Only in this way can you be promoted successfully in the fastest time.

   The morning sun sets, and the wind and clouds change.

  Lunling, drizzle, and bleak.

   This year, the first yellow leaf on the Ninth Peak began to fall~www.readwn.com~ The power on Jiang Lan began to surge.

   After the yellow leaf fell to the ground, his strength returned to normal.

   This year is the 190th year of Jiang Lan's stay in Kunlun.

   It’s been 40 years since I got engaged this year.

   And this year, he was successfully promoted to Refining God and Returning to Void Consummation.

   is only one step away from becoming a fairy.

   Jianglan faced the autumn breeze and walked out of the Nether Cave.

   At this time, his surface cultivation is in the early stage of Yuanshen, and his hidden cultivation is in the middle stage of Yuanshen.

   The true cultivation is the perfection.

  "Because ten years of explanation and the explosion of the Netherworld portal, I entered Consummation twenty years in advance.

   But it is still too difficult to take the last step of becoming a fairy. "

   Jiang Lan walked towards the hall step by step, he wanted to read a book and calm down.

   In a few years, he plans to go out.

   Just find an opportunity to become a fairy.

   became an opportunity to become a fairy, and he needed to sign in elsewhere.

   The Ninth Peak has been signed in by him all the time.

   can't find the opportunity to become a fairy.



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