My Girlfriend From Turquoise Pond Requests My Help After My Millennium Seclusion

Chapter 173: On the side of the couch, how can you let others sleep soundly?

   is an ordinary jewelry store.

   Jiang Lan looked around inside, and didn't know what he should buy.

   Xiaoyu didn't carry anything on her body.

   And some things are not suitable for delivery.

   The relationship between them is still a senior sister and younger brother, and there is not much change.

   "Should give some educational toys."

   Xiao Yu is still young now, although she does not seem to be a little girl, but her xinxing should still be small.

   Thinking like this, he left the jewelry shop again.

   then went straight to Dongluqiao.

   First solve the celestial race, come and buy it in a few months, and then go back.

   There is a time difference, which is better.

   Although it is not very useful, it is safer.

   When Jiang Lan came to Dongluqiao, he saw an endless abyss.

   "It should be here."

   Thinking like this, he jumped down. In the late stage of the human fairy, he would naturally have no problem going down.

   But still vigilant.

   Return to Void Consummation and directly enter the human fairy stage. This kind of sudden improvement will give him a sense of fearlessness in the face of those of the Celestial Race.

   will underestimate them unconsciously, which is very dangerous.

  The more so, the easier it is to swell.

  Expansion means to stop being alert to others and start to underestimate the enemy.

  Walking will have a feeling of arrogance.

   finally became the party he was killed before.

   So Jiang Lan didn't dare to relax, he could hide his cultivation, and other people could naturally.

   met so many people, everyone has more or less hole cards.

   It’s just that those people died too fast and they didn’t have a chance to use it.

After    fell for a long time, he found a cave with no one inside, but there was a residual breath.

When    entered, only one table was seen.

   "Are you there?"

   "Or changed the base?"

   The spies are dead, it is not impossible for them to change.

   Finally, Jiang Lan stood at the entrance of the cave and waited.

   waited six months, and left after six months.

   The opponent is too strong, and left.


   Four months later.

   In the small town of Qingcheng, Miao Qinghe led people under the Donglu Bridge.

   "According to the clan's prompt, you may find something under the Donglu Bridge." Miao Qinghe frowned:

   "It should be Dong Guoyang who sold us."

  "Dong Guoyang was killed instantly, and so was the person he invited.

   Although I'm not sure what cultivation level those people are, they shouldn't be weak. "Miao Xin said with some worry:

   "Could Jiang Lan be very strong?"

  "The people in the clan have been counting, but they have not counted Jiang Lan.

   There must be someone protecting him.

   And the other party may be waiting for us under the Donglu Bridge. "Miao Qinghe said vigilantly:

   "The opponent's strength is a mystery, but as long as it is not a true fairy, it is impossible to kill us."

  He has a magic weapon bestowed by his clan, which can block all attacks below the true fairy.

   Renxian Consummation may be able to defeat, but it will take a lot of time.

  "The people from the clan knew that Jiang Lan had stepped onto the ladder, they were always like a thorn in their hearts.

   I hope that this time I can find out and kill him in one fell swoop. "Someone said.

   The others also nodded.

   But no one remains optimistic. The identity of the other party is unusual, and Kunlun will not let them easily succeed.

   So for this task, they are also ready to die.

   Successfully they will have a bright future, but they will lose ground when they fail.

   on the fairy road, that's it.

When    came to Dongluqiao, Miao Qinghe frowned, he felt a strong feeling, and then said to Miao Xin:

  "Miao Xin left here first. If we didn't come out for three days, we would be dead.

   fled back with the fastest speed.

   so that they don't need to send any more people, and directly send out the strongest people.

   I have a bad feeling. "

   "Your hunch is correct, but you don't need to let people run away.

That's too late. "A sudden voice sounded behind them.

   Then the five people of Miao Qinghe were pulled by a force and fell into the abyss.

   did not give them time to defend.

   Miao Qinghe opened the magic weapon for the first time, and then tried to break through.

   "It's a fairy, but not an ordinary fairy. I'll help you clear the way and escape."


   The power belonging to Miao Qinghe began to explode, and he was opening the way for the other four.

   borrowed the power of magic weapons, the magic weapons of the true immortal level. Although he only used a little bit, it should be no problem to break through this power traction.


   After the power impact, their falling speed did start to slow down.

   And cracks appear, there is a possibility of breaking open.

   Miao Qinghe's strength is stronger and he works harder.

   The others did not hesitate, and started bombarding the cracks.


   Under their desperate efforts, they finally broke through the imprisonment that suddenly appeared.

   The imprisonment was broken, and they were overjoyed and they were able to escape.


   Miao Qinghe yelled, he came to resist the others.


   When the four of Miao Xin were about to flee through the gap, they were met with a punch that covered their entire lives.

   Boom! ! !

   The blood mist scattered directly and fell on Miao Qinghe.

   It blooms like fireworks.

   Miao Qinghe was stunned in place, but he didn't hesitate and set off to flee by himself.

   There is only one person left, so he doesn't need to worry about the others anymore, just try to escape.

   "I feel that you are still a human being, and you can't keep me."

   His voice just fell, and a cold voice came from below:

   "Magic weapons are really useful sometimes."

   And what appeared along with the sound was a rope.

   Tied fairy rope (pseudo).

   The tied fairy rope (pseudo) passed directly through the magic weapon of Miao Qinghe, tied him, and then pulled it down.

   "Tie the fairy rope? How can you have it?"

   Miao Qinghe was frightened.

   The origins of the scary magic weapon, and also scared one's own situation.

   He can't escape.

   Just breathe, he was dragged into the hole.


  Miao Qinghe was thrown to the ground, and he still had magic weapons to defend him, as if it was difficult to defeat a real fairy.

   As soon as he landed, he moved and stood up.

   At this time, he saw a figure standing in the shadow of the door, like a strange figure coming from the darkness.

"who are you?"

   With his strength, he couldn't see the opponent's face, or even his cultivation.

   "The person you are looking for."

   Jiang Lan walked out of the shadow, his face also appeared, he looked at Miao Qinghe said:


   Looking at a face that I have seen a lot in the portrait, Miao Qinghe subconsciously stepped back. The opponent can't be so strong.

   fake body?

   "You, is Jiang Lan?" Miao Qinghe asked.

   "I want to ask you some questions." Jiang Lan did not answer.

   At this time, his formation is all around him. If someone approaches, he will flee as soon as possible.

   Of course, the person in front of me will be killed first.

   "Have you really practiced the Heaven and Human Heart Sutra?" Miao Qinghe couldn't believe it.

   What they have been worried about, has it come true?

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   "You want to kill me, just for this?" Jiang Lan whispered:

   "But I don't know what the Heaven and Human Heart Sutra is, but I heard that the Heaven and Human Heart Sutra want to be forgotten.

   This kind of mentality is given to me, and I don’t want to practice.

   Heaven and human race don’t ask, just because of this, they can’t tolerate me? "

   "On the side of the couch, how can you allow others to sleep soundly?" Miao Qinghe said in a low voice.



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