Jiang Lan looked at Miao Qinghe silently.

Can understand.

His existence affects the Celestial Race.

Even if he didn't get the Heaven and Human Heart Sutra, even if he didn't have the slightest idea of ​​cultivating.

But he has this qualification, and it is possible to get it.

Then it is tantamount to threatening the Celestial Race.

The heaven and human chapter belong to the heaven and human race.

What happens if outsiders get it?

The answer was unpredictable, but the status of the Celestial Race was provoked.

This is not a question of whether he wants or not, but a question of whether he can.

As long as you can, it's useless to think about it.

Only if they don't exist, they can sleep peacefully.

It's like getting the key to the house by a stranger, and you can't expect the other person to not come.

Even if the other party doesn't want to come, he still has the key.

Under normal circumstances, either retake the key or change the lock.

The key cannot be retrieved, and the lock cannot be replaced, just...

It is like a code lock that cannot be changed, and a code that is known.

Can you take out the password from the other person’s mind?

The answer is no.

Then make people disappear.

Jiang Lan now knows the password, and everyone in this building will kill him.

But Jiang Lan wanted to end this matter, and he couldn't expect the other party to suddenly figure it out.

Can only...

Send them on the road.

"How strong is the Celestial Race?" Jiang Lan said calmly.

As a human immortal, he doesn't know if he is qualified to touch him.

should not.

"As immortals, neither you nor I can understand." Miao Qinghe said.

"Compared with Kunlun?" Jiang Lan asked again.

Miao Qinghe looked at Jiang Lan and sneered in a low voice:

"Why don't you ask your master?

Ask me what can I get by myself? "

Listening to Miao Qinghe's words, Jiang Lan didn't have any waves in his heart, he just spoke again:

"After you die, people from the Celestial Race will continue to come over?"

"It's impossible to give up. You are the biggest mistake when you get on the ladder."

"Why let me go with such an important thing?"

"Because there has never been an outsider who can trigger the ladder, let alone go up, an outsider got on the ladder and set off a storm in our place." After a pause, Miao Qinghe asked immediately:

"Did you kill Miu Xiu?"

"Go and ask yourself." Jiang Lan said softly, walking towards Miao Qinghe step by step.

Seeing Jiang Lan approaching, Miao Qinghe frowned:

"Your cultivation level should not be complete. It is very difficult to kill me.

And my magic weapon is turned on, and soon, there will be seniors in the clan who open their eyes and check.

Don't you run away first? "

"I will run away, it's just..." Jiang Lan walked to Miao Qinghe and said gently:

"I will send you to reunite with the previous people first. You will be lonely by yourself when you are late."

"Tie the fairy rope is not enough to kill me." Miao Qinghe said immediately.

He was a little worried, and the other party always seemed scary.

As if the catastrophe is approaching.

"Tie the fairy rope does not kill you, but..." Jiang Lan stretched out his hand to grab the opponent's defensive magic weapon, the power of the nine calamities was full.

At this moment, the shadow of the robbery spread, and the aura of destruction appeared from Jiang Lan's hands.

At this time, the hand representing the catastrophe was grasped on Miao Qinghe's defensive magic weapon.

"But I never thought of killing you with the immortal rope."

The power of the Nine Tribulations that belonged to Jiang Lan began to erupt, and Miao Qinghe felt like he was in the midst of a great disaster.

It seems that all defenses cannot withstand the disaster.


But for a while, he felt that it belonged to his defense, and was knocked through a gap.

The rush of power followed.

As if at the end of the sky, there is a terrible existence coming out of the sky, in order to bring disaster to the world.

Miao Qinghe looked terrified.

"how so?"

The next moment Jiang Lan's big hand grabbed him, and Miao Qinghe wanted to escape, but couldn't move.

The opponent's strength is much stronger than him.

"I checked, you shouldn't be so strong.

This is unreasonable. "

"Have you heard the first chapter?"

Jiang Lan's paw touched Miao Qinghe's head.

"Above the heavens and humans, it is for the too, you...could it be..."


Everything returned to peace.

"Go down, there are also topics to chat."

Jiang Lan looked at the blood fog and muttered to himself.

Celestial race is a troublesome existence, as long as he is strong enough, theoretically they dare not make a mistake.

But he is not strong.

Not to mention the superficial cultivation base, even if he is now, he is not enough for the other person to see.

But will stronger people be sent here?

After all, this place is close to Kunlun, no matter how strong it is, it means something different, and it may take a long time to come here.

After that, Jiang Lan stopped paying attention to these and disappeared in place.

When these people are dead, the Celestial Race should pay more attention to them.

Regarding his calculations, it may reach new heights, and it is hard to say whether he can hold it up.

With the superior supernatural powers, he felt that a leaf blind was not enough.

However, if he was a man of immortality, someone would be able to detect it more or less.

There is no problem at the moment.

Miao Qinghe cast his eyes on what Miao Qinghe said. Although he didn't believe it, he still left before talking.

As for threatening him with this, he let the other party see it, what's the point of running away?

Of course stop talking first.

Jiang Lan left, and all the formations disappeared, as if they had never been arranged.

The formation that covered the secrets also disappeared.

The people of the Celestial Race came here to look for clues, which shows that the formation of shielding the secrets is not very effective.

Jiang Lan went a long way and changed a town.

It is Pingtian City which is half a month away from Kunlun.

This is a very prosperous city, with power and wealth.

But it made no difference to Jiang Lan.

Do you still care about this when shopping?

The street is very large, popular, and a prosperous scene.

The feet are on the ground, and they are covered with smooth tiles.

The small town of Qingcheng was just laid out with stones, which was incomparable.

Although there are many people coming and going, they can walk on the street without being crowded.

"There are many immortal cultivators here."

Walking on the road, Jiang Lan feels that many people here are not ordinary people~www.readwn.com~Welfare]Follow the public account [Book Friends Base Camp] Every day I read books and draw cash/points!

It didn't take long before he saw the one who bought candied haws.

Standing and watching for a while, then walked over.

That's it.

"Boss, get me... two bunches."

"Okay, a bunch of three pennies, two bunches of five pennies from the receiving official ~ www.readwn.com~ the middle-aged boss said.

Then he handed two bunches of candied haws to Jiang Lan.

Looking at the candied haws, Jiang Lan didn't answer immediately:

"Please wait a moment for me."

The middle-aged boss nodded.

He didn't feel that this was a person who couldn't afford to pay, and he was not an ordinary person in terms of clothes.

Jiang Lan turned his head and looked towards the street, intending to grab someone to exchange some money.

He has no money.

The other party may be willing to accept the Lingshi, but the heart is sinister.

Ordinary people holding spirit stones, they probably disappear before they get home.

But at a glance, Jiang Lan found a candidate, a man and a woman.

He has seen it.

"I'm going back to see my father this time. I want to buy two pills for longevity.

I can definitely buy it this time. "Zhou Shu said to Fairy Lu Qian on the side.

"Senior brother successfully stepped into the golden core, there should be no problem." Fairy Lu Qian said with a smile.

Jin Dan at a young age, this is a sign.

Few people would be willing to offend such a potential person.

It's just that they, who were very happy, stopped suddenly, and someone blocked their way.

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