My Girlfriend From Turquoise Pond Requests My Help After My Millennium Seclusion

Chapter 161: You can pay attention to Master’s relationship issues

   The real eye can't see the humanoid Xiao Yu, only her real body.

   Maybe I just learned, the level is too low.

   Jiang Lan didn't care about this.

   then began to bless the dragon sword intent for Xiao Yu's wooden sword.

   "This is the eleventh time." Xiaoyu ignored Jiang Lan's previous question and asked.

   Then she looked at Jiang Lan and said seriously:

  "The previous ten years of explanation have been over, and I will continue to let the younger brother bless the sword intent.

   That's what I owe my younger brother.

   What do you want? "

   Hearing this question, Jiang Lan glanced at Xiao Yu and said:

   "If there is something to be planted in the future, I would like to ask Sister Sister to see if it is good or bad, and I hope Sister Sister will not refuse."

   "I refused." Xiao Yu said immediately:

   "It feels like taking advantage of Junior Brother."

   Jiang Lan was a little surprised. He looked at Xiao Yu and let out a soft voice:

   "What do you think, sister?"

   "Does the younger brother write well?" Xiao Yu asked.

   Jianglan: "......"

   He did not answer this question.

   but concentrate on blessing sword intent.

   The two did not discuss this issue again.

   doesn't seem to be in a hurry to complete the transaction.

   dragged slowly.

   In the evening, Jiang Lan returned the wooden sword to Xiao Yu.

   took the wooden sword's light rain, and waved it with satisfaction. She felt that the sword intent above was the same as before, not much, not a lot.

   will dissipate again in three years.

   "If the younger brother goes out for ten or eight years, will the formation fail?" Xiao Yu asked Jiang Lan on the way out of Taolin.

   "It will not fail, unless there are special changes, there will be no problems in a hundred years." Jiang Lan explained.

   There is a gathering spirit formation deep underground, and each formation is composed of many modules.

   All failures are unlikely.

   Is it really possible to go out for ten or eight years? Xiao Yu was puzzled.

   "Junior Brother doesn't seem to have any spiritual swords to take advantage of." Xiao Yu saw Jiang Lan's swords several times, they were all ordinary swords.

   Jiang Lan nodded.

   He really didn't have a spirit sword that he could take out.

   After all, he uses his fist instead of a sword.

   Swinging a sword to kill is too slow and too weak.

   "Lend you." Xiao Yu stretched out his hand and waved, an aqua blue spirit sword appeared in front of Jiang Lan:

   "Hanqiu sword, a spirit sword with a decent level.

   When the younger brother comes back, remember to pay me back.

   This is my saber. "

   "Thank you, Senior Sister." Jiang Lan held the spirit sword, and then put it away.

   When you come back like this, you have to notify Xiaoyu, right?

   As for whether it is used or not, naturally it is not used.

   No matter how good a sword is, it is not as convenient to use a fist.

   "The younger brother, go early and return early." The light rain on the Ninth Peak waved to Jiang Lan.

   should be almost the same as usual.

   But because Jiang Lan was going out, Xiao Yu said a few more words:

   "Junior brother, remember to know the direction when you go out, don't get lost."

   After Xiaoyu said, he stuck his tongue out, and then Yujian returned to Yaochi.

   Jianglan: "......"

   Every time Xiao Yu expressed more expressions, he would think of Sister Ao who was expressionless.

   Which character is true?

   Maybe they are all.

   Without thinking, Jiang Lan returned to the house.

   Clean up tomorrow, and you can go out.

   Make a decision wherever you go.

   Under the night sky, Jiang Lan took out the map and looked at it for a long time.

   Kunlun lies in the center of Xihuang.

   At the end of the north is the Wuyun Mountain Range that connects the Northern Wilderness. The monster clan is fighting with the dragon clan, and it is likely to be close there.

   Go east through the Central Plains.

  The Heaven and Human Race is in the Central Plains.

   Jiang Lan doesn't know the exact location, but doesn't want to go.

   "In other words, can you go south?"

