Jiang Lan stood in front of the elixir.

   This elixir is really good.

   But it didn't do much to him.

   "It can be planted in a pool of water to make the water quality better, and it should be helpful to the game."

   This elixir does not have a healing effect, but as long as you touch the water, it will have healing effects.

   more or less aura in it.

  In this way, the flowers and trees will grow better, and the related formations will become stronger, and over time, it will be much stronger.

  It’s just that weeding will become more difficult.

   The advantages outweigh the disadvantages.

   Thinking like this, he tried to transplant the elixir out.

   "The vintage is very high, but it has just matured."

   Qing Yishuihua, mature all depends on the environment.

   The later the maturity means the better the environment and the higher the quality.

   This panacea is not the best, but it's not far off.

   This kind of elixir picked up, taken back, naturally will not be said, and the origin can be found.

   I planned to find a reasonable reason to offer the Qiongye Yuye Wine to Master, but now it seems that it will take some time.

   needs him to repair the surface to return to the virtual.

   This is suitable.

   If you haven't refined the spirit, you won't be able to send it out in the end.

   Thinking of this, Jiang Lan shook his head. He wanted to be promoted and returned to the void, and it would take a hundred years.

   This is still adding surface hidden repair.

   One hundred years is fast and fast, and slow and slow.

   It depends on how to be promoted in the future.

  Renxian is the weakest among the many immortals.

   He must continue to improve in the follow-up, wanting to be invincible Kunlun, invincible Dahuang, and not enough to become immortal.

he wants...


   But how difficult it is to be sanctified, I don’t even know how difficult it is.

   is still far away, don't worry about it.

   After going back, first learn to cover the sky with a leaf, and then figure out the realm of immortality.

   then consolidate the current realm, and then improve the cultivation level.


   Qingyi Water Flower was transplanted, and it went smoothly.

   Fortunately, I have understood some basics in this area, otherwise it will be difficult today.

   The ten years of sermons sent by Sister Sister are also involved. It can be said that those ten years of sermons are very important to him.

   In the end, Xiao Yu only needed ten times of Dragon Slashing True Intention blessing.

   is not a fair deal.


   Between them, maybe there is no need for fair trade anymore.

   is too fair, but not good.

   He doesn't hate this kind of unfair feeling.

   This is only true for Xiao Yu. For other people, he still wants to trade fairly, and doesn't want to owe others, nor does he need others to owe him.

   Except for Master.

   From Master, he has owed it all the time.

   Don’t let the master down.

   Jianglan intends to put the elixir away and put it in the red gourd.

   He has become an immortal, and he still uses the magic treasure that he got when he built the foundation.

   Check-in has not checked this kind of magic weapon.

   It is not easy to use.

   Just about to put away the elixir, suddenly there was power to lock him.

   Soon the fire fell.

   Between the sparks and the fire, Jiang Lan stepped back some distance.

   The original position was directly burned out by the flame.

   Then three figures fell from the sky.

The one headed by    was in flames, the flames burned, and the powerful aura spread.

   "The late stage of the human fairy, the fire demon."

   Just one glance, Jiang Lan saw through the middle-aged man who was covered in fire.

   The other party seemed to be doing it for what he was holding.

   Next to this man is a blue bull demon with horns, and a tree demon with no characteristics.

   Both of them are young people.

   Cultivation, the late stage of the immortal.

   is very strong.

   This is Jiang Lan's most intuitive idea.

   Of the three people, none is weaker than him.

   And at this moment, a thunderbolt descended from the sky.

   A young man with a dragon horn, holding a Fang Tianji, heroic.

   "Oh, one step too late, but this little fellow Taoist, your cultivation is a bit weak.

   How about handing things to me?

   Keep you okay. "Ao Man looked at Jiang Lan and said.

  The person here is naturally Aoman of the Dragon clan, and he is very hot with the monster clan.

   "Dragons? Looks very young, with a very high level of cultivation.

   is much stronger than Xiao Yu. "He glanced at the dragon, and he felt that the opponent was not big.

   But this person has a cultivation base in the later stage, and he doesn't know how many streets after Xiaoyu.

   "Huh, the eight princes are still here, do you want something now?

   I'm afraid you will confess your life here today. "Huo Zhi looked at Ao Man with disdain.

   There are three of them this time, what did Ao Man do with them?

   As long as things are not taken by him, they are invincible.

   The opponent's speed is too fast.

   However, he didn't expect it to be Qingyi Shuihua. If he knew it, more than the three of them would have come.

   Ao Man smiled and said:

   "Don't tell me, did you catch me?

   was attacked by you last time, you didn't do anything to me. "

   Facing Ao Man's words, Huo Zhi ignored him, but looked at Jiang Lan:

   "Humans, hand over things."

   Jianglan stood there, and because he was blindfolded, it became the cultivation base he showed before.

   Yuanshen early stage.

   "My cultivation base is similar to yours." Jiang Lan looked at Huozhi and said.

   Then his cultivation was directly promoted to the middle stage of human immortality.

   Burning: "..."

   Aoman: "......"

   This human...

   It's no wonder that I can't see it through, and I thought I was there again.

   "Are you still going to grab it?" Jiang Lan asked.

   rashly became enemies with four of the same rank, he was not sure whether he could kill them all.

   If you want to do it, he doesn't plan to keep it.

   So, let out most of the cultivation base to see what the other person thinks.

   There are two people, one is dragon and the other is monster.

   No one knows what hole cards they have and what background they have.

After   仙, the background is big enough.

   I don’t know if he can cover his blind eyes.

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   can not be the enemy, everyone is well.

   As for handing things over...

   In order not to fight, he gave away the treasures he got.

   Then why is he on Xiuxian Road and go further?

   There are some things that can be avoided or avoided, and some things, no matter how difficult it is, you have to head on.

   didn't cause trouble, and tried to avoid bad luck. It didn't affect him before.

   If the opponent is already going to kill him, then he can only fight back against the opponent.

   should be the power of the Nine Tribulations now.

   Of course, we must never leave a disaster, it will make the follow-up more troublesome.

   Ao Man looked at this person and didn't know what to say for a while.

   This human being is a little different from what he used to know, UU reading www. uukanshu.com But let alone the middle stage of the human fairy, even the latter stage of the human fairy is useless.

  Huozhi three people are all in the late stage of human fairy.

   So they will not give up.

   "Is there a difference?" A fiery voice came out, and he looked at Jiang Lan and said indifferently:

  "For us, what is the difference between the early stage of the Yuanshen and the middle stage of the human fairy?

   The three of us work together, do you block the next move?

  Don't talk about three people, even if I am alone, can you block the next move?

   Human, weak you, no choice. "

   The voice fell, Huo Zhi stepped out, turned into fire, and went directly to Jiang Lan.

   He did not underestimate Jiang Lan, his power was used to the extreme, he would use the fastest time to defeat Jiang Lan and grab something.

   "Humanity, all you can choose now is how to struggle to survive.

   instead of bargaining with us. "

   The fire was scorching, and the other two followed, their target was Ao Man.


   Ao Man frowned.

   Once he is burned, it is difficult for him to grab it.



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