"It's you?"

   Zhou Shu looked at the person standing in front of him, somewhat surprised.

  He is not familiar with the person, but he has a big impression.

   is the second of the old wine inn.

   "We don't buy wine, we don't need to look at your face." Luqian on one side said.

   The perfect cultivation base of the foundation is faintly presented, as if to put pressure on Jiang Lan.

   Yes, standing in front of them is Jiang Lan.

   He doesn't know other people, so if he talks rashly, it will easily cause unnecessary disputes.

   I've seen these two people, so the problem is not big.

   But listening to these two people, the grievances about buying wine have always been there.

   Most of the reason is because of light rain.

   "I would like to ask you two for a favor." Jiang Lan whispered.

   "No time, don't stop us." Lu Qian said directly.

   "Sister, wait." Zhou Shu looked at Jiang Lan and said:

   "I am in a good mood for being promoted to Jindan today.

   Let me talk about what you want to do first.

   I see if the situation helps. "

   Luqian was a little dissatisfied, but didn't say anything, she was a small person anyway, she couldn't make it.

   "I haven't been out for a long time and I have no money.

   I want to exchange the spirit stone for five copper coins. Jiang Lan looked at the two and said calmly.

   If he doesn't want to, he wouldn't say a word.

   just change another one.

   "There is no copper coin, but there is gold, here you are." Said Zhou Shu and threw a piece of gold to Jiang Lan:

   "This is a nice reward for you today, no thanks."

   "..." Jiang Lan, who was holding the gold, fell silent and asked:

   "Are there any silver?"

   "The appetite is not small." Zhou Shu gave Jiang Lan broken silver.

   then planned to leave.

   "Take it as a good deed today."

   "Be polite when you see us next time." Lu Qian said to Jiang Lan and followed Zhou Shu to leave.

   They were just about to leave, and they were stopped by Jiang Lan again.

   Then a spiritual stone was placed in Zhou Shu's hand, and he whispered:

   "This is your spiritual stone."

   The voice fell, Jiang Lan turned and left.

   Zhou Shu looked at Jiang Lan who was leaving, somewhat surprised:

   "What's the matter with this person?

   Don’t even give gold? "

   "We seem to have made a profit." Lu Qian said.

   "We were rewarded by him? I feel insulted."

"me too."

   The two were a little angry, but there are still things to do today, and they didn't plan to have general knowledge of Jiang Lan.

   and then went to other places.

   "I heard that the Dragon Race and the Monster Race are going to win and lose recently, I don't know if it will affect us.

   If it is not good to go back, it will be over. "

   "I don't know, but it's a pity to miss that ceremony. I haven't seen the goddess."

   "People who go out on missions feel it a pity, but at that time we were too weak and we might not be able to see if we didn't go out."

   "Yes, maybe I still have a chance to meet."

   The two chatted with each other and gradually moved away.

   Jianglan immediately returned to the place where the sugar haws were sold, and successfully bought two bunches of candied haws.

   put the candied haws in the red gourd, and he planned to bring something to the master.

   went around, but didn't find anything suitable.

   finally decided to buy a pot of good wine for Master.

   buy another two catties of beef in sauce.


   Old Wine Inn.

  The boy cleaned the floor and said:

   "Grandpa, I heard that the Celestial Clan is fighting with the Tianyufeng Clan, is it true?"

   "It's a fight, but a small fight will not kill you." The boss said, preparing for the good wine in his hand.

   "Can I go over and take a look?" Young Master tried to ask.

   "Go to die?" The boss said without looking up.

   "I am very strong now, and immortals may not be able to do anything with me," the boy said.

   The boss looked up at the young master and smiled:

   "You are the bottom in the great wilderness.

   You are useless as cannon fodder.

   Whenever you complete the last appointment, it will be up to you. "

   After finishing talking, the boss lowered his head and continued to prepare his wine.


   What the young man wanted to say, but he was cut off by the old man before he could say it:

   "The little girl of the Tianyufeng clan, I look down on you.

   Don't think too much. "

   Boy: "......"

   He was not convinced, anyway, he waited into the state of his elder brother, and grandpa couldn't stop him from doing anything he wanted.

"Big brother?"

   When the teenager was still thinking about how to enter Jiang Lan's state of mind, he just happened to see Jiang Lan appear at the gate.

   Yes, Jiang Lan is back.

   It has been two months since he was shopping in Pingtian City.

   Candied haws are sealed by his spells, and they won't break.

After    greeted the teenager, Jiang Lan came to the counter:

   "Boss, a pot of good wine."

   He paid for it.

   "Come for the Xinshen Inn?" The boss took the spirit stone and asked calmly.

   "I hope the boss will give me some advice." Jiang Lan bowed his head respectfully.

   "Your wine." The boss pushed a pot of good wine to Jiang Lan.

   then took out another book and handed it over:

   "It takes a price to let me teach this little old man. This thing seems to be nothing, but you can't afford it.

   I will ask your master to pay.

   Don't worry, it has no effect on your master.

   The day after you left, I found him.

   has been paid now. "

   Jiang Lan was a little surprised, but still accepted the book.

   After a thank you, Jiang Lan turned and left.

   He had to go back and ask Master what the price was.

   Next time, I can't come to the innkeeper to ask questions. You must make it clear after you ask, and he will pay the price.

   He has grown up, and he can handle many things on his own.

   Don’t let the master be tired.

   Jiang Lan left, the boy did not have time to prepare peanuts.

   "Grandpa, I think I will be in the mood of my big brother in two years.

   Then you will let him come to the store. "Young Master said suddenly.

   The boss glanced at the boy with deep meaning.

remarkably brave.

   Then he looked at Jiang Lan who was leaving.

   "The spirit and spirit are different. The experience of this trip is indeed very different for him."

   "Every time I haven't seen him for a long time, I feel that he is walking very far."

   "I don't know what will happen in the future."



[Reading red envelopes] Follow the public account [Book Friends Base Camp] Reading books can draw up to 888 cash red envelopes!

   Leaving the inn, Jiang Lan went straight to the Ninth Peak.

   left for more than four years.

For a long time.

   Xiaoyu's true meaning of cutting the dragon should have expired too, I don't know if it will affect her.

   I planned to come back in three years. Unfortunately, UU reading www.uukanshu.com was more than a year late.

   There were no twists and turns on the road, Jiang Lan returned to the Ninth Peak and came to Taolin.

   He walked inside step by step, planning to go back to see the yard first, and then to see the master, and then to tell Xiao Yu that he was back.

   only when he got near the yard.

   found out that it was the blooming season.

   The surrounding flowers began to bloom.

   Soon he saw a beautiful figure, squatting among the flowers.

   Blue and white clothing, simple high ponytail, delicate and smart.

   Soon Xiao Yu turned his head and looked over.

   The moment she saw Jiang Lan, she smiled.

   In the sun, smiling like a flower.

   "The flowers in the yard are about to bloom, I thought they were waiting for a good weather.

   I didn't expect that I was waiting for my younger brother to come back. "

   The courtyard is full of flowers, and the fragrance is blowing across the face.

   The breeze blows, blowing the flowers, blowing the ends of the light rain, and also blowing Jiang Lan's state of mind.

   He looked at Xiao Yu, smiling, and said:

   "Sister, long time no see."



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