"When to set off?"

   On the ninth peak, Mo Zhengdong looked at Jiang Lan Road.

   "These days." Jiang Lan replied.

   Xiao Yu should be here these days, he needs to bless Xiao Yu's wooden sword with the true meaning of cutting the dragon.

   In the beginning, the true meaning of Slashing Dragon could only last for three years.

   Later, he deliberately maintained the true intention of Zhanlong for three years.

   This time I went out, I don’t know if three years are enough.

   Then Jiang Lan left the top of the Ninth Peak.

   He wants to take care of some things, and then wait for the light rain to arrive and talk to the other party.

   I don’t know how long it will take to go out this time, so it’s necessary to tell Xiao Yu.

   I didn’t find anyone when she came.

   Also, he is going out, it is impossible to bring vegetable eggs.

   If the light rain is convenient, you can help pour some elixir after a few years, so that you won’t die.

   These two vitalities are very tenacious. Pouring them once a year or two should be no problem.

   He poured elixir every day when he was here. This extravagant life will eventually pass.

   Suffering will inevitably come.

  When he came to the yard, Jiang Lan took care of the flowers.

   For some reason, he will take care of this place in advance.

   Then go to clean the road weeds.

   But while taking care of it, Jiang Lan had some questions in his mind.

   Master gave him thousands of years of luck, will it affect his sign-in?

   If there is an impact, how much will it affect?

   After hesitating, Jiang Lan planned to find a place to sign in.

   But take care of the flowers first.

   It took some time, then the care was over.

   When the light rain comes, it will not be the day when the flowers are withered.

   When the flowers bloom at their peak, a light rain will come.

   Glancing at Hua Cong, Jiang Lan stepped away from the Ninth Peak.

   He wants to find a decent place to sign in.

  The Kunlun Hall has been signed in, and the Kunlun Gate has also been signed in.

   Then Jiang Lan came to the place where Senior Kunlun preached.

   This is also the place where Kunlun disciples practice.

   Give it a try.

   There are many people here, but no one noticed Jiang Lan.

   is the credit of natural Taoism.

   reduces the sense of presence.

   "System sign in."

【Ding! 】

  【Successful sign in, congratulations to the host for getting the gift of the Dadao Context, and gaining supernatural powers and true eyes. 】

  【Wuwang True Eye: It is the truth, the truth, a pair of true eyes, see through the disguise of all things, and all falsehoods have no way to hide. 】

   supernatural powers.

   Signing in supernatural power is very rare.

   But this time Jiang Lan was not very happy.

   Because he carries a thousand years of luck with him.

   In such a situation, is it impossible to sign in and become a fairy?

   Being a fairy is already so difficult.

   I sighed in my heart.

   Naturally, he will not be frustrated by this, no matter how difficult the road is, he will move forward.

   Xian couldn't stop him.

   However, when he wanted to check the specific effects of the new supernatural powers, the system sound once again rang in his mind.

【Ding! 】

   Hearing this voice, Jiang Lan was startled.

After    checked in, he never heard the system sound for the second time.

   Unless there is a avenue here.

   But when I just came here, I didn't remind me that there was a major route here.

  He has been here before.

   There is no way to talk about it.

   Then, why would you care about the system sound.

   In a puzzled situation, Jiang Lan began to pay attention to the voice in his mind.

   I want to see why the system sounds again.

   He knew the answer soon.

  【Successfully signed in, congratulations to the host for getting the thousand-year-old gift of luck, and gaining the pill of creation of heaven and earth. 】

  【Pill of Good Fortune: The creation of heaven and earth, the gathering of heaven and earth changes, the deduction of all things, can break all bottlenecks. 】

   after the sound of the system fell.

   Jiang Lan failed to recover for the first time.

   He found out that he had gotten good luck pills.

   This is the second time to get good luck pill, but it is not because of a gift from the Dadao, but a gift from his master's thousand years of luck.

   Jiang Lan heaved a sigh of relief at this moment.

   He got the opportunity to become a fairy.

   And it will never break through the opportunity of failure.

   The only thing that needs to be cared about is crossing the robbery.

   From here, he also discovered one thing.

   Thousand years of luck, something extraordinary.

   can almost change a person's destiny, and his master just takes the thousand years of luck to help him become an immortal.

  If he fails the master, maybe he will never reach the end of the way.

   Even with a system.

  Because I can't pass my own level.

   Without staying, Jiang Lan went to the Ninth Peak.

   Make preparations these few days, and then determine where to cross the robbery and come back as soon as possible.

   After all, there is no safety on the ninth peak outside.

   Along the way, Jiang Lan heard some news.

   "Recently, the monster clan is a little weak and seems to be defeated. After a few years of fighting, it should be over."

   "Speaking of which, why did they fight?"

   "It seems to be caused by the monster clan, the specific reason is unknown."

   "What will happen if the monster clan loses?"

   "Who knows, but from the current point of view, at best, the dragon clan wins the demon clan. No matter how much it is, it will be difficult."

   "In the beginning I heard that it was the dragons who had the disadvantage, but fifty years ago, it suddenly began to reverse."

   "This, I think it was brought about by marriage."

   "Marriage? What kind of marriage?"

   "The dragon princess is married to Kunlun."

   "I have never heard of it. Brother talk about what's going on."

   Jiang Lan heard this and left.

   I won’t get any useful news anymore.

   But the battle between the dragon and the monster is about to end, which is surprising.

   Of course, it shouldn't matter to him.

   Then he changed places.

   I want to hear about the Celestial Race.

  "The Central Plains really fought a lot. It is said that the person of the Celestial Race who understands the Heart Sutra of the Celestial Race has fought to the extreme.

   As long as he appears, there will be a vision in the world.

   Everyone said that he was about to realize that he was forgotten.

   It seems that the Celestial Race has hit the bottom of Wutong Mountain recently. "

   "Sky Feather Phoenix Clan? Celestial Clan is determined to let that one realize that the heavens and humans forget their emotions."

   "Heaven and man forget love, it is said that there is no way possible."

   "I recently learned about the Celestial Race and discovered that the ladder that Senior Brother Ninth Peak walked was related to the Celestial Chapter."

   "I have also understood what you said. It seems that if you walk up, you may understand the heart sutra of heaven and man. Once you have achieved the heart of heaven and man, the future is unimaginable."

   "But I heard that only the Celestial Race can do it."

   "Who do you mean, Brother Ninth Peak? Is there anyone in Ninth Peak?"

   Jiang Lan didn't listen any more, but took a step away.

   Many years have passed.

  Many people don't know him~www.readwn.com~ but some people think of him easily when they talk about it.

   But in their words, the Ninth Peak disciple, there is nothing outstanding.

   is either luck or a pity.

   does not attract the attention of others.

   "These people are at war, I don't know if they will notice me."

   "The dragon race and the monster race shouldn't be the same, but the Celestial race is hard to say."

   "It turns out that the ladder is linked to the Heaven and Human Heart Sutra. Is the Heaven and Human Race worried that I will understand the Heaven and Human Heart Sutra?"

  Will he learn how to forget love?

   Not at all.

   However, the Celestial Race doesn't think so, so the Celestial Race will still stare at him.

   Now he faces a problem.

   People from the Celestial Race might still stare at him.

   Then when he leaves, do you want to try to draw it out?

   leads out to kill, and the Celestial Race will fall into a blind spot again.

   If you keep the other person and leave secretly, once you are found, you will be easily spied on.

   After hesitating for a moment, Jiang Lan came to a conclusion.

   Find it out and kill it.



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