Ao Longyu looked at Lin Siya and didn't speak for a while.

   But Lin Siya continued to say:

   "I asked my junior sister earlier that the Fourth Peak had talked about alchemy, but I didn't listen to it at that time.

Sister    should have watched it all before.

   Sister, do you remember? "

   Ao Longyu shook his head and whispered:

"Can not remember."

   "Huh?" Lin Siya looked at Ao Longyu, feeling something was wrong.

   then tried to ask:

   "Sister Sister, still remember that when I sent the recording magic weapon, I mentioned the one where Master talked about the realm of Yuanshen?

   Sister, did you watch it? "

   Ao Longyu's calm face did not change at all, but lowered his eyebrows and said:


   "Sister, did you not watch it?" Lin Siya asked.

   Ao Longyu glanced at Lin Siya, but did not speak.

   "Let me prepare if I don't look at it. Sister Sister gave it to Junior Brother Ninth Peak?" Lin Siya tried to ask.

   Although it feels a little weird, but still very curious.

  Before you know, this matter has been spreading.

   She heard a lot.

   Said that the goddess would definitely oppose marriage, and would definitely hate Junior Brother Ninth Peak.

   District Ninth Peak disciple, although it is not a waste, but in front of the goddess, it is not enough to see.

   How can such a person be worthy of a goddess?

   The disciples of Ninth Peak are a little bit ashamed, and they all feel inferior.

   And the goddess is naturally noble, she must look down on the disciples of Ninth Peak, and it is inevitable that she will be disgusted.

   In short, there are all kinds of sayings.

   She did not dare to ask.

   I was afraid of touching the sad things of my senior sister.

   However, my sister asked her to record the sermons of each peak.

   It took a big price.

   I thought it was the senior sister who watched it herself, but now it seems that senior sister didn't watch it at all.

   Sister didn’t watch, who would watch it?

   Before the elder sister became a goddess, she had no friends.

   Because of the secret realm, she has a much better relationship with her senior sister.

   Therefore, it is impossible for the elder sister to prepare these things for them.

   only points to one person.

   Junior Brother Ninth Peak.

   Facing Lin Siya's questioning, Ao Longyu just nodded slightly.

   She didn't intend to hide it.

   I didn't ask her not to say, but if I asked, she admitted.

   then she added:

   "It's a deal, he helped me bless the true meaning of Dragon Slashing."

   Lin Siya didn’t speak for a while, a dragon made people bless the sword intent of Slashing the Dragon?

   Can the purpose be simple?

   For Lin Siya doesn't care, she is very curious:

   "How does Sister Sister feel to Junior Brother Ninth Peak?"

   "I don't hate it." Ao Longyu said directly.

   She doesn't hate it at all.

   Lin Siya hesitated, and changed another way:

   "Does Sister like Junior Brother Ninth Peak?"

   Ao Longyu moved slightly, glanced at Lin Siya, and then did not answer.

   She cannot answer this question.

   "Another question, do you like Senior Brother Zhou Xu?" Lin Siya asked.

"do not know."

   "If you know me?"


"I understand."

   Ao Longyu looked at Lin Siya, she didn't understand what the younger sister understood.

   She didn't say anything, she just told the truth.

   "Senior sister is waiting to like Junior Brother Ninth Peak." Lin Siya hesitated and said again:

   "Or Sister Sister is waiting for Junior Brother Ninth Peak and I like you."

   Ao Longyu looked at Lin Siya, a little surprised.

   Like it?

   She actually doesn't understand this kind of feeling, she doesn't understand these things.

  Sister sister is right, she doesn't know.

   She only knows that with a marriage contract, there will be many relationships between them, and she hopes that they can develop in a good way.

   After contacting Jiang Lan for a long time, she found that there was nothing wrong with Junior Brother.

   Get along well all the time.

   Junior brother is indeed withdrawn, but not as indifferent as it seems.

   All kindness will be responded to.

   She thinks they should get along well in the future.

   But I like...

   She really doesn't understand.

   Maybe one day she will understand, but she doesn’t know when.

   If there is, it should only be Junior Brother Jiang Lan.



  Xizhou Mountain Range, the originally broken mountain area, has been covered by some vegetation.

   Everything seems to have never happened before.

   tens of meters underground, Jiang Lan closed his eyes and opened his eyes.

   Three months are fleeting.

   He has been recovering from his injuries for the past three months.

   also took some pills.

   Fortunately, the effects are good.

   Otherwise, his injury will take at least three to five years to recover.

   If it is affected by anything, it is normal to delay it to ten years.

   The power of the red dragon is too strong to resist.

   got a little impulsive.

   Fortunately, the harvest is also good.

   "Ichiba Biaomu's superior supernatural powers."

   Jiang Lan is very concerned about high-level magical powers or high-level spells.

   So far, only one high-level spell has been obtained.

   Now that he has one more supernatural power, he must have more advantages.

   One leaf blinds the eyes and covers the heavens, and the lower covers all sentient beings.

   is very strong.

   But there should be a limit.

   I just don’t know where the limit is.

   And a leaf covering the sky should be the culmination of this kind of magical powers.

   Covers cause and effect on the avenue, and covers the ears and eyes of the saints.

   What is a avenue?

   The Three Realms and Five Elements are all part of the avenue.

   One flower, one leaf, one world.

   is also an avenue.

   Good and evil life and death, reincarnation.

   is still a avenue.

   Then what is a saint?

   Above the heaven and the earth, walking with the Tao, the ultimate sublimation of the immortal, immortality, immortal catastrophe, is a saint.

  In other words, if you learn to cover the sky with a leaf, after that, his figure is hard to find, and the saint is missing.

   Thinking like this, Jiang Lan intends to open up the sky in his mind.

   When I just wanted to open it, I found it could not be opened.

   Then he received a message from the book.

   If you want to learn a leaf to cover the sky, you need to cover the secret.

   can learn.

   It's not enough to just turn on a leaf blind.

   "Need formation assistance?"

   To learn upper level spells, you need to add two spells.

   Yiye Zhetian needs formation assistance, but it is normal.

   In case it is necessary to add the exercises, it will be more difficult to do.

   Jiang Lan knows a little bit about the formation of the hidden secrets, but it is not so easy to arrange them in a short time.

   takes a lot of time.

   "It looks like the ninth peak has to be arranged."

   It's nothing to set up an array to cover the heavens in the Nether Cave.

   The most important place of the Ninth Peak is the Nether Cave. It is not normal for others to count it.

   But it cannot be placed on the surface. Dig an underground tunnel near the Nether Cave.

   Surrounded and arranged.

   Other people can't notice it.

  Thinking about this, Jiang Lan planned to leave here.

   Now his injury has stabilized.

   The cultivation base does not need to be consolidated, he found that after he was promoted to the immortal the cultivation base was extremely solid.

   More importantly, he was not in the early stage of the human fairy.

   but directly into the late stage of human immortality.

   is a bit weird.

   Jiang Lan doesn't feel that there is anything extraordinary about returning to the Void. In theory, it shouldn't be a follow-up boom.

   "It should be related to the robbery, go back and check."

   After making a decision, Jiang Lan opened a blind eye, and then disappeared in place.

  He didn't move the formation here, just keep it.

   Jianglan left the ground and appeared in the Xizhou Mountains.

   Not long after he came out, he smelled a delicate fragrance.


   Under curiosity, he took a step forward and disappeared in place.

   At the level of immortality, he used the nine steps of the sky, which was different from the past.

   Within a few breaths, he saw a blooming elixir.

   Qingyi Shuihua.

   As long as it is stained with the water of this flower, it will become a kind of healing liquid.

   is extremely rare.



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