   Looking at the map, Jiang Lan was thinking about where to go.

  Going south does not mean going to the southern wilderness.

   No matter which direction you go, you will never get out of the Western Wilderness.

   is too weak and the time is too short.

   If you don’t become a fairy, it’s basically impossible to go from the Western Wilderness to the Central Plains or other three wildernesses.

   It's one thing to be far away, there are powerful monsters and strange environments in the middle.

   As far as he knows, some people disappear from the great wilderness when they encounter certain circumstances.

   I have no way of knowing where it went.

   Later, a fairy explained that he might have been sent to other areas.

   He has a good friend who appeared in the Eastern Wilderness from the Western Wilderness inexplicably, but within a few breaths.

   Finally, it took a lot of hardships before returning to the Western Wilderness.

   Ordinary people are equivalent to evaporation from the world.

   This situation should also be considered.

   After hesitating for a long time, Jiang Lan finally set the location in the Xizhou Mountain Range, which is three months away to the west of the Western Wilderness.

   There are many spirit beasts in the Xizhou Mountains.

  Sparsely populated.

  The spirit beast is not strong, the environment is not bad, and the terrain is steep.

  The only thing I need to care about is the plants there.

  The Xizhou Mountains are also known as the cannibal mountains. Once a person approaches, they are easily swallowed by mountain plants.

   That's why there are no people in that area.

   Immortal cultivators rarely go, because there are no treasures.

   "Find another place, just in case you need it from time to time."

   Then Jiang Lan continued to observe the map.

   finally set the second place in the ancient solitary desert south of the Western Wilderness.

   There is danger, but he should be able to escape the desert crisis if he has nine steps.

   And he has many magic weapons, and he can definitely lay down the formations needed to cross the catastrophe there.

   After confirming two places, Jiang Lan looked up at the starry sky.

   The stars are shining, and one of them will belong to him in the future.


   early morning.

   Before the rain and dew disappeared, Jiang Lan opened his eyes.

   The breeze moved the ends of his hair, cool and comfortable.

   "It's time to say goodbye to the master."

   Jianglan slept all night yesterday.

   This is the first time he has fallen asleep in these years.

   He needs to adjust his state to the best, whether it is crossing the catastrophe or going down the mountain, he needs the best state.

   This time out, he also prepared a lot of things.

   Magic weapons, runes, pills, formations, all.

in case for need.

   "Leave today?" Mo Zhengdong at the top of the Ninth Peak looked at Jiang Lan Road.

   "Well, go early and return early." Jiang Lan replied.

   "It's rare to go out, watch more, think more.

   Don't lose your square inch. "Mo Zhengdong still exhorted.

   "The disciple understands." Jiang Lan lowered his head and responded.

   "Go, go out and see the outside world." Mo Zhengdong waved his hand.

   Jiang Lan bowed and left the Ninth Peak.

   let the master down, he didn't plan to see the outside world.

   I just want to overcome the catastrophe as soon as possible and come back as soon as possible.

  After becoming an immortal it should take a long time to improve the cultivation base, and there should be some free time to understand Master's relationship problems.

   It should also be necessary to have a teacher.

   Otherwise, the master in his later years must be very lonely.

   Ninth Peak disciples, can’t take turns to chat with Master to relieve boredom, right?

  Leaving the Ninth Peak, Jiang Lan walked outside step by step. He didn't move around this time.

   Instead, he chose to leave Kunlun directly.

   If the Celestial race really pays attention to him, there is a high probability that he will be found.

   If you don’t find it, then fly to the east normally for seven days.

   If it still doesn’t.

   I opened a leaf barrier and headed to the Xizhou Mountains to the west.

   After leaving Kunlun, Jiang Lan had a feeling of being watched.

   "It's faster than expected, I don't know if it's the Celestial Clan."

   Jiang Lan is not sure who it is.

   But he was not in a hurry, but planned to go to the old wine inn first.

   I want to ask the innkeeper about something.

   Only fifty years have passed, and the road has been revised again.



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