"Do you want it?"

   The moment he heard this sound, Ao Man was startled.

   took two steps back subconsciously.

   The Fang Tianji in his hand was thrown to the ground by him, indicating that he had no idea of ​​doing anything.

too frightening.

   And he saw it.

   This man killed the enemy with one punch.

   Isn’t that the person before? The human who smashed the red dragon with one punch.

   It's been so long, this person is still here, but he didn't want to do it just now.

   Otherwise, there will be one more person who is completely gone now.

   Ao Man swallowed his saliva, this person is asking if he wants to grab it?

   answered yes, would it be the same as burning them?

  This, which one dares to ask for?

   This human being gave Ao Man a kind of extreme horror, as if the other party's existence was a catastrophe.

   is hard to avoid.

   He stood there as a deterrent, let alone speak.

   "This fellow Taoist, kindness makes money." Ao Man immediately smiled:

   "I haven't done anything to fellow Taoists."

   He is now very afraid that this human being will hit him directly, so that he will die here too.

Can    escape?

he does not know.

   But the opponent's speed just shown was unusual, and he didn't have much confidence.

   So there is no need, and I don’t intend to do anything abruptly.

   The monster clan just now has no choice.

   Neither of them is a speed type. If you don't kill Jiang Lan, they are just sitting there waiting to die.

   It’s the same even though you resist.

   But escape is basically impossible, what else can I do?

   ask for mercy?

   The tree demon in front of him just now had no chance.

   This human being has a tough start, leaving no room for it.

  A little carelessness, he, the eighth prince of the dragon clan, will die young.

   Jiang Lan looked at this person, but didn't have the idea of ​​killing him directly.

  The dragon clan is hostile to the demon clan. It is not harmful to the dragon clan to kill the demon clan.

   And this person did not do it, so it is not convenient to send him on the road.

   Judging from the conversation just now, the other party is still the Eighth Prince of the Dragon Clan, which is also very troublesome.

  Dragon Clan Association is the same thing. More importantly, this person may know Xiao Yu.

   is most likely a sibling, or a sibling relationship.

   He can't leave the opponent casually.

   But what he said just now is true, Qingyi Shuihua can't stay.

   This dragon clan is still alive, if you take it back, you will definitely be found.

   This is not a consumable item.

   This elixir has a long-term effect, and its defense power is very special. Ordinary spells will not cause fatal damage to it.

   Otherwise, these people won't do it without scruples.

   "You, don't you?" Jiang Lan asked again.

  He is calming his strength.

   The power of the Nine Tribulations really hurts the body.

   If a demon of the same level just now comes, he should run away.

   The power of the Nine Tribulations is powerful, but not the power of the Nine Bulls.

   "Can you ask for it?" Ao Man tried to ask.

   The other party asked twice, is it not trying to seduce him?

   "Yes." Jiang Lan nodded:


   He didn't say anything after   , the other party should understand.

  Transactions must be equivalent.

   "I understand that I will pay enough." Ao Man said immediately.

   But he was still a little scared.

   Will this person kill him after he takes out everything?

   Then take it all.

   You can't take it without it. The other party wants to kill him, and there is no way to stop it.

   Jiang Lan raised his head and looked at the sky, he felt that he wanted to leave as soon as possible.

   He is not sure whether the Yaozu has any accomplices, nor is he unsure whether the dragon clan has any accomplices.

   If there is, he is in danger.

   As long as the other party has the slightest act of delaying time, leave.

   "Is this okay?" Ao Man took out a delicate large conch and explained:

  "The four sea snails, which sound at sea, can summon nearby sea creatures and force them to drive each other.

   If you are not in the four seas, lakes are also fine.

   is an innate magic weapon.

   As long as the water-related creatures, it is difficult to escape.

   can also directly detect whether there are creatures that can be driven around. "

   Seeing that Jiang Lan did not speak for the first time, Ao Man once again took out new items, three books:

  " plus three dragon spells.

   The sky is thundering, the clouds and the rain are overwhelming, and the sea is stunned. "

   Then he picked up the Fang Tianji on the ground and said:

   "There is also this Thunder Fang Tianji, which fits these spells very well."

   Seeing that the other party had taken out the three magic spells and Fang Tianji, Jiang Lan no longer hesitated, moving his lower body and came to the edge of Ao Man.

   He threw out the elixir, and at the same time, Ao Man threw out four conch shells, three magic spells and Fang Tianji.

   After getting the things, Jiang Lan took the nine steps of the sky and disappeared in place.

   He wants to leave as soon as possible, and it will take about a month to go back.

   He plans to find a hidden place to recover.

   By the way, get familiar with the realm.

   go back again.

   Heaven and human race also need to pay attention, the wind trails should have been waiting for a long time below.

   Jiang Lan left, Ao Man watched the other person leave.

   After making sure that he won't be taken all, he breathed a sigh of relief.

   "You have to leave quickly."

   In fact, normally speaking, this kind of exchange is a loss.

   But he survived, so he earned his life. Secondly, Qingyi Shuihua was useless to him, but it was very useful to the dragon clan who had been fighting for many years.

   Ao Man turned into a thunder and flew to other places, absolutely not on the same road with Jiang Lan.

   "This human being is too terrible, I don't want to meet him in my life, I hope there won't be any overlap."

   "Wait for defeating the Yaozu, I should go to Kunlun."

   He heard from the elders in the clan that he was going to challenge some disciples in Kunlun, and the most important thing was his sister's fiance who had never been masked.

  According to speculation, he will finally be asked to challenge the humble human being.

   It's time to teach the other party a lesson.

   Thinking of Ao Man in this way, he disappeared into the sky, and now I have to deal with the monster race first.

   The demon clan provoked the war, it seems that there is an ulterior secret.



   Five months later.

   Jianglan appeared in the small town of Qingcheng.

   This is a relatively ordinary town, surrounded by mountains and somewhat closed.

   But there are a lot of people here, it's also prosperous.

   has everything there should be.

   Looking at the busy city, Jiang Lan walked on the street like an ordinary person.

   At this time, he was blindfolded and no one could detect him.

   Such a street, he hasn't seen it for many years.

   It's been two hundred years~www.readwn.com~ The last time I saw it was before I came to Kunlun.

   Without thinking about it, Jiang Lan walked in the street and came here because the Celestials were nearby.

  Secondly, I want to see if I can buy something suitable.

   to the master.

   also give Xiao Yu.

It's been almost four years since    came out.

   As for the things Ao Man gave him, he couldn't take out. If he could take out, he would not sell Qingyi Shuihua.

   Aoman's several things didn't do much to him.

   Four conch, unless it can drive the monster dragon in the Eighth Peak Lake, otherwise he won't use it.

  May be useful in the future, or keep it.

   As for the three magic techniques, the thunder sky falls, and the clouds and rain fall, he has already learned.

   He didn't learn, he would learn again when he has time.

   Fang Tianji, the magic weapon, is quite handsome, but it is a pity that he kills with his fist.

   Use a sword when you don’t use your fist.

   So this Fang Tianji is probably useless.

   After thinking about it, Jiang Lan came back to his senses, and he saw a jewelry store.



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