Huozhi directly attacked Jiang Lan.

   Faced with a flame that suddenly appeared, Jiang Lan tried to use nine oxen's power.

   The power of the nine calamities, he has never used it in the realm of human immortality, I don't know if it will make mistakes when it is used.

   So I can only use the power of nine oxen first.

   Look at how strong the human fairy is in the late stage, and if you can control it freely, there is no problem.

   This is the disadvantage of not being proficient in the current realm.

   I have no accurate knowledge of my own strength.

   was rash.

   should wait a few more months to come out to figure out the current state.

   He planned to go back and get to know it again. The Ninth Peak is much safer than here.

   There is a transitional disaster here. A few months have passed. Although there is no one, it is hard to say whether anyone thinks that it should be fine after a few months, and then come to check.

   Before crossing the catastrophe, another place should be prepared nearby.

   After crossing the robbery is injured, he can also be transferred there.

   There is enough time not to be disturbed.


   At the moment the fire came, Jiang Lan threw a heavy fist, using the power of the middle stage of the human fairy.

  The aftermath of a powerful force rolls up like a square.

   The originally peaceful Xizhou Mountains suffered a huge blow once again.

   The vegetation shattered.

   The powerful force Xia Jianglan was repelled some distance.

   did not cause any harm.

   is very strong.

   Jiang Lan was a little frightened.

   It's not that this fire demon is very strong, but that he has nine oxen power.

   Although he didn't use all the power of the human fairy mid-stage, it was not easy to be able to retreat under the opponent's attack.

   Huozhi felt the opponent's punch, and could clearly realize the strength of the opponent.

   Does this human have such a deep background?

   In a late stage, he actually only repelled the opponent without causing any substantial damage.

   But he didn't care, but directly used the spell.

   He is not good at close-body strength. It is not a big deal for a single blow without success.

   But he didn't plan to approach anymore, an endless flame stretched out on the ground, the flame turned into a nine-headed giant python, rushing towards Jiang Lan.

   The powerful giant python swayed in the air with great strength.

   The scorching flame can ignite the early stage of a person, and can defeat the middle stage of a person.

   Even in the late stage of the human fairy, I dare not touch it at will.

   The nine-headed giant python roared invisible, surging extremely quickly.

   The goal is naturally Jiang Lan ahead.

   I want to kill him here with one blow.

   Ao Man is also in a bitter battle over there. He only hopes that humans can hold on for a little longer, so that he can find a space, and then try to take that human away.

   When the time comes to ask for a treasure with a life-saving grace, will the other party dare to give it?

   The best of both worlds.

   However, the other party needs to wait for him to find a gap.

   At this time, he was also paying attention to the battle on Jiang Lan's side.

   The nine-headed fire python is not good, right.

   He doesn't know whether Jiang Lan can hold on. The two monster races here are a bit strong.

   Jiang Lan looked at the nine-headed flame python, and his heart was calm.

   Nine, maybe better.

   can make him play nine times, nine times is enough for him to be familiar with.

   The next moment, Jiang Lan took the initiative to come to the nine-headed giant python. The hot power burned him, but it did not cause substantial harm.

   Jiang Lan stretched out his hand and slapped a giant python on the head.


   The power was not well controlled in the later stage, and he directly smashed the flame python.

   and then start the second one.

   A palm breaks.

   The third, the fourth and the ninth.

   is all smashed with one palm.

   is just a different degree of fragmentation.

   There was nothing left in the fire python at the beginning, and the more flames shattered in the back.

   At the last time, the flames turned directly into the sky and disappeared into the air.


   Jiang Lan looked down at Huozhi.

   He killed nine fire pythons, but only two breaths.

   At this moment, he can roughly control his late power.

   This fire demon.

   One punch is enough.

   Huozhi looked at Jiang Lan, frowning.

   Something is wrong, nothing is right.

   How could his nine-headed fire python be defeated so easily by the opponent?

