My Girlfriend From Turquoise Pond Requests My Help After My Millennium Seclusion

Chapter 160: This is really eye-catching, not easy to use

   It shouldn't be difficult to draw people from the Celestial Race.

   But it is difficult to get the opponent to do it.

   Now he has the initial cultivation base of Yuanshen.

  Introduction for two hundred years, it is very good.

   If you count the hidden cultivation base, he is still a genius level promotion speed.

   And if there are new people in the Celestial Race, the cultivation base will definitely not be that high.

   There should be no possibility of being higher than him.

   Unless he hides his cultivation before coming in.

   If so, it would be fine.

   Give the other party a mobile meeting, it should be fine.

   But if it works, you need to try it before you know.

  If the other party doesn't look so tightly, he doesn't need to trouble himself.

   Besides, it's hard to say whether the Celestial Race is still there.

   "We need to see if the demons and celestial races who came to Kunlun 50 years ago are still there."

   And he still remembers that someone swept his cultivation.

   Although I never met again.

   But it is always impossible to ignore.

   You need to be vigilant when going out.

After    Jiang Lan returned to the yard.

   The appearance of the good luck pill made him no longer need to go to other places to sign in.

  Become a fairy before talking.

   But you need to say goodbye to Xiao Yu first when you go out. In theory, you don't need to go out for too long.

  Perhaps he would have returned as a fairy before Xiaoyu came out next time.

   Jiang Lan, sitting in the courtyard, stopped thinking about this.

   also signed a magic power today.

   No false real eyes.

   Learn first when I have time.

   Then Jiang Lan looked inside his mind and saw a book.

   Whether it is magical powers or exercises, they are all presented in the form of books.

  The difference is that the spelling can be read and understood.

   But supernatural powers don’t work.

   It seems that if you can, you will, if you can’t, you won’t, and you can’t learn.

   After the book was opened, it was directly integrated into Jiang Lan's body.

   But in an instant, he felt a slight change in his eyes, but he felt that there was no change after careful consideration.

   Then he opened his eyes.

   The flowers and trees in the yard, he felt that he could see more clearly.

   But it's just more clear.

   Under doubt, he used his magical powers and opened his true eyes.

   However, nothing has changed.

   "It seems that only disguise can be seen."

   "I don't know if I can see through the blind eye."

   In order to test this magical power, Jiang Lan stretched out his hand, and then blessed Yiye Biaoye.

  The back of the hand is covered by mist.

   Then he checked with Wuwang true eyes.

   did see through some fog, but couldn't see the hand behind the fog.

   "It's okay."

   For Jiang Lan, this is a good thing.

   at least shows that Yiye Biaomu is in supernatural powers, which is also very good.

   Other people can't see through even if they have magical powers similar to those of real eyes.

   However, it is also possible that what one leaf is blinding to hide is the secret of heaven, the sentient beings, and it is not a disguise, so it is impossible to see through.

   But he can feel it when he is being looked at, and he can detect it when he sees through it.

   At present, no one has seen through his blindfold. If anyone sees through, he can receive feedback.

   But any supernatural power is an auxiliary, and the one who can really control everything is the cultivation base.

   Chengxian is close at hand, but I don’t know when it will be invincible.

After   , Jiang Lan became familiar with True Eye of Wuwang. With this, he can roughly find out whether other people have hidden cultivation bases.

   "I don't know what to see when I watch Xiao Yu."

   Jiang Lan was a little curious.

   I want to know whether behind Xiao Yu's disguise is a child or Sister Ao's state.

   Check it out next time you come.

   Three days passed.

   In addition to being familiar with supernatural powers for these three days, it was reading books.

   I look at the formations.

   Jiang Lan wanted to make up for the formation before going out.

   Three more days passed, and the formation of the Ninth Peak was updated again.

   Now Jiang Lan doesn't know what realm his formation attainments are in. He did not deploy the formation according to the book, but made changes.

  The specific effect can only be known by experimentation.

   On this day, he felt that someone outside the peach blossom forest red envelopes] Follow the official account [Book Friends Base draw up to 888 cash red envelopes!

   It should be light rain coming.

   This time, instead of waiting for Xiao Yu to come in, he took the initiative to step out.

   Soon he saw a girl with a wooden sword walking in the peach forest with a smile.

   is still a blue and white fairy skirt, still simply tied with her hair.

   is exactly the same as when I came thirty years ago.

   Jiang Lan doesn't hate this dress.

   "Huh?" Xiao Yu saw Jiang Lan suddenly appearing, somewhat surprised:

   "Junior Brother is going to go down the mountain?"

   "Why do Sister Sister think like this?" When Xiao Yu came to her side, Jiang Lan turned around and walked inside.

   The two walked side by side.

When    entered, Xiao Yu handed the wooden sword to Jiang Lan.

   "Under normal circumstances, it was me who arrived, and the younger brother came out.

   Junior brother is here waiting for me this time.

   It should be something that ended the practice days ahead of schedule. "Xiao Yu asked Jiang Lan.

   It was impossible for her to come to the Ninth Peak at will.

   At that time, the first wait was thirty years.

   If she is still waiting at the foot of the mountain, fifty years will be almost the same.

   Therefore, the younger brother should end the retreat.

   It's just that she didn't see Jiang Lan's cultivation level change.

   Jiang Lan nodded, without any concealment:

   "Well, the retreat is over, I plan to go out to practice."

   When he saw light rain, he found out.

   Xiao Yu has already returned to the initial stage, but deliberately shows that the soul is complete.

   Is it to reduce my stress? Jiang Lan muttered to herself.

   In the past, no matter whether it was in the state of Sister Ao or the state of light rain, he would never hide his cultivation.

   "Going out to experience?" Xiao Yu looked at Jiang Lan a little puzzled.

   She knows Jiang Lan more or less.

   In these two hundred years, Jiang Lan has never been out.

   Not to mention going out, even the number of times to go out of the ninth peak is pitiful, and the most frequent going out is the days when I helped her at the inn.

   Now she is going out to practice suddenly, which really surprised her.

   "I have been practicing for two hundred years, and I want to go out for a while." Jiang Lan replied.

   Xiao Yu lowered her eyebrows, she was a little concerned.

   Is it because she comes too often?

   "I will try my best to come back when the sister comes next time." Jiang Lan added.

   "Oh." Xiao Yu nodded.

   It was not because of her.

   When he arrived in the yard, Xiao Yu helped Jiang Lan pour the plant eggs with the essence:

   "Junior brother is out, the plant eggs and You Yehua are not taken care of?"

   This is a pet, not like a flower bush.

   "Their vitality is tenacious." Jiang Lan said.

   Xiaoyu didn't say anything, she just poured it secretly when she had time. She curiously said:

  "Do you still remember the cup that the inn would drop?

   How do you arrange it? "

   Hearing this question, Jiang Lan thought about it.

   then shook his head:

  "The formation cannot be simulated, or the core is not the formation.

   Sister, want to try to practice in that way? "

   Maybe I want to play, Jiang Lan thought in his heart.

   I haven't grown up yet.

   Thinking about Jiang Lan like this, he planned to see Xiao Yu with real eyes.

   Look behind the light rain in the year of Ji Yan, whether it is the grown-up Ao Longyu or the light rain in the appearance of a little girl.

   Won't let the real eyes move.

   Jiang Lan felt that he had seen through all the disguise.

   Such as the cultivation base of Xiaoyu in disguise, such as the human form of Xiaoyu.

   As expected, the disguise began to break.

   then saw the real appearance of Xiao Yu.


  A white dragon.

   This is really eye-catching, not easy to use.



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