Kunlun road is easy to change.

   Jiang Lan has a very deep understanding of this over the past two centuries.

   Every time I go out, I basically encounter a change of course.

   The surrounding woods will also be changed again.

   There should be some powerful disciple working around here, so it is causing the replacement of the woods.

   Regarding this, Jiang Lan thought of the big woods under the Ninth Peak.

  The people of the second peak hunted many people inside.

   will more or less affect the terrain, so the change of route may also be due to those people.

   After spending some time, Jiang Lan came to the Old Wine Inn.

When    entered, the eyes staring at him disappeared.

   I haven't been able to detect the specific location of the other party for the time being, so I don't know who it is and what kind of cultivation it has.

   I'll talk later.

   Now that his surface cultivation is in the early stage of the soul, the other party is looking for someone to him, and it will not exceed the return to the virtual.

   As long as it is not a fairy, Jiang Lan can fight.

   But you can't underestimate the other party.

   There are no wonders in the Great Wilderness World, maybe something specifically suppresses him, maybe.

   Be cautious.

  The higher the level of cultivation, the faster the advancement, and the easier it will be to have an inflated psychology.

   There must be a kind of contempt in the words.

   There will be changes in mind and nature.

   Jianglan is promoted very quickly, but fortunately, he is still stable.

   Now he hasn't practiced any exercises about the state of mind, he is relying on his own understanding.

  Fudo Mingwang curse has been invalidated, and the sign-in income, except for the first chapter, is of no help.

  I rely on myself.

   Daily practice, every cleaning, can improve him.

   Therefore, even if he is about to become immortal in two hundred years, he will not underestimate others and be content with himself.

   Only in this way can we face more accidents and more crises.

  When he came to the inn, Jiang Lan saw the boy again.

   Two hundred years have passed.

   The opponent's appearance has not changed.

   Two hundred years, no traces were left on him.

   This, can you really grow up?

   Jiang Lan was a little confused for a while.

   "Big brother? Good wine again?" The boy, who had bowed his head, immediately noticed someone coming in.

   Jiang Lan nodded gently:

   "When does the boss come back?"

   "Grandpa will be back this afternoon," the boy said.

   Jiang Lan didn't say anything, but sat in the corner, waiting for the boss to return.

   Seeing Jiang Lan sitting, the boy brought tea and peanuts for the first time.

   "It's free," the boy said.

   Jiang Lan nodded and thanked him.

  The boy ran back to the counter with a smile.

   Jianglan sat quietly, and felt the inn with his mind by the way.

  Only at the counter can you enter the inn at the level of mind.

   sit here, can't get in.

   Unless it is pulled in.

  The boy looked at Jiang Lan, and then began to enter the Xinshen Inn.

   He waited for many years, and finally waited for his big brother.

   As long as he enters the mind of the elder brother, he will be considered as a teacher.

   Soon the boy appeared again in front of the inn.

   is not in the inn again.

   Then he pushed the door and didn't move.

   Then he pushed hard, but still didn't move.

   The boy fists, but the door doesn't move.

   It took some time, and the boy started kicking.

boom! boom!

   However, when the boy hit to exhaustion, the door was still tightly closed.

   "It seems that you haven't worked hard these years." A sudden voice sounded from behind the boy.

   is his grandpa.

   is the innkeeper.

   "Grandpa, did you shut the door on purpose?" The boy felt that Grandpa was shameless.

   The boss shook his head and smiled, then reached out and pushed the door of the inn.


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   The door opened.

   Jiang Lan, who had closed his eyes and calmed down, also opened his eyes for the first time.

   He was a little surprised, this time he was ready, and finally he was taken to the Xinshen Inn.

   Of course, this time the boss asked him to go to the counter.

   When I opened my eyes, the boss did come back.

   "Want to buy wine?" After Jiang Lan walked over, the boss first asked.

   Jiang Lan nodded.

   took out the spirit stone.

   Same as before, he knows the price of wine, but he never changed the price he gave.

   "Look at you like this, are you going out?" The old man took the spirit stone and pushed the good wine to Jiang Lan.

   "Does the boss know?" Jiang Lan was a little surprised.

   "It's just looking like it. Everyone who leaves out will always have a kind of breath." The boss's voice was smiling, and it seemed to be helpless.

   Jiang Lan didn't understand, he didn't answer this sentence.

   After hesitating, he still asked the question he wanted to ask:

   "I want to ask senior a question related to Xinshen Inn."

   "Want to know how to arrange it?"


   The boss looked at Jiang Lan, and then said:

   "Let’s ask this question when you come back."

   Hearing this, Jiang Lan respectfully saluted.

   then took good wine and planned to leave.

   "Brother, your peanuts."

   "Thank you very much."

   Jiang Lan took the boy's peanuts and set off to practice.

When    came back, he must have become a fairy.

   The innkeeper watched Jiang Lan leave with emotion in his heart:

   "For two hundred years, it has become more and more prosperous. I have never lost myself. Mo Zhengdong is very lucky."

   Then the innkeeper looked at the boy and said:

   "It turns out that you are not working hard enough. Your talent is better than him. I don't know how much, but you can't even get into the other party's mood."

   "I will definitely succeed next time." The boy was not convinced.

   He just practices less.

   As long as he can work hard for two hundred years, the immortal will not take it seriously.



   After leaving the old wine inn, Jiang Lan headed east.

   This time it was a flying sword.

   didn't fly too high, but it didn't fly too low either.

   Try to fly to a place with few people, so that it is not easy to make people feel offensive.

   Sometimes some people just don’t like someone flying over them.

   Especially some of the predecessors who have been famous for a long time.

   Different qualities.

   Unexpected disasters in the Great Wilderness World are uncommon.

   "Come up."

   Jiang Lan, with his sword in the air, felt that someone was following him before long.

   location can try to capture, but temporarily do not know the other party's purpose.

hold on.

   see if there are any accomplices.

   As for those celestial races who came to Kunlun fifty years ago, they seem to have already left.

   The demon clan too.

   But the details are unknown.

   also need to be on guard.

  As long as the one who is not a fairy, he has a great chance of winning. If it is a fairy...

   Let's go back to the ninth peak first.

   Even if he has the power of nine calamities, UU read www.uukanshu. com, but Xian is a Xian after all, not the same as him.

   After flying for three days, Jiang Lan felt that there were two more people staring at him.

   should be in a group.


   After three days' journey, he has completely flew out of Kunlun's range.

   The fifth day.

   There are still three people behind Jiang Lan, but the other party seems to be waiting.

   When Jiang Lan was hesitating whether to take the initiative to look for them, he suddenly saw a mountain with a natural puzzle in front of him.

   At this time, a golden light flashed in the mountains, like auspiciousness.

   "Want to lead me in?"

   After guessing, Jiang Lan went to the hill with his sword.

   The puzzle here is good, but to him it seems like a fake.

   With his current formation skills, many difficult formations are ineffective against him.

   If he were to walk the road into Yaochi again, he would definitely go all the way forward.

   When Jiang Lan entered the mountain, he felt that the next three had also entered.

   And there are two more in front.

   "There are five in total."



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