"I don't know if the engagement has completely subsided."

   In the yard, Jiang Lan is pouring the plant eggs with spiritual solution.

   He hasn't been on the Ninth Peak for 40 years, and no one knows him even if others use him as a topic.

  Most people just saw him from a distance on the day of the ceremony.

   Forty years, it shouldn't be difficult to erase this look.

   After all, to other people, he is just an optional passerby.

   No one will remember him.

   Unimportant memories will naturally be thrown into the corner and thus forgotten.

  Mentioned, the first concept is to be out of luck.

   Nothing unusual.

   Even if some people want to do something to him, they will never take it seriously.

   Facing him, most people will have a sense of superiority.

   "It's another ten years."

   Even if the engagement turmoil subsided, Jiang Lan still had no plans to go to the ninth peak now.

   It’s not time to go out for the robbery, wait.

   waited to consolidate the current cultivation base, and then went to other places in Kunlun to look for opportunities to become immortals.

  "In the past few years, I haven't noticed the people of the monster race, and the eruption at the entrance of the netherworld has not shown too special changes.

   I don't know if the Yaozu didn't do anything, or was directly strangled. "

   Jiang Lan is not sure about this.

   He really knew nothing about the changes in the outside world.

   Is the Heaven and Human Race still paying attention to him? Is the Demon Race still trying to do something with him? Will the Dragon Race people trouble him?

   He is not sure.

   But becoming immortal is imminent, and then we need to understand the movements of these forces.

   Of course, to these forces, he is just a small person after all.

   Decades have passed, there is a high probability that he will be forgotten.

So much the better.

   But when going out, you still have to be cautious.

   Among these people, Jiang Lan cares most about the Celestial Race.

  According to the previous situation, the Celestial Race could not tolerate the people who walked up the ladder, so he went up.

   The wind trail is dead.

   Someone should take over this matter later.

   Fengji can wait for him for 30 years, and others wait for him for 50 years. It is not impossible.

   Only forty years ago, the people at the second peak seemed to have cleaned up many sect spies.

   I don’t know the people of the Celestial Race, have they mixed in?

   Jianglan read the book for a long time and spent some time clearing the road to the Ninth Peak.

   took care of the flowers again in the evening.

   He did not enter the nether cave tonight, but lay on the roof and looked at the stars.

   is going to become a fairy.

   Time flies so fast, when I think back to the time when he became a teacher, he was just an ordinary person.

   One hundred and ninety years ago, he was an ordinary person.

   Now he is only one step away from the immortal, maybe in a few years, he will officially step into the immortal gate.

   But becoming a fairy is too difficult.

   tried in the backyard of the inn last time. He tried to find the fairy gate, but he never even approached the fairy gate.

   ended in failure.

   This time he needs to be prepared enough.

   can no longer fail.

   Once he fails, the fairy will get farther and farther away from him.

   "Where is the right place to sign in?"

  Theoretically, it is most suitable to go to the secrets of each peak to check in.

   But the secret is not easy to enter.

   If you want to enter, you can only count on the master to open the way for him.

   For no reason, it is not good for the master to send him into the secret realm, although the master may not ask, but it has not yet reached that point.

   So I went to other places first.

   There are many special places in Kunlun, and the check-in income is not bad at all.

   For example, Kongjinghu, the check-in income is too high, and it is definitely not worse than anything.

   He even has a feeling.

   As long as he learns to forget the love chapter, the immortal is no longer far away for him.

   Once learned, he may not be who he wants.

   So, so far, he has never studied.

   In the early morning, Jiang Lan watched the end of the mountain jump out of a round of scorching sun.

   The dawn breaks, illuminating everything.

   In the future, he may also have such a dazzling day.

   From now on, he will go anywhere in the Great Wilderness World.

   It's just that there are some more fetters.

   Xiaoyu will not come this year, it will take the next year.

   But Jiang Lan still took care of the flowers carefully.

   Xiaoyu doesn't hate this flower bush, so Jiang Lan won't be stingy with the time to take care of it.

   He can clearly perceive that Xiao Yu wants to make their marriage develop in a good place.

   And he will naturally respond.

   instead of letting it go.

   let it go, just killing off the kindness of the rain.

   There are some things he will never participate in, some things he will never refuse, and some things he will not let go.

   In the unknown, going out to experience is too dangerous, he will not participate.

   is to make yourself safer.

   But when the Ninth Peak is endangered, he will face any challenge and will never escape.

   This is the responsibility of being a disciple of the Ninth Peak.

   When facing the kindness of others, especially when it is closely related to him, even if it will be troublesome in the future, even if it will restrict himself, he will not ignore it.

Hello everyone, our official account will find gold and coin red envelopes every day, as long as you pay attention to it, you can receive the last benefit at the end of the year. Please seize the opportunity.

   The responsibility belongs to him, the obligation belongs to him, he will take it one by one.

   He will not escape, nor is he willing to escape.

   If he wants to be alone, he won't refuse to be too emotional.

   After doing everything, Jiang Lan planned to consolidate his cultivation.

   When the cultivation base is consolidated, he will begin to familiarize himself with some spells and try the power of the Nine Tribulations.

   He who has returned to perfection, should have the ability to punch.

   One month later.

   Jianglan sits in the Nether Cave.

   Turn on the power of nine oxen and then use the power of nine oxen to provoke the calming spirit.

   When the power of nine cows and Zhenshen Jin reached their extremes, a stream-like power began to appear.

   This force was directly drawn to the fist.

   At this moment, Jiang Lan felt that his fist could destroy everything and bring disaster to everything.

   is like a bull that can turn the world and is ready to go.


   But while breathing, the power dissipated in an instant, turning into a majestic force of nine cows.

   But Jiang Lan is not at all depressed.

   because he can clearly detect it.

   He can hit the power of one punch and nine calamities.

  The strength is so strong that it seems to be called a banrenxian.

   But only one punch.

   And I don’t know what it will consume and harm the body.

   This is not a power he can master at his level, so it will definitely hurt to use it.

   If the damage is within a tolerable range, then under the immortal, it should be possible to blow everyone out with one punch.

   Of course ~www.readwn.com~ with his current cultivation base.

   Under the immortal, with the power of nine oxen, you can also blow most people with one punch.

   There is even a feeling that a punch is not weaker than a human fairy.

   So it's not a last resort, he doesn't plan to use the power of the Nine Tribulations.

   Or find a time to test the power of the Nine Tribulations and the damage to the body.

   Ten years seems to be a long time, but for someone who can only retreat.

   Ten years actually didn't take long. Jiang Lan spent three years familiarizing himself with the realm of ten years, and spent seven years getting himself at the top.

   In the past seven years, he has been close to the immortal threshold.

   It will take him a few years to try the realm of immortality.

   "It's time to go out."

   This Tian Jiang Lan left the Nether Cave.

   He intends to find an opportunity to become a fairy.

   Over the years, he has been signing in with colorful auspicious clouds for himself, and he wants to sign out an opportunity to become a fairy in Nether Cave.

   Unfortunately not.

   "I have to go and tell the master too, the ninth peak Quanfeng disciple, I plan to go out to practice."

  Dujie must go out, there is no way.



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