   And there was absolutely no second hit, all of them were a blowout, and the strength at the beginning was a bit outrageous, it seemed a bit uncontrollable.

   The control is getting better and better.

   is like a sudden increase in strength, so I can't control it for a while.

   Sudden increase in power?

  Xizhou Mountain Range suddenly increased its strength?

   What Huo Zhi thought of at this moment, he had thought about it at first, but he thought it was the beginning of the human immortal that had just crossed the catastrophe.

   How can it be the middle stage of the human fairy?

   Has anything like this happened?

   No, I have never met anyone who has survived the death of the Red Dragon. This person cannot be measured by common sense.

   "Oh, **** it, I actually provoke this person."

   Huozhi was surprised, but he didn't have the slightest fear. The matter was over and he could only be killed.

   can't kill him, then he will die.

   There is nothing to say about this kind of thing.

   The weak have no right to choose.

   If the opponent is weak, then the opponent will struggle to survive, and now he may be weak, then he must struggle to survive.

   kill the opponent, then he will be born.

   "Manniu, come and help me." Huo Zhi didn't hesitate, and asked for help.

   At this time, they are crowded, so naturally there is no need to fight alone.

   All alone are dead.

   The moment he heard these words, the bull who had besieged Ao Man looked back for the first time, and then set off to support.

   He doesn't need to think, he just needs to be obedient.

   But when he got halfway, he saw a fist penetrate the flames.

   Then I saw Huo Zhi's unbelievable eyes.

   Yes, Huo Zhi didn't see Jiang Lan's movements clearly. He felt that the other party was very strong, but he didn't expect it to be so strong. He noticed it at the last moment.

   also tried to defend.

   But it is of no use, all defenses are directly broken under this person's fist.

   It really is him.

   The human who smashed the red dragon with one punch.


  The burning body turned into a flame and disappeared into the air.

   came from the fire, and returned between the heaven and the earth.

   This is his life.

   The fire is burning to death.

   All this happened so fast that they didn't react at all when it was almost time.

   The fire is very strong among them.

   But you were killed by the opponent with a punch like this?

   Even if you underestimate the other party, you can't be so exaggerated.

   and they didn't see it clearly.

   Jiang Lan stood in place, and he was also a little surprised. This fire demon should have died under the power of nine cows.

   It seems that Zhen Shen Jin has a huge lethal power to this kind of monster, especially attached to the power of nine cows.


  Man Niu roared and came directly to Jiang Lan.

   A powerful force suppresses the air pressure and runs rampant.

  He is here to support, the task is right in front of him, and he can't give up.

   The bull came over, the space seemed to be squeezed by the opponent, and it was easy to be crushed in it.

   Facing this kind of power, Jiang Lan directly used the power of nine oxen to face him.

   Just about to start, plants suddenly appeared under the ground.

   It was another demon who had also done something to him. It should just take time, and the attack power was weak.

   Ignoring these things, Jiang Lan used Tian Xing Nine Steps to dodge the attack on the ground, and then came to Barbarian Bull.

   The power of nine cows is turned to the extreme.

   punched out.

   Boom! ! !

   The powerful force directly blasted the bull At this moment Jiang Lan followed, and the power of the Nine Tribulations began to be full.

   This time is all right.


   fisted past, **** fog filled the sky.

   Quan Jin ran across the sky, with invisible shadows spreading across the sky.

   The destructive power enveloped everyone, as if a catastrophe was approaching.

   The tree demon watched the blood mist appear, his heart was shocked, especially the kind of breath that made him fear.

   When he wanted to capture the human, a fist appeared in front of him.


   The whole world is darkened.

   Jianglan stood in the blood mist, paused for a moment, then raised his head slightly, he glanced at Ao Man who was not far away.

   took out Qingyi Water Flower and spoke softly.

   His voice is like Jiuyou whispering:

"Do you want it?"


   recommended a friend's book "I have signed in for thirty thousand years, I am the enemy of the world".

   can be onlookers.



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